Newsletter 12: Monday 23 December 2024
Office Hours During School Holidays
Please be advised that, during the school holiday break, the College's office will be operating with reduced staff. If you have any questions during the holidays, please email one of the addresses below:
- General enquiries
- Finance enquiries
These email addresses will be monitored during the school holidays. Due to limited staffing, there may be some delays in response. We appreciate your patience in this regard.
We look forward to seeing you again next year!
For the Calendar
Week 1, Term 1 2025 - Student Return Dates
- Friday 31/1/25 and Monday 3/2/25: Staff Professional Learning Days (student-free days)
- Tuesday 4/2/25: Students in Years 7, 11 and 12 return
- Wednesday 5/2/25: All students return
Principal's Message
Dear Parents, Carers, Students, and Friends of the Xavier Catholic College Community,
As we close the curtain on another academic year, I take this opportunity to reflect on the journey we have shared throughout 2024. It has been a year of growth, collaboration, and success, all made possible by the support of our dedicated staff, and committed students and families.
I extend my heartfelt thanks to each of you for contributing to our vibrant College community. Whether through your encouragement at home, active participation in College life, or collaboration with our staff, your support has been instrumental in nurturing the achievements and well-being of our students.
As we prepare to celebrate the joyous season of Christmas, may the blessings of this special time fill your homes with peace, love, and gratitude. May the New Year bring hope, renewal, and optimism as we embrace the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.
Looking forward to 2025, we are committed to continuing our journey of growth and improvement. Together, we will work collaboratively—staff, students, and families alike—to ensure Xavier Catholic College remains a place where every student feels valued, supported, and empowered to achieve their full potential.
Thank you for being part of our College family. May you and your loved ones enjoy a safe and blessed Christmas, and may the New Year bring abundant joy and prosperity.
2025 Jubilee - Pilgrims of Hope & 25 Years of Xavier
As we prepare to step into 2025, a year of profound significance, it is my privilege to reflect on the journey that has brought us to this moment and to share my hopes for the year ahead. This year marks two significant milestones: The Catholic Church's Jubilee Year proclaimed by Pope Francis and the celebration of our own College's 25th anniversary. Both occasions invite us to reflect, renew, and move forward with purpose.
Pope Francis has beautifully articulated the theme for the Jubilee Year: Pilgrims of Hope. This theme resonates deeply, urging us to be people of faith who dare to overcome boundaries and extend our hearts to others. It is a call to action, reminding us that, as a global community, we are united in our journey of hope and resilience.
This theme holds special meaning for us at Xavier College as we commemorate 25 years of education, faith, and community since our founding in 2000. Over the years, our College has grown into a vibrant, nurturing environment where students are encouraged to strive for excellence, embody compassion, and live out our Catholic values. These milestones call us to look back with gratitude and to step forward with courage and unity.
The Jubilee invites us to journey together and embrace the hope that comes from building strong relationships, fostering inclusivity, and living out our shared mission. As a College community, we are called to reflect on how we can continue to break down barriers, support one another, and create a future filled with promise and possibility.
My hope for 2025 is that we embrace this theme of hope as a united Xavier family. Let us strive to strengthen our bonds, celebrate our diversity, and nurture the gifts of every member of our community. By walking this path together, we honour the spirit of the Jubilee Year and our College’s legacy of 25 years.
In the months ahead, there will be many opportunities to reflect on our shared journey, including liturgies, community events, and special projects that highlight our commitment to being Pilgrims of Hope. I encourage everyone—students, staff, parents, and alumni—to actively participate in these celebrations and to embrace the spirit of renewal and unity that this year offers.
Let us enter 2025 with faith, hope, and love, confident in the knowledge that we are stronger together. May the Jubilee Year inspire us to overcome boundaries and continue to grow as a community rooted in faith and service.
Staff Changes – End of 2024 & Commencement of 2025
At the close of the 2024 academic year, we farewell a number of members of staff as they leave the College to commence new employment opportunities. The following staff members are leaving us after lengthy time at the College, and we wish them well in their future endeavours:
- David Eyles – 25 years of service
- Maria Casamento – 22 years of service
- Louise Eyles – 11 years of service
- Joanne McIntosh – 25 years of service
- Nai Conlon – 8 years of service
The following staff members conclude contracts at the College and we wish them well in their future endeavours:
- Kellie Coates
- Amy De Roma
- Amy Fear
- Bryn Base
- Jessie Kernaghan
- Emily Keys
- Layla Rudenauer
- Leanne McFadden
- Joanne Scotcher
- James Dawson
- Genevieve Maguire
- Russell Asser
- Malia James.
The following staff members will be on leave from the College in 2025:
- Sam Kennedy
- Mary Howard
- Louise Weir
- Karen Brown (Semester 1)
- Carla Ghanimeh (Term 1)
- Rod Balkin (Term 1).
The following staff members have been seconded to work in other schools and organisations during 2025:
- Madeline Beveridge – Seconded to The Chancery (2025)
- Nick Jones – Seconded to St John’s College, Woodlawn (2025)
- Emily Webster – Seconded to St Mary’s Catholic College, Casino (2025 – 2027).
The following staff members step into new leadership roles at the College in 2025 and we wish them well. We also thank the staff moving from these positions at the end of the year for their dedicated service to the Xavier community:
- Glenda Brown (Leader of Catechesis & Leader of Ignatian Spirituality)
- Leanne Broadley (Leader of School Evangelisation)
- Joel Jukes (Leader of Pastoral Care)
- Emma Smith (Leader of Curriculum)
- Timothy Hepburn (Leader of Learning – HSIE)
- Allysha Hodges (Leader of Learning – Creative Arts)
- Karina Lampe (Leader of Learning – VET)
- Malwina Dwyer (Assistant Leader of Learning – Religious Education)
- Barbara Daley (Assistant Leader of Learning – Mathematics)
- Andrea Grimster (Assistant Leader of Learning – Science)
- Clint McCarthy (Leader of Sport)
- Nattalie Schreenan (Head of House – Nagle)
- Ebony Milgate (Leader of Literacy)
- Georgia Quinn (Leader of Transition & Engagement)
- Nikki Cronan (Enhancing Mathematical Understanding (EMU) Coordinator)
- Barbara Daley (High Potential Learners)
- Graham Black (Timetabling Coordinator)
- Frances Jankowski (Literacy Intervention Leader)
Annual College Awards
The Annual Years 7 – 11 College Awards Presentations took place on Tuesday 17 December. This significant celebration allowed us the opportunity to present awards to students for academic, cultural, sporting, leadership and service excellence. It was great to be joined at the ceremony by our special invited guests, Professor Tyrone Carlin, President and Vice Chancellor of Southern Cross University, the Honourable Ben Franklin MLC, and Mr Ian Wunsch. It was also wonderful to have many parents and carers in attendance to witness their children receiving their prestigious award/s.
I congratulate all our awards recipients for 2024 for their dedication, commitment and strong support of the College.
We were blessed to have Professor Carlin deliver an outstanding and inspiring keynote address to the gathered community. Many thanks to Professor Carlin for his insightful words.
In my address, I noted the following:
“At Xavier Catholic College, success is not measured solely by academic results or accolades. While these are significant and worthy of celebration, true success lies in the attributes that define us as members of this community: resilience, perseverance, compassion, and a commitment to personal excellence. These qualities underpin what it means to be an achiever at Xavier Catholic College.
So, what are the factors that help students achieve success? At our College, success stems from a combination of dedication, a growth mindset, and the support of a nurturing environment. Our students excel because they are encouraged to embrace challenges, learn from setbacks, and persist in the face of adversity. Importantly, their success is bolstered by the collaborative efforts of our staff, the unwavering encouragement of parents, and the inspiration drawn from their peers. Together, these elements create a foundation for holistic growth and achievement.”
Enrolments for the 2025 academic year have been strong and we look forward to welcoming close to 900 students to Xavier for the start of Term 1.
We still have some enrolment spaces across Years 7 – 11 if you are aware of families still interested in joining our wonderful Xavier community in 2025. Interested families can apply online (via the College website) and contact the College at
Thank you to the families who have now notified us that their son/daughter will not be attending Xavier Catholic College in 2025. This is greatly appreciated. If you are relocating or moving your child to another school, please notify us at Thank you.
College Annual Improvement Goals – 2025
The College has worked diligently across the 2024 academic year to realise the improvement goals established for the current year. My thanks to the staff who have driven and enabled these goals, resulting in improved student outcomes over the coming years.
In preparation for the 2025 academic year, the following College improvement goals have been set and we look forward to working hard next year to achieve these aspirational but realistic goals.
Enlivened Catholic Identity (ECI)
- ECI Goal 1: Enliven the mission of Jesus Christ through our Ignatian charism across our parent, staff, and student community, while actively responding to and implementing the feedback from the 2025 Ignatian Ethos & Identity Review.
Thriving Learners (TL)
- TL Goal 1: Continue to build teachers’ collective capacity to use evidence-based pedagogy, committed to reading, writing, critical and creative thinking.
- TL Goal 2: Ignite students’ curiosity and engagement through content-rich learning experiences within the NSW Curriculum Reform.
- TL Goal 3: Revitalise Stage 5 through the development of new elective courses based on Deep Learning principles.
Engaged Communities (EC)
- EC Goal 1: Implement and consolidate a bespoke Pastoral Care program across Years 7 - 10 which will be delivered by key staff.
- EC Goal 2: Build whole school respectful relationships by embedding Consistent Classroom Climate and behaviour management microskills.
HSC Results – 2024
We offer our congratulations to our Year 12 students on their outstanding HSC results and ATAR ranks. We are proud to share that Xavier Catholic College Ballina has been ranked 141st in the State and recognised as the top school in the Diocese of Lismore—a testament to the dedication and hard work of our students, staff, and broader community.
This year, we celebrate not only academic excellence but the diversity of our students' achievements across a broad range of pursuits and service opportunities.
Special congratulations to the 36 students who completed full Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualifications in 2024. Your efforts exemplify the value of hands-on learning and career readiness.
We also commend the following outstanding achievements:
- Alani Adamson, Astrid Lacey, and Sophie Maiden, who earned All Rounder awards for achieving marks above 90% in 10 or more units of study.
- Malia Colpus (English Standard), Astrid Lacey (English Standard & Studies of Religion II), and Davanee Sammut (English Standard) for being recognised on the Top Achievers List for their remarkable performances and high State rankings.
- Our students collectively achieved 81 entries on the Distinguished Achievers' List, reflecting their course marks above 90%.
- Astrid Lacey for achieving the highest ATAR rank of 98.8 and being named the 2024 Dux of the College.
- Ivy Mills for achieving a High Distinction for her HSC Society and Culture Personal Interest Project (PIP) and for being one of eleven of over 5500 PIPs selected to be published and held at the NSW State Library.
- 52% of our Year 12 students scored HSC marks greater than 80%, and 84% of our students scored HSC marks greater than 70%.
- 13 of the 39 courses presented for the HSC in 2024 had final examination marks greater than 5% above the State Mean, with a further 16 courses above the State Mean.
These results highlight the passion, drive, and commitment of our dedicated staff, whose expertise and care have guided our students to such success. We also extend our deepest gratitude to the parents and carers, who have supported their children as their first educators throughout their 13 years of schooling.
I continue to address this most pressing and ongoing issue: student absenteeism.
It was disappointing to witness the high percentage of absenteeism at events such as the Annual Swimming Carnival and the Annual Awards Ceremony. We all realise that there are genuine reasons for absence, however, we continue to see patterns of avoidable absences that result in significant lost learning time and diminished engagement with the College.
In 2025, we need greater support from parents and students to ensure attendance every day (unless ill or misadventure). Students need to stop making excuses not to attend the College and take responsibility for their learning and engagement.
Thank you for your ongoing support in delivering this important message. Your role in shaping student attitudes toward attendance is invaluable.
Term 1 – 2025 – Return to School
Term 1
- Students in Years 7, 11 and 12 return on Tuesday 4 February.
- Students in Years 8, 9 and 10 return on Wednesday 5 February.
End of Term 1
- Last day - Friday 11 April (10-week term)
- School holidays - Monday 14 April - Friday 26 April
- 2025 Easter Break: Good Friday 18 April to Easter Monday 21 April
Uniform Requirements in 2025
Please ensure you have read the Updated College Uniform Policy for 2025 in preparation for the new school year. The updated policy brings into effect the new requirements for lengths of dresses, skirts, and shorts. It also clarifies appropriate footwear, hair, jewellery, and makeup requirements.
Finally, thank you again for your support and encouragement across 2024, both of which I value. If you would like to meet with me at any time to discuss your child’s education and/or to provide any constructive feedback I would love to hear from you.
I wish you God’s blessings for the upcoming Christmas and New Year periods. May Jesus Christ, St Ignatius, and St Francis Xavier continue to guide us and inspire us on our journey.
Mr Lee MacMaster
College Principal
Medical Conditions & Student Care Plans
As part of the College's duty of care, we must keep up-to-date action plans for students with recorded serious medical concerns, such as asthma or anaphylaxis.
Action plans must be reviewed every 12 months in line with the College's health support planning. This forms part of our obligations under the WHS Act 2011 to ensure students are not exposed to risks to their health and safety while at school.
If your child's action plan is out of date, please provide a new plan to the College via email ( as soon as possible.
If you have any questions or wish to review your child's recorded medical details, please email the College (
Thank you for your support!
Assistant Principal: Learning & Teaching
It is with great joy that I reflect on the past year, particularly remembering the hundreds of students who have lived, laughed and learnt in our vibrant and dynamic school community. As a Jesuit companion school, we aspire to live our core values each day, in particular, to live a life of service, and to view the world through a lens of gratitude. With this in mind, I reflect on the innumerable ways in which we have served each other, and in so doing, lived our commitment to be “men and women for others”.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the many stakeholders in our community:
Our students are at the centre of everything we do at the College. Thank you for your your creativity and enthusiasm, for engaging in your learning and developing your curiosity about the world and your place in it. Thank you for conducting yourselves with courtesy and kindness, and for the joy you have brought to our community through sharing yourself and your unique gifts.
Thank you to the many parents and carers who work in partnership with the College to provide positive outcomes for the young people in our care. We cannot do our work effectively without your support.
I am very proud to work with a team of dedicated and skilled colleagues. Teaching is a demanding profession, requiring a broad skill set and specific expertise. Thank you for giving of yourself so generously.
I believe that when we live and work in a community, we are strengthened and enriched through respectful collaboration and the celebration of diversity. Students, parents, staff and the community are inextricably linked, and one area cannot thrive without the support of the others. While we have faced many challenges this year, I am proud to reflect on the manner in which we have worked together to provide excellence in pastoral care and learning outcomes. We believe in the work we do. We believe in our students.
I wish you the peace, joy, and blessings of the festive season.
HSC Results
I am proud to share the HSC achievements of the Class of 2024.
We congratulate our students not only on their achievement but for the consistent effort and determination they have demonstrated in order to achieve that success.
Throughout their time at the College, our students have discovered their unique talents and pursued their passions. We are very proud of our students, and we pray for each of them as they embrace their post-school life — whether that’s pursuing further study, joining the workforce, or forging their own path with any number of adventures. We know they will change the world for the better in all they do. In the words of St Ignatius, “Go forth and set the world on fire.”
I extend sincere thanks to the teaching and support staff who have guided our students in their learning, and our special thanks to our College families for their support, both at school and at home.
2024 Dux
Congratulations to the 2024 College Dux, Astrid Lacey, who attained an outstanding ATAR of 98.80.
2024 HSC Ranking
We are excited to announce that Xavier Catholic College ranked 141st in NSW in the 2024 HSC results.
Top Achievers In Course
The Top Achievers In Course List represents student rankings across NSW, recognising students who placed in the top 20 in their subject cohort.
- Astrid Lacey: Studies of Religion II (2nd in NSW) and English Standard (3rd in NSW)
- Malia Colpus: English Standard (15th in NSW)
- Davanee Sammut: English Standard (19th in NSW)
HSC All Rounders List
The HSC All Rounders Honour List recognises students who achieved an overall HSC result of 90% or above in their 10 best units.
- Astrid Lacey: Five Band 6 results, and one Band E4 result (Extension course)
- Alani Adamson: Five Band 6 results, and one Band E4 result (Extension course)
- Sophie Maiden: Five Band 6 results
HSC Distinguished Achievers
The HSC Distinguished Achievers List celebrates students who achieved results in the highest band in one or more courses. In 2024, our students attained 81 entries on the list:
- 72 Band 6 results
- 9 Band E4 results in Extension courses.
VET Qualifications
As part of their senior study pattern, students at Xavier Catholic College can choose to study Vocational Education and Training courses. We are proud to announce that 36 students have graduated with VET qualifications across Hospitality (Food & Beverage), Construction Pathways, Live Production Services, and Fitness.
Three students also completed school-based apprenticeships and traineeships in building, while three students were enrolled in continuing TAFE courses through Year 12, 2024.
HSC Showcases & Exhibitions
Our students received nominations and selections for inclusion in a variety of HSC showcase and exhibition opportunities, designed to highlight exemplary major works and projects across the state.
State Library of NSW Collection (Society & Culture Personal Interest Projects)
- Ivy Mills: High Distinction — Personal Interest Project. Ivy's Personal Interest Project will now be accessioned by the State Library of NSW and become part of their permanent collection.
Art Express: HSC Visual Arts Showcase
- Alani Adamson: Nominated for inclusion
- Naomi Morrison: Nominated for inclusion
OnSTAGE: HSC Drama Showcase
- Jack Alexander: Nominated for inclusion (Individual Project, Group Performance)
- Alani Adamson: Selected for inclusion (Group Performance); nominated for inclusion (Individual Performance)
- Tilly Cubis: Selected for inclusion (Group Performance); nominated for inclusion (Individual Performance)
- Chloe Blewitt: Selected for inclusion (Group Performance)
- Myia Clarke: Selected for inclusion (Group Performance)
- Lucy Jack: Selected for inclusion (Group Performance)
- Oliver Hummel-King: Nominated for inclusion (Group Performance, Individual Performance)
- Jake Sayer: Nominated for inclusion (Group Performance, Individual Performance)
- Emelia Campbell: Nominated for inclusion (Group Performance)
- Lotus Dixon: Nominated for inclusion (Group Performance)
Callback: HSC Dance Showcase
- Rhiannon Burt: Selected for Reserve List. Nominated for inclusion (Core Performance; Major Study Performance)
- Emelia Campbell: Nominated for inclusion (Core Performance)
- Paloma Jones: Nominated for inclusion (Core Performance; Major Study Performance)
- Havana Weir: Nominated for inclusion (Core Performance; Major Study Performance)
Encore: HSC Music Showcase
- Caden Penny: Selected for inclusion
- Noah Helle: Nominated for inclusion
Course Results
Our students demonstrated their outstanding talent across a range of subjects — results in 74.4% of courses placed above the state average in 2024!
100% of students in the following courses received results in the highest two bands, achieving results of 80% or higher:
- Dance
- English Extension 1
- English Extension 2
- Music 1
- VET Entertainment Examination
- Visual Arts
Over 80% of students in the following courses received results in the highest two bands, achieving results of 80% or higher:
- Chemistry
- Drama
- English Advanced
- History Extension
- Legal Studies
- Software Design & Development
Over 50% of the students in the following courses received results in the highest two bands, achieving results of 80% or higher:
- Ancient History
- Business Studies
- Economics
- English Standard
- Italian Beginners
- Mathematics Advanced 2
- Mathematics Extension 1
- Modern History
- Studies of Religion II
- Textiles and Design
- VET Hospitality Examination
Results have been shared by our students.
- Astrid Lacey - 98.80
- Alani Adamson - 98.70
- Sophie Maiden - 97.70
- Sunny Seberry - 96.95
- Henry Thompson - 96.45
- Lucy Jack - 95.70
- Abbey Horvath - 95.35
- Ivy Mills - 95.10
- Ted Wylie - 94.95
- Ella Kilburn - 94.85
- Tilly Cubis - 93.25
- Nelson Stock - 93.00
- Siara Lynch - 92.60
- Naomi Morrison - 92.25
- Emily Munro - 91.75
- Aster Travers - 91.25
- Grace Quinn - 90.50
- Caden Penny - 89.60
- Coco Neale - 87.40
- Xavier Trinkl - 85.40
- Angus Schirmer - 85.35
- Francesca Harris - 83.75
- Lillyana Monk - 82.25
- Rhiannon Burt - 80.10
Assistant Principal: Mission
Celebrating the Gifts and Achievements of Our Community
As we close the year at Xavier Catholic College, we take great pride in reflecting on the many achievements of our students and the broader community. This week’s Presentation Awards highlighted the abundant gifts and talents within our College, celebrating excellence, commitment, and character.
We also acknowledge the exceptional efforts of our Year 12 students, whose recent HSC results are a testament to their hard work, supported by dedicated teachers, staff, and families. These achievements reflect the collective strength of our Xavier community.
Our Presentation Day was made even more memorable by the inspiring address from Professor Tyrone Carlin, Dean of Southern Cross University. He shared profound insights that encouraged us to embrace the magic, talent, and humanity of those around us, to believe in ourselves and our community—recognizing that the absence of belief leads to the absence of action—and to live up to our responsibilities as members of this vibrant and supportive community. Professor Carlin’s words served as a powerful reminder of the enduring strength found in hope, belief, and action as we journey forward together.
Looking Ahead to 2025: Pilgrims of Hope
As we prepare for the 2025 school year, we are excited to embrace our theme, Pilgrims of Hope. This theme aligns to Pope Francis’ declaration that 2025 is to be a Jubilee Year—a special year of grace and renewal within the Church.
A Jubilee is a time to deepen our faith through prayer, pilgrimage, and acts of mercy. Rooted in biblical tradition, it inspires holiness of life and strengthens our witness to God’s loving mercy.
The 2025 Jubilee Logo reflects this journey of hope. It depicts four figures representing humanity, united in solidarity and fraternity, moving through life’s rough waters together. The cross, central to the image, extends down as an anchor—a symbol of hope that stabilizes us during life’s storms. The motto, Pilgrims in Hope, reminds us that our journey is communal, dynamic, and always guided by faith and hope.
Celebrating 25 Years of Xavier Catholic College
In 2025, Xavier Catholic College proudly marks 25 years of delivering Catholic education in the Northern Rivers region. This milestone invites us to reflect on our journey and celebrate the many contributions that have shaped our vibrant community.
Earlier this term, our College Student Leaders showcased their creativity and vision by conceptualising a logo to commemorate this special anniversary. The final logo features a stylized scallop shell—an iconic symbol of pilgrims—beautifully aligning with our 2025 theme, Pilgrims of Hope.
Throughout the coming year, we will host a series of events to honor our history and the legacy built over the past 25 years. Together, we will celebrate our achievements, acknowledge those who have contributed to our story, and look ahead to building a bright future for the next generation of Xavier community members.
Every Blessing for Christmas
As we approach the end of another year, this season invites us to embrace joy, celebration, and togetherness. It is a time to reflect on the blessings in our lives and share the spirit of Christmas with those around us.
From my heart to yours, I pray that God’s blessings be with you and your families. May the Spirit of Christmas bring you peace, the gladness of Christmas fill you with hope, and the warmth of Christmas surround you with love.
Wishing you and your loved ones a safe, joyful, and blessed Christmas season.
Mr Peter Fear
Catechesis & Evangelisation
Zonta Birthing Kits
Eleven extraordinary Year 10 students gave up their time over the past two weeks to volunteer for a worthwhile cause.
Zonta International work at the international, national and local levels to realise their vision of a world in which women's rights are recognised as human rights and every woman is able to achieve her full potential, where women have access to all resources and are represented in decision-making positions on an equal basis with men, and where no woman lives in fear of violence. One of their initiatives is the Clear Brith Kit -
We work in partnership with the Australian Community and a number of Global Organisations to pack and supply Clean Birth Kits to pregnant women living in rural communities and low-resource settings around the world. To date, 2.8 million Clean Birth Kits have been distributed to women in need. Kits are given to mothers through community outreach programs, supplied to health facilities for use by doctors, midwives and nurses or distributed to traditional birthing attendants. They are designed to support hygienic practices and environments during childbirth in under-resourced settings.
XCC students including Felix Clarke, Ciara Cordi, Esther Drake, Jessica Gibson-Gray, Eimear Jessup, Amelie Law, Chelsea Love, Evie Lynch, Lukah Noble, Nakiah Stokes and Emi Sudmals packed over 600 kits to help pregnant women in India, Africa and Papua New Guinea. Each sterile kit contains a plastic sheet, gloves, gauze, soap, string and a scalpel.
Thank you to Zonta, and our Year 10 students for participating in this worthwhile activity.
Year 7 Human Dignity Task
Throughout the term, Year 7 Religious Education students have been studying the unit We Are Many, We Are One, with a focus on promoting and enhancing the human dignity of others. As part of this study, students were tasked with completing an action to improve human dignity and reflecting on their efforts in connection with key Church teachings, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Parable of the Good Samaritan, and Pope Francis' encyclical Fratelli Tutti.
The resulting presentations were truly exceptional. Please see the list below to celebrate some of the outstanding contributions of Year 7 Faber.
- Abigail Rees volunteered at Ballina Coast High School, where she developed a lesson on reptiles for students with additional needs. They loved being able to hold her bearded dragon.
- Ivy Becker volunteered at PAWS Animal Shelter in Darwin. She helped care for dogs up for adoption, taking them for walks in the local bushland.
- Lyra Doran purchased sanitary items and donated them to Share the Dignity, an organisation that supports women at risk of homelessness, domestic violence, or poverty.
- Louis Rosenbaum visited Crowley Care in Ballina to spend time with elderly residents who may feel lonely at Christmas time. They adored getting to hold his dog Memphis.
- Megan Ramsbottom volunteered at Lennox Head Equestrian Centre, teaching young children how to ride and care for horses.
- Many students also donated clothes to charities such as St. Vincent De Paul and Salvation Army.
Volunteer Hub
At Xavier Catholic College, we believe in the power of giving back to the community and making a tangible difference. Our school motto, Act Justly, serves as a constant reminder that justice isn't just about fairness in the classroom or on the playing field but also about creating a society where we care for one another and work together to build a better world. Volunteering is one of the most meaningful ways we can live out this commitment to justice in our local community. Volunteering is more than just lending a helping hand. It's an opportunity to actively contribute to the well-being of others.
Are you ready to act justly? Here are some local opportunities:
Learning & Teaching News
Drama News
OnSTAGE Selection
Exciting news from Year 12 Drama — the Group Performance “Chain Reaction” has been SELECTED to perform at OnStage! This recognises the students' original work as the best in the state for HSC 2024. The students will now perform to sold-out audiences at the Seymour Centre Sydney in February. Well done Alani, Chloe, Tilly, Myia and Lucy.
Year 9 Drama - Children’s Show for Holy Family
On Thursday 5th December the Year 9 Drama class performed their show “Outback Adventures - Wombat Stew” to the Kindergarten students of Holy Family. The performance was the culmination of weeks of hard work, where students explored storytelling, character development, and physical theatre techniques.
The show was full of colourful characters, engaging dialogue, and plenty of laughter, leaving the young audience captivated and smiling from ear to ear. For the Year 9 students, it was a rewarding opportunity to apply their drama skills in a real-world setting and experience the joy of bringing a story to life for younger children.
Thank you to the Year 9 Drama class for their dedication and creativity, and to the Holy Family Kindergarten students for being such an enthusiastic audience. It was a wonderful collaboration that celebrated the power of performance and storytelling!
Belvoir Theatre Workshops
On Monday, December 9th, and Tuesday, December 10th, we were fortunate to host Drama workshops led by a member of the Belvoir Theatre Company, engaging Year 9, 10, and 11 Drama students. The workshops were designed to enhance the students’ existing drama skills while introducing new techniques that will be invaluable as they progress in their dramatic studies, particularly for those preparing for the HSC.
The workshops were split into two dynamic sessions. One session focused on group devising and idea generation in a collaborative setting. It was wonderful to see students experiment with new ways of creating and refining group performances—skills that will be instrumental in their future work. The other session honed in on script work and character development.
Overall, the Belvoir Theatre workshops were an enriching experience. It was inspiring to watch the students embrace the challenges and collaborate to develop their performance skills.
Mrs Allysha Hodges
Drama Teacher
Visual Arts News
Year 9 Surreal Self Portraits
Year 9 Visual Arts students have completed a study a unit in Surreal Self Portraits, where they created a Body of Work that explored identity in surreal ways, using clay sculptures and mixed media drawings. Their talent, imagination and development of techniques has been truly outstanding. I commend the students on their dedication to artmaking and the very high standard of achievement. Here are a few images of their sculptures and drawings.
The Regional Arts Exchange Forum
The Art Project Club, facilitated by Ms Rogers, participated in the Regional Arts Exchange Forum this year, organised by Mrs Helen Landis, Sydney Catholic School Head Office. This is a collaborative creative project across metropolitan and regional schools. Students in participating schools voted on a theme earlier in the year, and this year's theme was Feathered Flair. With a focus on 'student voice and choice' and 'sustainability' in artmaking, students worked together to plan ideas and make artworks using recycled artworks, donated art and craft materials and packaging products. The resulting four bird sculptures are a testament to the dedication, creativity, innovation, and teamwork of the students involved, who worked on the project during lunchtimes each Tuesday throughout Terms 2-4. Whilst there were many participants to begin with (whom we thank for their ideas and participation), three students sustained a committed effort to develop and complete the projects. Congratulations to Louis Rosenbaum (Year 7), Raine Wallace (Year 8) and Jacob Fear (Year 8). Thanks to Ms De Roma and Mr Kennedy for their assistance. The artworks have been sent to Sydney where all participating school creations will be installed in the Sydney Catholic Schools Head Office, in the Foyer of the World Square building early next year.
Ms Jasmin Rogers
Visual Arts Teacher
House News
2024 MacKillop Handball Competition
The 2024 MacKillop Handball Competition was a spectacular showcase of skill, teamwork, and community spirit. Over several thrilling rounds, students from Years 7–11 and staff battled it out on the courts, all vying for the title of Handball Champions.
Faber House emerged victorious, taking 1st place overall with a stunning 121 points. Close behind, MacKillop House secured 2nd place with an impressive 119 points, driven by outstanding performances in Years 7 and 9. Campion House rounded out the top three with 84 points.
A special mention goes to our All-Star Players, who were recognised for their exceptional efforts on the court:
- Year 7: Beau Gohl (MacKillop)
- Year 8: Jakobe Chan-Gale (Faber)
- Year 9: Owen Kilby (MacKillop)
- Year 10: Elijah Galloway (Faber)
- Year 11: Jed Lyon & Charlie Kennedy (Campion)
- Staff: Michael Raeburn
While the competition was fierce, the highlight of the event was the sense of camaraderie and house pride displayed by everyone.
A huge thank you to the MacKillop House Captains—Zac Thick, Georgia McLean, Charlotte Fox, Jerridan Tulloch, and Eve Nicolson—for their hard work in organising and running such an amazing community event. Their leadership and dedication ensured the competition was a resounding success, fostering school spirit and providing a fantastic opportunity for connection and fun.
Congratulations to all participants and houses for making this year’s competition a memorable one!
Mrs Rebecca Kennedy
Head of MacKillop House
Sport News
Diocesan Opens Water Polo
This event was held on Thursday 14 November at the Alstonville Aquatic Centre.
Our Open Girls' water polo team recently competed with determination and spirit! Ruby, Abi, Keiko, Marli, Olivia and Lilian's experience helped new players Pippa, Giselle, and Jorga step up to the challenge, displaying incredible effort and improvement. Shout out to Jorga who did particularly well in goals—a tough position embraced with courage.
The team went undefeated in the pool games, building momentum with strong performances. They carried this energy into an impressive semi-final win, earning their place in the grand final. Though narrowly defeated, the players held their heads high, proud of their efforts.
A huge thank you to the team for their sportsmanship and positivity throughout the day.
Diocesan Under 15s Water Polo
This event was held on Thursday 21 November at the Alstonville Aquatic Centre.
Our Under 15s girls took part in the Diocesan Water Polo Competition at Alstonville Pool. It was a brilliant day, with the team showing plenty of grit and improving with every game.
The girls put in an impressive effort, finishing 3rd overall. Highlights included Abi Matthew’s top-notch shooting, Mya Poptie’s stellar work in goal, and Kaydee Horne’s solid defence.
A big thank you to Mr Kennedy for organising the day and to Mr McCarthy for driving the bus.
Well done to all the players for their hard work and great sportsmanship—you’ve done the school proud!
Mr Pat Kennedy (Leader of Sport) & Ms Emily Keys (Sport Trainee)
Canteen News
Volunteering in the Canteen is a great opportunity to meet other parents and to be involved in your child/children's school life.
- Arrive at school by 8:45am and park on the street.
- Go to the Office to sign in and receive your Visitor Badge.
- Head to the Canteen where you can prepare for the day’s lunch orders.
- Volunteers receive lunch, and their children receive a $5 canteen voucher.
- Finish time is approximately 1:30-2:00pm, depending on how busy the day is.
- If you cannot make your rostered day, please email or phone the College beforehand on 6618 0180.
- Text message reminders are sent on Wednesdays the week before your rostered day.
- Reminder: All Canteen volunteers need a volunteer Working With Children Check before starting with us. This is free for volunteers, and you can apply via Service NSW.
Our recess and lunch order cutoff time is 8:45am.
Please visit our website for the 2024 Canteen Roster.