Newsletter 2: Monday 17 March 2025
For the Calendar
Week 7, Term 1 2025
- Monday 17/3/25: St Patrick's Day, NAPLAN, Harmony Week, Year 12 Assessment Block begins
- Tuesday 18/3/25: NAPLAN, Harmony Week, Year 12 Assessment Block continues
- Wednesday 19/3/25: Solemnity of St Joseph, NAPLAN, Harmony Week, Year 12 Assessment Block continues, Year 12 RSA Training (3:30pm - 6:30pm), Community Access Excursions
- Thursday 20/3/25: NAPLAN, Harmony Week, Year 12 Assessment Block continues, Year 7 2026 Principal's Tours (9:30am & 4:00pm, by appointment only), LEAD (Year 11 & 12), Year 7 2026 Enrolment Visit to Holy Family (rescheduled)
- Friday 21/3/25: Year 12 Assessment Block continues, NAPLAN Catch Up, Harmony Week, Harmony Day BBQ, LEAD (Year 11 & 12), Year 7 2026 Enrolment Visit to St Francis Xavier (rescheduled)
Week 8, Term 1 2025
- Monday 24/3/25: Year 12 Assessment Block continues, Ngalwaa Bulaan Gii Cultural Camp, Year 9 Child Studies (B) Excursion to St Anne's Daycare
- Tuesday 25/3/25: The Annunciation, Year 12 Assessment Block continues, Ngalwaa Bulaan Gii Cultural Camp, Transitus (Year 7), Xavier Opens the Doors! (4pm - 6pm)
- Wednesday 26/3/25: Year 12 Assessment Block continues, Ngalwaa Bulaan Gii Cultural Camp, Transitus (Year 7), Diocesan Swimming Championships @ Lismore, Diocesan Opens Basketball @ Coffs Harbour
- Thursday 27/3/25: Year 12 Assessment Block continues, Ngalwaa Bulaan Gii Cultural Camp, Diocesan Opens Basketball @ Coffs Harbour, University of Sydney Lunch Presentation (Year 11 & 12), XCC Parent Group Meeting (5:45pm)
- Friday 28/3/25: Final day of Year 12 Assessment Block
- Saturday 29/3/25: McAuley House Mass @ St Francis Xavier Church, Ballina (5:30pm)
Week 9, Term 1 2025
- Tuesday 1/4/25: Year 7-10 Progress Reports released, Insight Surveys released, HSC Artmaking Afternoon (3:30pm - 5pm)
- Wednesday 2/4/25: Faber House Liturgy, Diocesan Opens Soccer @ Lismore, Northern Country Rugby League Trial, Community Access Excursion, NSWCCC Swimming Championships @ Sydney
- Thursday 3/4/25: Year 7 Parent/Teacher Conferences (3:40pm - 6:30pm), NSWCCC Swimming Championships @ Sydney, Year 9 Child Studies (A) Excursion to St Anne's Daycare
- Friday 4/4/25: Diocesan Netball Trials @ Coffs Harbour, Year 8 Brainstorm Presentation, Year 12 Catholic Faith in Action Incursion
- Sunday 6/4/25: Diocesan Kairos Retreat (Year 11 & 12), Melanoma March
Week 10, Term 1 2025
- Monday 7/4/25: Diocesan Kairos Retreat
- Tuesday 8/4/25: Diocesan Kairos Retreat, Year 12 HSIE Excursion to Sydney, Year 7 Brainstorm Presentation, Rugby Union Boys (U16 & Opens)
- Wednesday 9/4/25: Diocesan Kairos Retreat, Year 12 HSIE Excursion to Sydney
- Thursday 10/4/25: Year 12 HSIE Excursion to Sydney
- Friday 11/4/25: Stations of the Cross Liturgy, Championship Cross Country, Whole School Fun Run
School Holiday Dates
Monday 13/4/25 – Friday 25/4/25: School Holidays
Monday 13/4/25 – Saturday 19/4: Holy Week
Thursday 17/4/25: Holy Thursday
Friday 18/4/25: Good Friday
Saturday 19/4/25: Holy Saturday
Sunday 20/4/25: Easter Sunday
Monday 21/4/25: Easter Monday
Friday 25/4/25: ANZAC Day
Term 2 Dates
All students return for Term 2 on Tuesday 29 April 2025.
Principal's Message
Dear Parents, Carers, Students, and Friends of the Xavier Catholic College Community,
As we pass the midpoint of Term 1, I want to take a moment to acknowledge the resilience and commitment of our school community. Despite the recent weather event, which resulted in the cancellation of school days and some superficial damage to the College, we have experienced a very settled and productive term. I am pleased to report that we have now fully resumed operations and continue to move forward with strength and unity.
I sincerely hope that our families have not been too severely impacted by the weather. Our thoughts and prayers are with each family that has been affected, and I encourage you to reach out if there is anything the College can do to assist during this time.
As we now approach the final four weeks of Term 1, our students in Years 7–12 will be engaging with their assessment tasks. This period is crucial, and I urge all students to take full responsibility for their learning. Success does not come by chance — it is achieved through dedication, perseverance, and a commitment to academic growth. I encourage every student to make the most of their class time, seek clarification when needed, and develop strong study habits. Consistency and effort in preparing for assessments will not only help them achieve their best results but also instil lifelong learning skills.
We greatly appreciate the ongoing support from our parents and carers in fostering a positive and productive learning environment. By working together, we ensure that each student can reach their full potential. Please encourage your children to remain focused, organised, and proactive in their studies.
If you have any concerns or need any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at the College.
As we have now entered the sacred season of Lent, we are reminded of the importance of reflection, renewal, and spiritual growth. This past week, our College community came together in prayer to mark the beginning of this significant journey. While our Ash Wednesday liturgy was delayed due to the recent cyclonic weather, our commitment to embracing the Lenten season remained steadfast.
Throughout our time together, we have emphasised what it truly means to be a student in a Catholic school during Lent. This period calls us to deepen our faith, practice self-discipline, and embrace acts of kindness and service. We have reflected on the key elements of Lent—prayer, fasting, and almsgiving—and how these guide us in our daily lives.
A special feature of our Lenten observance this year has been the placement of our central Cross in the middle of the College Green. This serves as a powerful reminder to our students of the journey we are undertaking together, leading us towards Easter, the most significant time in our liturgical calendar.
As we move through this Lenten season, we need to continue to support one another in faith and action, strengthening our bonds as a community and growing closer to God. Let us all embrace this time of preparation with open hearts, knowing that our journey together will lead us to the joy of Easter.
This week, our Year 7 and Year 9 students will be participating in the NAPLAN assessments. These tests provide an opportunity for students to demonstrate their understanding of literacy and numeracy
It is important to remember that the NAPLAN tests do not totally define a student’s ability or potential. Rather, it serves as one of many assessments we use at Xavier Catholic College to support student learning and growth. These results, alongside other assessments, help us better understand students’ strengths and areas for development.
Our students should approach these tests with confidence and a positive mindset. There is no need for them to feel anxious—we simply ask them to do their best and show what they know. Think of NAPLAN as another opportunity to receive valuable feedback that can help guide your learning journey.
Students should remember that these tests are unable to measure all of what it is that makes them the valued person they are. The people who have created these tests and those who mark them don’t know a student as well as their parents and their teachers know them and their abilities.
Our students have the full support of the College throughout this process. We encourage every student to ensure their best effort in the tests and use this experience as a step towards continued development.
On behalf of all the staff at Xavier Catholic College, best wishes to all our students for the upcoming NAPLAN assessments.
Xavier Opens The Doors Enrolment Information Afternoon
We are moving into the important enrolment phase where we invite prospective families to join us at the College for a tour and to seek further information about the College.
This year we are holding a Xavier Catholic College, Ballina ‘Opens the Doors’ afternoon on Tuesday, 25 March 2025, from 4pm to 6pm. This special evening is designed for families who are considering enrolling their child at Xavier in 2025 (Years 7–11) or in 2026 (Years 7–12).
We invite families to come on a tour with our senior students and explore:
- Our outstanding facilities.
- Meet our dedicated Leaders of Learning and Assistant Leaders of Learning and discover the rich academic, cultural, faith-based and sporting opportunities we offer.
- Ask questions about enrolment, the curriculum, the extra-curricular opportunities and student life at Xavier.
- Enjoy a relaxed sausage sizzle and connect with staff and other families who are also considering joining our College.
- Collect a Xavier Welcome Pack to begin your enrolment journey at the College.
We are proud to provide a nurturing and inclusive learning environment at Xavier where students are encouraged to grow academically, socially, and spiritually.
Our Open the Doors evening is the perfect chance for our visitors to see what makes Xavier Catholic College such a special place for students to learn and thrive. Families can visit our website to book in for tours at 4pm, 4:15pm, 4:30pm, 4:45pm, 5pm, 5:15pm and 5:30pm.
Please help us spread the word about enrolment in 2025 and in 2026 at Xavier. Our doors are open for prospective families on Tuesday 25 March.
I once again offer my congratulations and thanks to:
- The great majority of our students who are wearing their uniform with pride and following College regulations.
- Our students for the respect and reverence they have shown at our Lent Liturgy, at House Assemblies, and at our Year Assemblies. Student behaviour at these events has been exemplary.
- Our students who regularly display kindness, respect and gratitude, by saying hello, smiling, saying please and thank you. This makes a huge difference in our community.
- Our students who are putting others in front of themselves.
We also celebrate the accomplishments of our students who continue to step up in their academic work, showing their resilience, determination, and excellence. Academic success comes as a result of hard work and perseverance. I commend our students for rising up to the expectations that are set by their teachers and for achieving great outcomes.
Rescheduled Xavier Parent Group Meeting — Term 1
Unfortunately, we had to postpone our scheduled Xavier Parent Group Meeting on Thursday 6 March due to the weather and the closure of the College on that day. We have rescheduled the next meeting of the Xavier Parent Group to now take place on Thursday 27 March from 5:45pm to 7pm in the Staff Common Room in the main Administration Block (access via the Front Office). Join us for an opportunity to meet and discuss College matters and initiatives. We need to listen to your voice!
At our first meeting this year we will be looking at our College improvement goals for 2025. We look forward to any input you have to offer us.
Drinks and nibbles to kick off the meeting from 5:45pm. You are very welcome to attend and participate!

Reminder: Extended Travel During the School Term
Travel outside of the scheduled College holiday periods for family vacations, etc., is not encouraged as this can impact students' learning progression. If this travel is necessary, it will be counted as an absence for statistical purposes.
Where a student will be absent from the College during term time for a period of less than 10 days (3-9 days), families will need to email the College Attendance Officer in advance of the requested leave period at The requested leave period will then be forwarded to the College Principal, who will respond to the family and notify teaching staff. Please do not email teaching staff directly about the requested leave.
Where a student is requesting an absence from the College during term time for a period of 10 days or greater, parents/carers, as a legal requirement, must complete the Form 01 (Extended Leave Notification: Travel/Other Greater Than 10 Days) application and return it to the College’s Attendance Officer before the intended leave period at The College Principal will then review the requested leave form, and a response will be issued.
Please note that travel within a College term is recorded as an absence for statistical purposes.
Term & Holiday Dates — 2025
Term 1 – 2025
- End of Term 1 for all students: Friday 11 April (10-week term)
- School holidays - Monday 14 April - Friday 26 April
- 2025 Easter Break: Good Friday 18 April to Easter Monday 21 April
Term 2 – 2025
- Commences for students: Tuesday 29 April (Student-Free Day on Monday 28 April)
- End of Term 2 for all students: Friday 4 July (10-week term)
- School holidays - Monday 7 July - Friday 18 July
We Have Space for Student Enrolments in 2025
The College is currently accepting additional enrolments for Years 7 to 12 for the 2025 academic year. We encourage parents and carers to share information about our College within the community to inspire additional enrolments. Interested families can contact our Enrolments Team for more details or to arrange a meeting with the Principal to discuss enrolling at Xavier this year. We look forward to welcoming new families to our Xavier community.
May this Jubilee Year inspire us all to be Pilgrims of Hope, walking together towards a future filled with promise.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if I can support you in any way.
Mr Lee MacMaster
College Principal

Medical Conditions & Student Care Plans
As part of the College's duty of care, we must keep up-to-date action plans for students with recorded serious medical concerns, such as asthma or anaphylaxis.
Action plans must be reviewed every 12 months in line with the College's health support planning. This forms part of our obligations under the WHS Act 2011 to ensure students are not exposed to risks to their health and safety while at school.
If your child's action plan is out of date, please provide a new plan to the College via email ( as soon as possible.
If you have any questions or wish to review your child's recorded medical details, please email the College (
Thank you for your support!
Assistant Principal: Learning & Teaching
As we pass the midpoint of the Term, I would like to express my gratitude to students, families and staff for a successful start to the year. While not without its challenges, Term 1 has unfolded with each day providing rich learning and teaching opportunities as we strive to live our commitment to excellence and equity in education.
While we spend countless hours in meticulous planning to ensure the College's strategic and operational success, we were surprised by the advent of a tropical cyclone! The community response to Cyclone Alfred has once again demonstrated the strength and adaptability of our College. I am truly impressed by the manner in which students, families and staff have supported each other to overcome the challenges associated with this serious weather event. In working together, we have again found comfort, strength, and a renewed sense of cohesion and purpose.
After a short delay due to Cyclone Alfred, students in Years 7 and 9 will undertake NAPLAN testing this week. One of the main features of the NAPLAN Online format is that it is a tailored (or adaptive) test. The tailored test provides a more precise assessment of your child’s performance in the areas of reading, language conventions (grammar, spelling and punctuation) and numeracy by adapting to responses. As your child progresses through the test, questions may be easier or more difficult, to better assess his or her ability. Your child should not be concerned if he or she finds the questions more difficult than expected – the pathway may be more challenging. Not every student doing the online test will answer the same questions in the same order. Your child’s NAPLAN results and scores are based on the number and complexity of questions he or she has answered correctly.
NAPLAN tests will be conducted during during periods 1-4 on the following days:
- Monday 17 March - Writing
- Tuesday 18 March - Reading
- Wednesday 19 March - Conventions of Language
- Thursday 20 March - Numeracy
Students who are absent on test days will be required to sit catch-up tests.
For more information:
Over previous weeks, students in Years 7 and 8 have been engaging in DIBELS testing which helps teachers and schools determine how students are performing on important reading skills. The College will use this information to support us in ensuring that all students are on track to become accurate and fluent readers. This aligns with the College's goal to improve students’ reading outcomes.
Encouraging regular and varied reading at home is one valuable way that families can support their child’s reading development.
Year 7-10 Progress Reports
At the end of Week 8, students in Years 7-10 will receive a Progress Report, which focuses on students’ learning behaviours. In an effort to increase the regularity and frequency of information provided to parents and carers, Progress Reports will be issued in Terms 1 and 3, in alternate terms to formal academic reports. We recognise parents are their children's first teachers, and in building partnerships between home and school, we have the opportunity to improve students’ learning and wellbeing outcomes.
Xavier College is committed to developing a positive, safe, and supportive learning culture. Our whole-school approach to a Consistent Classroom Climate assists in improving social, emotional, behavioural, and academic outcomes. We challenge and support students to develop learning behaviours that benefit each individual and the College as a whole.
Year 7-10 Reflection on Learning & Goal Setting
Following receipt of the Progress Report, I strongly encourage parents and carers to work with their child/ren to complete a Reflection and Goal Setting activity, working through three simple steps:
- Respond to a series of questions that guide students to reflect on and evaluate their learning behaviours
- Set a learning goal for the term ahead to encourage students to be accountable for improving their learning, in partnership with parents and teachers
- Identify three actions to empower each individual to achieve their learning goal.
More specific information regarding how to complete these steps will be sent via Compass.
Successful learning requires individuals who know how to use feedback, reflect, and self-evaluate to establish personal learning goals. All students are capable of learning growth through consistent effort and application. We recognise parents are their children's first teachers, and in building partnerships between home and school, we can improve students’ learning and wellbeing outcomes.
Please take the time to work through these steps with your child.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Year 7 Parent/Teacher Interviews are scheduled for Thursday 3 April (Week 9). Students are encouraged to attend the interviews with their parents as a way to receive valuable feedback on their learning.
Parents will be notified when bookings are open. Bookings for Parent/Teacher Interviews will be made via Compass. If you have any difficulties accessing the Parent Portal, please contact the Helpdesk on 6618 0123. This video may support you in making bookings via Compass, or you can view the flyer at the link below.
Year 11 and 12 Parent/Teacher Interviews are scheduled for Week 3 of Term 2 to allow for discussions regarding Year 12 Mid-Course Reports.
Supporting Students with Assessment Tasks
As we approach the end of term, assessment tasks typically fall due, and it is important that students keep an eye on their assessment calendar (linked below). All tasks are clearly outlined on Assessment Task Notification sheets, available on Google Classroom.
It’s normal for students to feel stressed when preparing for assessment and for parents to share this stress. A bit of stress aids success by increasing motivation, but at high levels, it becomes unhelpful and can reduce academic performance. When pre-assessment stress is normal, it’s short-term (such as a few days or weeks around the tasks, but subsides once they are over). The attached NESA Information Sheet is designed to help parents support their children in preparing for exams by recognising when stress is too much and, if it is, how to reduce it.
Assessment Calendars may be viewed via the College website under Assessment Information.
Ms Carmel Zuino
Absence from Assessment Procedure
For students in Years 10, 11 & 12
If your child is unable to complete upcoming assessment tasks or requires special consideration at this time, please encourage them to speak with their classroom teacher or the relevant Leader of Learning.
They must also submit a response to the Absence from Assessment & Request For Special Consideration form, which will be used to consider individual circumstances whereby extensions or alternate tasks may be deemed most appropriate for a particular student.
Please note that your child must submit the form using their school login details. Parents are unable to submit on behalf of their children.
Assistant Principal: Mission
Year Level Assemblies
This year, we continue to focus on the College’s Strategic Improvement Priority: Building upon existing structures and programs (House System, PC, Camps, Retreats) to enhance quality opportunities for Year Level-based experiences beyond the classroom.
During Community Time in Week 4, we held our first Year Level Assemblies for 2025, bringing each of the six cohorts together for key information and reinforcing their year-level focus areas. Each year level has a theme to guide their journey throughout the year:
- Year 12 – Goals and Graduation
- Year 11 – Leadership and Legacy
- Year 10 – Step Up… to the White Shirt
- Year 9 – Growth and Gratitude
- Year 8 – Challenge and Consolidate
- Year 7 – Begin and Belong
These assemblies provide valuable opportunities to connect with students and support their development, complementing the strong pastoral structures already in place at the College.
Living the Four Cs of Jesuit Education
This year, we are dedicating each term to promoting and living out the four Cs of Jesuit education: Competence, Conscience, Compassion, and Commitment. In Term 1, our focus is on Conscience—cultivating an awareness of what is right and just in our daily lives.
How can we develop a strong sense of conscience within our community?
- Self-Reflection and Discernment – Encourage students to regularly reflect on their actions and decisions. Jesuit education emphasises discernment—seeking God’s guidance in every choice. Take a moment each day to consider: Are my actions aligned with my values? Is this the right choice?
- Cura Personalis (Care for the Whole Person) – Remind students that caring for themselves and others is central to being people of conscience. Jesuit values call us to respect and nurture the dignity of every person. Be kind, supportive, and respectful to classmates, teachers, and the wider community.
- Commitment to Justice and Service – Conscience calls us to act in the service of justice. Jesuit education encourages us to advocate for the marginalised, stand up against unfairness, and contribute to meaningful change. Get involved in volunteering, fundraising, or speaking up when you see injustice.
- Courage and Moral Integrity – Living with integrity means making the right choice, even when it’s difficult. Standing by your values, speaking out against wrongdoing, and admitting mistakes all require courage. Choose honesty, even when it’s not the easiest path.
By embracing these principles, we foster a community where students grow into thoughtful, ethical leaders who act with integrity and compassion.
Calling all McAuley House Members
As we continue to grow as a faith-filled community, the Xavier Catholic College Mission Team warmly invites all families and friends to join us for our House Masses throughout the year.
Following the success of the Campion House Mass, we now look forward to our next gathering — the McAuley House Mass on Saturday 29 March at 5:30 pm, to be held at St Francis Xavier Catholic Church (Corner of Crane St & Cherry St, Ballina). Students from McAuley House will take on special roles as readers and ministers, helping to lead a meaningful celebration of faith and community.
We encourage strong support for each of our Houses — Campion, Faber, Ignatius, MacKillop, McAuley, and Nagle. These Masses provide a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the spirit of each House while deepening our connection as a College and Parish community. All are welcome to attend. We look forward to seeing you there!
Rescheduled Melanoma March
The Ballina Melanoma March has been rescheduled and remains an important event for our local community. Many staff, students, and families take part in this initiative, raising awareness and showing support for melanoma research and prevention.
The new date is Sunday 6 April 2025 at Missingham Park. The event begins at 7:30 am, with the walk commencing at 8:30 am.
We encourage everyone to get involved — it’s a great opportunity to come together for a meaningful cause. We hope to see you there!
Save the Date – ANZAC Day March 2025
The Ballina RSL Sub-Branch warmly invites our entire College community to take part in the ANZAC Day March on Friday, 25 April 2025. This is a significant opportunity to publicly acknowledge and remember the service and sacrifice of our veterans and serving personnel.
As ANZAC Day falls at the end of the Autumn school holidays, we encourage as many students as possible to participate. A Google Form will be sent out next week for students who wish to march.
Additionally, the College Drum Corps has begun rehearsals and welcomes new members. Rehearsals take place every Monday and Wednesday in JM1 — all are welcome to join.
We hope to see a strong turnout from our Xavier Catholic College students as we come together to honour this important tradition.
Rescheduled Year 7 Belonging Night Picnic
Due to the recent weather event, we have had to reschedule our Year 7 Belonging Night Picnic. With a busy calendar for the remainder of the term, we have moved the event to the start of Term 2.
The new date is Thursday 1 May with an earlier 4:30 pm start.
We look forward to welcoming our Year 7 families for an evening that offers insight into our learning and pastoral care structure, but more importantly, an opportunity to connect with new families and strengthen our parent community network.
Mr Peter Fear
Catechesis & Evangelisation
We are in the season of Lent, that beautiful time of preparation for Easter. Just as Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness, away from distractions to pray, and to prepare for his earthly ministry, we too can take up the opportunity to live more simply during this time, focus on giving, and pay more attention to our spirituality and prayer life.
Like many in the region, our College's Ash Wednesday liturgy was disrupted by Cyclone Alfred. Our priority shifted to ensuring the safety of our students and staff, and we took necessary precautions to prepare for the cyclone's arrival.
As a result, we had a liturgy this week to commemorate the season of Lent. In this liturgy, I reminded students of how Lent is very similar to the preparations we may have made to get our homes ready for the cyclone — putting away loose items that may have caused damage, bringing valuable things into safe places and caring for our family and friends. Lent is a similar preparation, a time to take stock of the things in our lives that may be unhelpful, distracting, or even damaging to our relationships with others and to fast from them. We can adopt or invest more time in practices such as prayer and have an outward focus that looks to others in generosity.
At the conclusion of our Lent liturgy, our whole College community assembled around a beautiful new symbol in our College Green: a timber cross. This cross, now at the heart of our College, serves as a reminder of the hope we have in Christ. This will remain in our College for the duration of Lent, as a focus for prayer and as a symbol of our hope.

Project Compassion: Unite Against Poverty
Caritas has launched Project Compassion, and our College will raise funds for this Catholic charity during Lent. There will be collection boxes in each PC group for physical donations, and we are also asking for donations of Easter Eggs for our end-of-term Easter Egg Raffle.

Easter Egg Raffle — Donations Needed!
A much-loved tradition, our end-of-term raffle generates crucial funds for Project Compassion, aiding vulnerable communities in Australia and globally. To support this worthy cause, we ask families to donate Easter eggs or treats, and students to buy raffle tickets. The raffle will be drawn on the last day of this term.
What's On Each Week
Mondays @ Lunch 1 | Student Lent Prayer in the Chapel (Years 7-12) During Lent (Term 1), we meet to read the Gospel of the day and pray from the Jesuit prayerbook, Sacred Space. |
Tuesdays @ Lunch 1 | Senior Ministry Team in the Chapel (Years 11 & 12) We meet to plan ministry activities in the College, to encourage one another, and to connect. |
Thursdays @ Lunch | JOLT Youth Group (Years 7-10, with Years 11 & 12 Leaders) 'Jesus Over Lunch Time' is a lunchtime group focused on connecting with games, fun activities, prayer, building friendships, and learning about Jesus together. |
Mrs Leanne Broadley (Leader of Evangelisation) & Mrs Glenda Brown (Acting Leader of Catechesis)
Pastoral Care
Building a Culture of Respect and Safety
At the heart of our Catholic faith is the call to love one another as Christ loves us. This extends to how we treat others in friendships, relationships, and online interactions. Creating a culture of respect and safety within our College community is a shared responsibility for both online and face-to-face behaviour.
Practical Steps for Parents:
- Open Conversations: Foster trust by talking openly and age-appropriately about online risks and the value of respect in relationships.
- Model Respect: Demonstrate respectful communication and boundaries in your own relationships online and offline.
- Teach Respect: Emphasise the importance of respecting themselves and others, both online and offline.
- Encourage Critical Thinking: Help your young person question the messages they encounter in media and online spaces, including the risks of engaging with or sharing AI-generated images.
- Engage in Faith: Discuss how Catholic teachings guide our understanding of love, respect, and human dignity.
Conversation Starters for Parents:
‘What does respect look like in our relationships with friends and family?’
‘How can we be kind and supportive to others, especially online?’
‘What would you do if someone treated you disrespectfully online or in person?’
‘How can we work together to make our community a safe and respectful place for everyone?’
‘What would you do if you saw a peer being bullied online?’
Request for Prizes for Student Merit Awards
We are seeking donations for prizes to recognise students who exemplify respect and empathy in our College community. These awards will celebrate and encourage positive behaviour, fostering a culture of kindness and understanding among students. Any contributions from our local businesses will help us reward and inspire young individuals who make a difference through their actions. Every prize, big or small, will directly impact our students and reinforce the values we strive to instil. If you would like to support this initiative, please contact me via email (
All prize donations will be raffled on the final day of Term 1 (Friday 11 April 2025). Students will be allocated tickets based on the number of Merits they have received. If their ticket is called, and they are present on the last day of term, they win the prize.
Mr Joel Jukes
Leader of Pastoral Care
Learning & Teaching News

Creative Arts News
Sister Act The Musical Excursion
On 26 February 26, our Year 9 and 10 Creative Arts students had the incredible opportunity to attend the hit musical Sister Act at the Queensland Performing Arts Centre (QPAC) in Brisbane. The students were treated to a vibrant performance filled with catchy songs, impressive choreography, and glittery costumes.
This excursion not only provided a fun and entertaining experience, but also gave students valuable insight into the world of live theatre, enhancing their learning in drama, music, and dance. The students were able to appreciate the hard work behind the scenes, from stage design to vocal performance, deepening their understanding of the creative arts.
A big thank you to all the staff involved in organising this fantastic trip and to the students for representing our school with enthusiasm and respect. We can't wait for the next adventure in the world of performing arts!
Mrs Allysha Hodges
Leader of Creative Arts
Volunteer Hub
At Xavier Catholic College, we believe in the power of giving back to the community and making a tangible difference. Our school motto, Act Justly, serves as a constant reminder that justice isn't just about fairness in the classroom or on the playing field but also about creating a society where we care for one another and work together to build a better world. Volunteering is one of the most meaningful ways we can live out this commitment to justice in our local community. Volunteering is more than just lending a helping hand. It's an opportunity to actively contribute to the wellbeing of others.
Are you ready to act justly? Here are some local opportunities:
College News
Join the College Concert Band!
Do you love music? Want to be part of something special? Come and be a part of our College Concert Band! We're looking for enthusiastic students to play various instruments and to sing. Whether you're into brass, woodwinds, or percussion, there's a spot for you!
Instruments Needed:
- Singers
- Brass: Trumpet, Trombone, Tuba
- Woodwinds: Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone
- Percussion: Drums, Cymbals, Mallets
- Strings: Violin, Cello
- Every Thursday at Lunch
- Location: JM1
Don't miss out on the fun! Whether you're a seasoned player or a beginner, all skill levels are welcome. Come be a part of the music and make your mark in the band! 🎺🥁🎻🎷🎶
See you there!
Sport News
Welcome students and parents to the 2025 sporting year at Xavier Catholic College. Students are asked to check their Compass Newsfeed and emails daily, the XCC Sports Google Classroom, and be aware of team sign up sheets on the Sports Noticeboard.
Google Classroom
All representative opportunities are shared via the XCC Sport Google Classroom, where students can express their interest in trialling for a team. The classroom code to join is vx6wn5k. Please check regularly for updates on trial dates, sign-up sheets, important announcements, and team training requirements.
Diocesan Winter Sports Trials: Soccer, Rugby League, and Touch Football
We are excited to announce the selection of several talented student athletes who will now represent our Diocese at the upcoming CSNSW Representative Trials. Their hard work and dedication to their chosen sports have earned them places on the Diocesan Soccer, Rugby League, and Touch Football teams. These students will travel south to participate in the prestigious CSNSW Trials, where they will compete for spots in the Catholic State Representative teams.
We extend our congratulations to the following students for their outstanding achievements:
Tyler Dogan, Cooper Keane, Jacob Miletic, Caiden Manley, Lucy Bill, Sophie Ranyard, Hayley Patterson (shadow)

Rugby League
Jett Flately, Jed Lyon, Declan Wallace, Lex Izzard, Nate Suckling, Jack Solman, Isla Gillan, Liliana Thompson

Touch Football
Boston Long, Harley Murphy, Max Cribb, Nate Suckling, Ellarose Jukes, Eva Donovan, Ellie McLoughlin, Zali Raudonikis, Layla Keough, Hayley Patterson

Individual Student Achievements
Jack Keough represented Byron Bay Surf Club at the recent State Surf Lifesaving Championships in Manly.
Unfavourable conditions forced the event to move to Collaroy Beach, which presented 3-4 foot shore-dumping waves, thick seaweed, and choppy conditions. Jack held his nerve through the rounds to make it into the Under 13 board race final.
With grit, determination and a little bit of luck from the ocean, Jack led the pack, turning the cans first before pulling down a wave with another competitor and sprinting his way up the beach to take the win.
Congratulations, Jack!
Xavier Catholic College Championship Swimming
On Friday 14 February, 53 swimmers competed at the 2025 Championship Swimming Carnival held at the Ballina Memorial Pool. Congratulations to allof our swimmers on your effort, conduct, and sportsmanship shown throughout the day. The top two placegetters in events will now be eligible to represent the College at the 2025 Lismore Diocesan Swimming Carnival on Thursday 6 March at the Lismore Pool.
2025 Swimming Age Champions
- Under 12 Boys: Patrick Churven
- Under 12 Girls: Madeleine Druzynski
- Under 13 Boys: Alby Zakaras
- Under 13 Girls: Amy Roberts
- Under 14 Boys: Otto De Stefani
- Under 14 Girls: Alexandra Dogan
- Under 15 Boys: Jack Solman
- Under 15 Girls: Abigail Matthews
- Under 16 Boys: Antoni Druzynski
- Under 17 Girls: Keiko Bond-Sheehan
- Under 18 Girls: Hayley Patterson
- Under 18 Boys: Zac Thick
2025 Swimming Records
Congratulations to the following students who set new College swimming records this year:
- U12 Boys: Patrick Churven
- 100m Butterfly (2:46:43)
- U13 Girls: Amy Roberts
- 100m Butterfly (1:31:66)
- U15 Boys: Jack Solman
- 50m Freestyle (27.61)
- 50m Backstroke (33:56)
- 100m Backstroke (1:17:25)
- U17 Girls: Keiko Bond-Sheehan
- 100m Backstroke (1:19.40)
Please review the College's Sport Shoe Policy.
Years 9/10 Integrated Sport
There will be a number of opportunities throughout the year for the students to experience a variety of practical integrated sporting activities. These range from Tennis, Fitness, Lawn Bowls, Ten-Pin Bowling, Pickleball, Beach Games, team sports and many more.
NRCC (Northern River Catholic Colleges)
The NRCC sporting competition has grown in 2025 to include boys and girls from Years 7 - 12. The NRCC Draw can be found on the College website under the Co-Curricular link and is also linked here.
College Website – Sport Link
When visiting the College Website, please use the Co-Curricular Link and then the Sports Link to find:
- Integrated Sport Term 1 calendars
- 2025 NRCC Draw
- Contact Sport Permission
- Swimwear Policy
- Sports Shoe Policy
- Lismore Diocesan Sport Website
- NSWCCC (CSNSW) Website
- School Sport NSW Website
Mouthguards are compulsory for all contact training/sports including Rugby League, Rugby Union, AFL, and Hockey. The 2025 Contact Sports permission note Google Form will be emailed to all parents via Compass.
NSWCCC (CSNSW) Representative Sporting Links (these are not XCC Teams)
Students who are interested in nominating to trial for ‘Individual’ NSWCCC Representative Sports should use the link below and read all of the associated information carefully with your parent/guardian:
Canteen News
Volunteering in the Canteen is a great opportunity to meet other parents and to be involved in your child/children's school life.
- Arrive at school by 8:45am and park on the street.
- Go to the Office to sign in and receive your Visitor Badge.
- Head to the Canteen where you can prepare for the day’s lunch orders.
- Volunteers receive lunch, and their children receive a $5 canteen voucher.
- Finish time is approximately 1:30-2:00pm, depending on how busy the day is.
- If you cannot make your rostered day, please email or phone the College beforehand on 6618 0180.
- Text message reminders are sent on Wednesdays the week before your rostered day.
- Reminder: All Canteen volunteers need a volunteer Working With Children Check before starting with us. This is free for volunteers, and you can apply via Service NSW.
Our recess and lunch order cutoff time is 8:45am.
Please visit our website for the 2025 Canteen Roster.
Community News

Byron Bay FC 2025 kicking off now!
Registrations are now open for season 2025 at
- Miniroos teams for players 5-11 - mixed and girls only teams
- SAP Advanced player program for players 8-11, trials commencing 18th of Feb
- Youth teams 12-16 - trials commencing 18th of Feb
- Senior mens and womens 17/18 and up training now
All details are on our website, Come join the biggest club in the bay, all players new and experienced welcome!