Newsletter 4: Monday 13 May 2024
For the Calendar
Week 3
- Monday 13/05/24: Year 7 2025 Interview bookings close, Bill Turner Trophy Girls Soccer (Round 2), Year 9 Child Studies Excursion
- Tuesday 14/05/24: NRCC Boys Hockey
- Wednesday 15/05/24: Phil Tobins CCC Cup Open Boys Rugby League, Year 11 Biology Field Trip
- Thursday 16/05/24: Len Diett 9-12 Boys Rugby, Year 11 & 12 Parent Teacher Conferences
- Friday 17/05/24: Diocesan Cross Country @ Grafton
- Sunday 19/05/24: Year 7 2025 Interviews (by appointment only)
Week 4
- Monday 20/05/24: Year 11 2025 Subject Information
- Tuesday 21/05/24: Year 10 Child Studies Excursion, Year 12 Physics Incursion, Year 10 Youth Ministry Visit to Holy Family
- Wednesday 22/05/24: Ballina Aviation Expo (Year 11 & 12), Cochrane Cup Rugby League, Year 7-8 All Schools Touch Football, Australian Interschool Surfing Championship
- Thursday 23/05/24: College Photo Day, Year 9-10 All Schools Touch Football, Australian Interschool Surfing Championship, Careers in Health for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Secondary Students
- Friday 24/05/24: College Photo Day, Australian Interschool Surfing Championship
Week 5
- Monday 27/05/24: Year 11 2025 Parent Subject Information (6pm)
- Tuesday 28/05/24: School Photo Catch-Up Day, Careers Transport for NSW Industry Day
- Wednesday 29/05/24: Proclaim (Student Free Day)
- Thursday 30/05/24: Country Cup Rugby League, RSA Training (3:30pm)
- Friday 31/05/24: RSA Training (3:30pm)
Week 6
- Monday 03/06/24: NSWCCC Individual Rugby 9-12 (TBC), Year 11 Visual Arts Incursion, Year 10 Youth Ministry Visit to St Francis Xavier
- Tuesday 04/06/24: Year 11 Physics Incursion, Year 10 Child Studies Excursion, NSWCCC Individual Rugby 9-12 (TBC)
- Wednesday 05/06/24: NSWCCC Cross Country (TBC), Year 9-10 Music Beauty & The Beast Excursion
- Thursday 06/06/24: Len Diett 9-12 Boys Rugby (TBC), Reconciliation Week Liturgy/Assembly, Year 7 2025 First Round Offers sent to families
Principal's Message
Dear Parents, Carers, Students and Friends of the Xavier Catholic College Community,
Term 2 is now underway and the College is in full swing. It was great to welcome our students back last week after the holiday break and to begin the hard work that is essential over the ten weeks of the term. We have so much to achieve as a College community this term, and the contributions of our staff students, and families all working in synergy are critical to our success as a community.
You may have heard of the saying, “Well begun is half done.“ It’s not just a catchy phrase; it’s a profound truth that encapsulates the essence of starting and finishing strong. In the grand journey of attaining our goals, how we start and finish is crucial to accomplishing them.
Let’s face it: getting started can be the toughest part of the entire journey. As Mark Twain wrote, “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”
My hope and prayer for each student this term is that they put their best foot forward in all their endeavours at the College, and in doing so they feel supported and encouraged at all times by the staff. We want each student to do their best and to be their best. As their College Principal, I will be their biggest supporter, as well as a mentor for them. Let’s together make the term ahead a great one!
High Standards – Your Support Please
As we commence the new term, it is important for you to know that we are placing a strong emphasis with the students on punctuality, respect for self and others, engagement, and uniform. Every student has a responsibility in these important areas. Your support by reinforcing high standards in these areas will assist us greatly.
Please discuss these important areas at home. Wearing the uniform correctly is so simple really, but so difficult for many students. The uniform policy in the Student Planner (pages 7 – 9) provides clarity about what is correct uniform, and what is not. Please assist by working with your child to ensure they are wearing the correct uniform when they leave home each day – we are now wearing the winter uniform.
Manners and respect are another area we can work together to improve. Pages 11 – 12 of the Student Planner sets out the Rights and Responsibilities for students. As we all know, with rights come responsibilities. It would be great to see more of our students accepting the responsibilities of being a maturing young adult. We are here to support this and to work alongside parents in this area.
Thank You – ANZAC Day March
Thank you to the students (and staff) who formed our College contingent for the ANZAC Day March at Ballina on ANZAC Day. It was great to have such a strong presence on the day. My thanks to the parents for supporting their son/daughter's participation and representation of the College. I hope we can double the number of our students involved in the 2025 ANZAC Day March. I have received positive feedback from the community—thank you!
Learning about Learning @ Xavier
Throughout Term 2, the members of the College Executive will visit classrooms regularly to view learning taking place. These visits will assist us to better understand how students are engaging with their learning, and taking responsibility for their learning. We will collect the feedback from these visits and use this data to guide further improvements in the learning space. Students in each class will be asked four important questions: -
- What are you learning? Why?
- How are you going with your learning?
- How do you know?
- Where do you go for help?
Tell Them From Me (TTFM) Parent Survey
The Tell Them From Me survey window for parents is now open (closes on Friday 24 May) and I strongly encourage all parents to participate in the survey. The survey is anonymous and voluntary, and participants may skip any questions they are not comfortable answering. We will be using the perception data collected from the survey in our school improvement planning. We will also provide feedback on the parent survey results at the Xavier Catholic College Parent Group Meeting in June this term.
The link for the TTFM parent survey is:
My congratulations to the students who have recently represented the College in a range of activities. I thank all students in our sporting teams, in our Ministry class, on excursions and incursions, and in cultural pursuits. Your representation of the College (and our families) is greatly appreciated and helps to build the strong culture of the College, which is built on the ideal of serving others.
Student Free Day – Wednesday 29 May
A reminder that all staff will be attending Proclaim – 2024 on Wednesday 29 May at Xavier. This day is a student-free day (no student supervision is provided). The College reopens for normal classes on Thursday 30 May.
Xavier School Community Parent Group
Please note that the next meeting of the Xavier School Community Parent Group will take place on Thursday 13 June from 6pm to 7pm at the College. I welcome parents and carers to attend, and I look forward to meeting many of you at this time. Further details of the meeting will follow over the coming weeks.
Finally, thank you again for your support and encouragement, both of which I value. I look forward over my time at Xavier to meeting parents and carers, and I offer each of you the opportunity to make a time to meet with me to discuss how we together can continue to make Xavier even better.
I wish you God’s blessings always. May Jesus Christ and St Francis Xavier continue to guide us and inspire us on our journey.
Mr Lee MacMaster
College Principal
Assistant Principal: Learning & Teaching
Welcome back to Term 2, and a special welcome to new students and families who have joined the College community.
Staff Professional Learning — Whole School Literacy Goal
Staff at Xavier Catholic College are a Professional Learning Community and regularly participate in professional development focused on data-informed goals to improve student learning outcomes. On Monday 29 April, all teaching staff engaged in a professional learning day centred on evidence-based strategies to improve literacy outcomes. In particular, staff collaborated to identify our next steps to implement purposeful and engaging learning environments, including the use of bump-it-up walls in our classrooms. We are fortunate to have a professional and dedicated team of teachers who work collaboratively to maximise learning growth for students at Xavier Catholic College.
Parent/Teacher Interview Evening
This term, we are holding a Parent/Teacher Evening for families with students in Years 11 and 12. Students are encouraged to attend the interviews as a way to receive feedback on their learning. The interviews will be on Thursday 16 May from 3:40pm to 6:30pm and will be held downstairs underneath the Magis Centre. Bookings may be made via Compass.
Year 11 2025 Information Evening
We warmly invite all parents and guardians of Year 10 students to attend the Year 11 Parent Information Evening on Monday 27 May. This information session will be held in the Magis Centre to outline the requirements for the award of the HSC. The evening is designed to assist parents and guardians to support their students as they discern subject selections for their senior pattern of study. Year 10 students will be provided with this information at school earlier in the day. Look out for a Compass event to register your attendance. We look forward to continuing to develop our family and school partnership.
Term 2 Assessment Calendars
Please be reminded that year-level Assessment Calendars are available on the College Website under Learning/Assessment Information. These calendars serve as a valuable point of reference to open up discussions at home around learning and upcoming assessment tasks. Assessment dates also feed directly to students’ and parents’ Compass calendars. All assessment tasks are accompanied by a detailed task notification and marking criteria accessible on Google Classrooms for each subject area.
Absence from Assessment Procedures (Years 10-12)
If your child is unable to complete an assessment task due to illness or requires special consideration due to individual circumstances, please encourage them to speak with their classroom teacher or the relevant Leader of Learning. They should also submit a response to the Absence from Assessment & Request For Special Consideration form.
Please note that your child must submit the form using their school login details. Parents are unable to submit on behalf of their children. Appropriate documentation should be attached as evidence to support an application for extension.
Please consult the relevant Assessment Booklet on the website (under Learning/Assessment Information) for further information on assessment procedures.
Year 12 Reports
I would like to acknowledge and congratulate our Year 12 students on their commitment to learning this year. Year 12 Mid-Course reports were available via Compass on Friday 10 May. Report comments provided by teachers provide commendations and recommendations that can be used to acknowledge students' strengths and provide opportunities for continued learning growth as they work towards achieving their HSC credential.
Year 11 Reports
Year 11 Mid-Course Reports will be available on 7 June via Compass.
Year 10 Minimum Standards Testing
All students are required to complete online Reading, Writing and Numeracy tests to demonstrate they meet the Minimum Standard of literacy and numeracy required to receive the award of the Higher School Certificate (HSC). Students have multiple opportunities to sit the tests during Year 10, 11 and 12 (and post school).
Students in Year 10 have now had the opportunity to sit all the Minimum Standards tests and further catch-ups will be scheduled at regular intervals across the year. Further information about Minimum Standards Testing can be accessed from NESA.
Ms Carmel Zuino
Before & After School Optional Study Classes
Study classes for Year 12 students have recommenced. These are optional classes before and after school to help students as they prepare for their HSC. Please encourage your children to attend. Over the years, these lessons have proved to be very valuable.
The Maths faculty also provides Maths Help on Friday mornings. This is open to all students and particularly targets the younger members of our community.
Ms Tracy Wade
Leader of Curriculum
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Art (Year 12) | Biology (Year 12) Art (Year 12) | Chemistry (Year 12) Standard Maths (Year 12) Drama (Year 12) | Physics (Year 12) Ms Wade S4 3:20pm - 4:30pm | Maths Help (All Years) Design & Tech (Year 12) French (Year 12) |
Assistant Principal: Mission
Welcome Back
Welcome back to Term 2! I want to extend my heartfelt congratulations to all our students for their successful return to the College. It’s wonderful to see everyone engaging in the quality educational, spiritual, and physical opportunities we offer. As we embark on this term, let’s maintain a growth mindset by continuously striving for improvement in all aspects of our lives.
This term, let's make respect a cornerstone of our interactions, as the Francis Code developed by our 2024 Student Leaders states: ‘Respect for people, places, and things, in our words, thoughts, and deeds.’
Parish Multicultural Day
We would like to invite all families to St Francis Xavier Church, Ballina for Multicultural Day on Pentecost Sunday 19 May 2024 at 9am. It is an amazing day to be involved in and to celebrate the beautiful cultures that make up our faith community. Come dressed in the traditional clothes from your ancestral country, and please bring a plate of traditional food to share for morning tea following Mass at the grounds of the Church. Please share this invitation with your family members, neighbours and friends. Parishioners new to our parish are warmly invited to attend. Everyone is very welcome to this annual parish event.
The Resilience Project
This term, The Resilience Project content has a strong focus on Empathy. Working on empathy helps us to identify, understand and feel what another person is feeling. When we show empathy or we do something kind for someone else our brain releases oxytocin. This leads to increasing our self-esteem/confidence, energy levels, positivity and overall happiness.
Whole Family Activity: Neighbourhood Kindness Challenge
As a family, choose an act of kindness from the list below that you would like to do for a neighbour or family friend. Each family member can select one to commit to, or you can choose to do one together.
- Cook them something delicious like a cake, hot bread, or cookies.
- Write a note to put in their letterbox thanking them for being a great neighbour or friend.
- Design them a Thank You card.
- Pick or buy some flowers to deliver to them.
- Choose a little plant from your garden to give them.
- Make them a gift from things around your house.
- Offer to do a job for them, like wash their car or water their garden.
- Offer to take their pets for a walk.
- Invite them over for afternoon tea.
- Invite them on a walk.
- Recommend one of your favourite books to borrow and read.
- Ask them if they need anything from the shops next time you buy groceries.
- Say hello next time you see them, and ask them how their day is going.
- Feel free to do more than one and spread the kindness even further!
Report back to each other in one week and share how your acts of kindness were received, and how doing them made you feel.
Family Habit Builder
Every night at dinner, have each person thank another family member for something they’ve done or said today, or give another family member a compliment.
College Photo Day
Our College Photo Days will take place Thursday 23 and Friday 24 May (Week 4) in the Magis Centre. On these important days, all students must arrive at the College in their FULL WINTER UNIFORM. Students who have Sport or PDHPE practical lessons will need to bring their sports uniform and change for their lesson using the change rooms. Please ensure your child is reminded of the personal presentation guidelines established in the Student Planner. Please note the photographers are always instructed to ensure these standards are observed for each group and individual photograph. Order details are available via Compass and at the links below under College News.
Winter Uniform
This is a reminder to get the small things right at the start of each day: have a healthy breakfast and check your Compass for the subjects students have each day. Ensure the correct uniform is worn on the correct day. PC teachers will be working closely over the next few weeks to ensure students are not wearing their Sports Uniform every day.
Chewing Gum
Families are reminded that chewing gum is a serious issue that can damage school equipment, cause plastic pollution, and pose health risks. Please discuss this at home and support the College in reinforcing this expectation with your children. The consequence for chewing gum on College grounds is an afternoon detention.
eSafety Parent Webinars Term 2
There are several options for webinar presentations aimed at supporting parents in guiding their children through the online world. These webinars offer valuable insights and practical tips to help families navigate the digital landscape safely.
eSafety 101: How eSafety Can Help
This webinar provides an overview of the eSafety Commissioner and supporting programs and resources for parents and carers, children and young people. It is suitable for parents and carers of children and young people in primary and secondary school.
- Tuesday, 14 May: 12:30 pm
- Thursday, 6 June: 12:30 pm
Register here for eSafety 101.
Wellbeing and Digital Technologies
An overview of strategies to protect, respond to and support your child online. This webinar will focus on the digital skills to protect and support young people’s mental health and wellbeing online. It is suitable for parents and carers of young people in secondary school.
- Thursday, 16 May: 12:30 pm
- Tuesday, 4 June: 2:00 pm
Register here for Wellbeing and Digital Technologies.
Consent and Online Boundaries
As children begin to navigate the online world, they need to know how to make decisions around consent and boundaries. This webinar will outline strategies for parents and carers, as well as support those hard-to-have conversations. It is suitable for parents and carers of children in primary school.
- Tuesday, 28 May: 12:30 pm
- Tuesday, 18 June: 12:30 pm
Register here for Consent and Online Boundaries
Setting your Child up for Success Online
An overview of having conversations about tech and online interaction, putting boundaries and rules in place, using parental controls, and monitoring your child online. It is suitable for parents and carers of children in primary school.
- Thursday, 30 May: 12:30 pm
- Thursday, 20 June: 12:30 pm
Register here for Setting your Child up for Success Online.
Mr Peter Fear
Pastoral Care
It is with great delight that I extend a warm welcome to all families for Term 2. It almost felt like the beginning of a new year with fresh timetables, renewed approaches to learning and many refreshed faces appearing after what sounded like an amazing holiday break for many!
With an influx in winter sports, multiple fundraising, awareness and liturgical events in the houses, and Year 8 Pastoral Week, Term 2 is shaping up to be an exciting time. Add this to a jam-packed academic schedule, and it is easy to see how life can become busy.
Establishing Healthy Routines
With all that life can throw at young people and families, it can be important to prioritise conversations around establishing healthy and protective habits to keep us thriving. This can be as simple as a family chat around the dinner table, ranging to scheduling regular exercise/hobby breaks, to a fullscale schedule that maps out the week. Whatever the preference, these activities all stand to promote greater levels of organisation and clarity, while reducing cognitive load, stress and anxiety in daily life. The following graphic gives some further information about how families might support their young people through times of busyness and high workload:
Year 8 Pastoral Week
In Week 6 of this term, our Year 8 students will attend the infamous Camp at Tyalgum Ridge Retreat. I wish to extend gratitude on behalf of the Year 8 students and families to the staff who have generously given their time to accompany the students on this trip. Of special note, I offer a special vote of thanks to Mrs Rebecca Kennedy (Head of House - MacKillop) for her tireless work in preparing much of the Camp resources and organising the ‘paperwork’ on Compass. Without the efforts of all these wonderful people, these events would not be possible.
A reminder to all families in Year 8 that you must submit your consent for camp by Monday 20 May (Week 4). If there are any questions or concerns about the Year 8 camp experience, please don’t hesitate to contact me at the College.
Calm Creatives Club
One of the great things about our XCC staff is their dedication and commitment to providing student-centred opportunities to explore interests and grow their skills through a range of clubs. Through the work of Mrs Amy Fear, we are pleased to announce the commencement of a new club that will occur on Thursdays at lunchtime. The following is from Mrs Fear about what this club will offer our students:
We are about to offer students a new opportunity on Thursdays: ‘Calm Creatives Club’. This unique club offers students an opportunity to explore the calming world of meditative drawing, where simple yet beautiful patterns are learned step by step. Although they look spectacular anyone can learn how to do this, no special skills required. Through the practice of mindful drawing, students can cultivate a sense of calm, focus, and enter into a flow state, all while activating their parasympathetic nervous systems.
In today's fast-paced world, it's essential for students to have tools to manage stress and enhance their overall well-being. The mindful drawing club provides just that, offering a space for students to unwind, connect with their creativity, and find inner peace amidst the hustle and bustle of school life. By participating in this club, students will discover the importance of authenticity and the beauty of imperfection. It’s a great opportunity to prioritise their mental health and discover the benefits of mindfulness in a fun and engaging way. Join us on Thursdays for a journey of relaxation and self-discovery through the art of mindful drawing.
Attendance Matters
Each day of instruction is an opportunity for students to absorb new knowledge, engage in classroom discussions, and develop critical thinking skills.
Every school day provides a unique opportunity for students to grow intellectually, socially, and emotionally. Consistent attendance ensures that students make the most of these opportunities, laying the groundwork for a successful and fulfilling educational journey.
Being present in class allows students to actively participate in discussions, ask questions, and engage with the material. Active participation fosters a deeper understanding of the subject matter. It helps to develop a sense of purpose, accomplishment, and contributes to a positive attitude toward education.

REALTalk Subscription
Diocese of Lismore Catholic Schools (DLCS) has purchased a subscription to the RealTalk online parent resource centre for all parents in our Catholic schools. All parents can now access a comprehensive online resource created by RealTalk Australia that provides access to a collection of resources to support parents and caregivers explore a diverse range of topics including:
- Puberty and personal development and identity
- Online safety
- Friendships
- Consent and respectful relationships
- Impacts of pornography
- For more information about how to access this resource see the flyer.
Mother’s Day
To all of the Mothers and Special Women who are part of our students’ lives and on staff, I wish you all a lovely day on Sunday. The love that exists between you and the young people you are raising is one of the more special bonds that exists. I trust that you will be made to know how appreciated each of you truly are this weekend.
As always, if there is anything that I can do for you, please do not hesitate to contact me at the College.
Mr Nick Jones
Leader of Pastoral Care
Catechesis & Evangelisation
Faith Leaders Meeting
Ms Brown, Mr Fear, and Dr Beveridge attended a meeting in Lismore in Week 1 with other leaders of Catechesis, Evangelisation, and Assistant Principals about important aspects of our roles. We learned about some of the strategic directions of the Diocese, some interesting developments with Catholic Faith in Action, and collaborated around Evangelisation. These meetings are always a fantastic opportunity to meet with our colleagues from other schools and support the Mission of Xavier Catholic College.
May - a month of devotion to Mary
May is a special month of devotion to Mary in the Catholic Church. Religious Education classes have been completing activities learning more about the qualities of Mary, inspirational women in the Church, and how we can challenge stereotypes regarding women. Staff have been praying together with a focus on Mary, with prayers such as the Magnificat being used and a special Examen for the month of May being written by Dr Beveridge.
Examen for Mary
In the spirit of St. Ignatius of Loyola, let us engage in an Examen centred on Mary. As we enter the month of May, a time of special devotion to Mary in the Catholic tradition, let us reflect on her life, her example, and the words she spoke in praise of God.
Step 1: Presence
Begin by quieting your heart and mind, inviting the presence of God into this moment. Mary, the Mother of Jesus, is with us as a model of faith and devotion. Recognise her presence among us, guiding us closer to her Son through her intercession and example.
Step 2: Gratitude
Reflect on the ways in which Mary has touched your life. Give thanks for her maternal care, her steadfast faith, and her willingness to say "yes" to God's plan. Consider the blessings that have flowed into your life through her intercession and advocacy.
Step 3: Awareness
Now, turn your attention to the qualities of Mary that inspire us in our own lives. Become aware of her humility, praise, and willingness to say yes that permeate her actions in the Gospels. Reflect on how these themes resonate with your own life and circumstances.
Step 4: Forgiveness
Acknowledge any areas where you have fallen short of the example set by Mary. Have you lacked her humility in your interactions with others? Have you failed to recognise the dignity and worth of every person? Humbly ask for forgiveness for any ways in which you have strayed from the path of discipleship.
Step 5: Change
Contemplate how you can more fully embody the virtues exemplified by Mary. How can you cultivate a spirit of humility in your daily life? How can you join with Mary in magnifying the greatness of the Lord and working for justice and mercy in the world? Resolve to make concrete changes in your thoughts, words, and actions, with Mary as your guide and companion.
As we conclude this Examen let us carry with us the inspiration of Mary's life. May we seek to imitate her faith, her humility, and her commitment to God's kingdom, knowing that she walks with us as a loving mother and faithful disciple.
We pray together the Hail Mary.
Ms Glenda Brown & Dr Madeline Beveridge
College News
School Photo Days: Thursday 23 and Friday 24 May
Our annual School Photo Days will be held in Week 4. Photos may be ordered via the School Photographer website — just enter the code in the flyer below.
A reminder that all students must wear formal College uniform. If a student has PDHPE or Sport on that day, they must bring their sport uniform and change into this at the College.
The schedules for the days are as follows:
Thursday 23 May
PC Class photos (all year levels), plus individual photos for Years 7-11.
Time | House |
8:30am - PC | Whole Staff Photo |
Period 1 | Faber PC class and individual photos |
Period 2 | Nagle PC class and individual photos |
Recess | N/A |
Period 3 | Campion PC class and individual photos |
Period 4 | Ignatius PC class and individual photos |
Lunch | N/A |
Period 5 | McAuley PC class and individual photos |
Period 6 | MacKillop PC class and individual photos |
Friday 24 May
Year 12 Individual Photos, plus Club/Group photos for all year levels
Time | House |
8:30am - PC | Year 12 students collect blazers |
Period 1 | Year 7 Group Photo |
Period 2 | Family Photos |
Recess | Concert Band, Choir |
Period 3 | Year 12 Group Photo, Year 12 House Photos, Year 12 Individual Photos |
Period 4 | Year 12 Leadership Group Photo, Year 12 House Captain Photos |
Period 5 | Senior Ministry Team, Run Club, Library Book Club |
Period 6 | As needed |
Please note: Catch-up photos will be taken on Tuesday 28 May 2024 (Week 5).

Year 12 HSIE Excursion to Sydney
On Wednesday 1 May, Year 12 students in Geography, Legal Studies and Modern History were fortunate to travel to Sydney to participate in a variety of activities that enhanced their HSC studies.
Geography students participated in a field trip study of Barangaroo, and urbanisation in Newtown and enjoyed a ferry ride to Meadowbank. The Legal studies students visited the NSW Supreme Court, The Darlinghurst Courts and The Downing Centre to experience a range of trials and see the legal system in action. They also had a guided tour of the Surry Hills Police station, including the lock up and armoury. Modern History students participated in a learning programme at the Sydney Jewish Museum and were privileged to listen to Olga Horak’s story of survival in WW2. Olga is 97 years old and was only 18 when she was liberated from Auschwitz. She lost her entire family in the Holocaust, and the students were very moved by her recount. They also visited the Hyde Park Barracks and the NSW War Memorial.
The whole group also enjoyed the sites of Sydney. We travelled by light rail to the Rocks, explored the Botanical Gardens and the Opera House and enjoyed a sunset ferry ride from Darling Harbour to Circular Quay, where the rain held off and a beautiful rainbow greeted us. We went to the top of Sydney Tower to catch a spectacular evening view of the entire city of Sydney. Dinner at Pancakes at the Rocks, ice cream from Messina and a fun time at Timezone and Darling Harbour which also added to a great experience for everyone involved.
The students gained a lot of knowledge for their various subjects but also experienced navigating a large city. They certainly had a lot of fun and expressed their gratitude for the experience.
Thank you to the teachers who accompanied the students: Mr Luke Melenhorst, Mrs Emma Smith, Mr Matt Wills, Ms Ebony Milgate and Ms Maria Casamento.
Ms Maria Casamento
Leader of HSIE

Year 9 Visual Arts
Year 9.1 Visual Arts students created collaborative artworks as part of a unit in Pop Art.
Students explored sculpture, painting and screenprinting techniques in group work activities that had a 90’s Popstars theme and were exhibited for display during intermission at the musical performances. It is exciting to see students fully engaged with non-assessment work that builds skills, friendships and collaborative working methods. Individual bodies of work are currently in progress and will be completed and assessed mid-Term 2.
Ms Jasmin Rogers
Visual Arts Teacher

The Unveiling of the Regional Arts Program Artwork
On Friday of Week 1, the collaborative artwork our school was involved in as part of the Regional Arts Exchange Progam was unveiled in the foyer of the Catholic Schools NSW Head Office in World Square, Sydney.
Officially opened by the Director of Schools, the collaborative installation was created by groups of students in seven schools in the Archdiocese of Sydney and regional dioceses. Ms Rogers attended on behalf of the College.
Forest Fantasia involved group work, student choice and voice, innovation and creativity using recycled materials. It encourages collaboration, learning as global citizens, sustainability, and environmental stewardship. "We hope that Forest Fantasia will inspire future generations of artists and serve as a reminder of the beauty and diversity of our natural world."
Students and their teachers spent many hours and lunchtimes creating this work. Individual schools sent their completed artworks to Sydney, which were then installed by an artist in residence as a collective installation. XCC students created the Richmond Birdwing Butterfly, vine, and leaves to signify our region.
Thank you, and congratulations to all students involved: Lily Calnan, Felix Burnett, Ayla Calnan, Piper Wallace, Elizabeth Licheri, Indigo Grey, Amelia Paulsen, and Anya Pilcher. Teacher: Ms Jasmin Rogers. Assistant: Mrs Jenny Coleman.
Ms Jasmin Rogers
Visual Arts Teacher

Wellbeing News

Campion House Liturgy
In Week 2, Campion House celebrated its House liturgy, centred on the College theme, Stand by Me, and linked to the life and teachings of St Edmund Campion. The Year 12 Campion House Leadership Team led the liturgy beautifully, and the Campion Band, supported by Amy De Roma, performed a stunning rendition of the song Stand by Me. The liturgy was a testament to the spirit of unity and support that defines our House.
As part of the Captains' Address, the House Leadership Team spoke of a time in their lives when they had lived the theme of Stand by Me. These raw and honest testimonies enabled their fellow students to gain an appreciation of the impact actions and support can have on the lives of those around them. Their dedication to fostering a sense of belonging and camaraderie within Campion House is truly commendable.
Thank you to the staff and students for their participation and engagement in the liturgy, particularly those who assisted in the preparation and setup of the event. It is always a pleasure to come together and celebrate our faith and be inspired by the wonderful skills and talents of the students in Campion House.
Mrs Kate Kilby
Head of Campion House

Sport News
2024 Fun Run and Cross Country
Fun Run
On Friday 12 April students competed in the 2024 Cross Country Carnival. Both the Fun Run and Championships started at the southern end of Angels Beach, ran north to Flat Rock then along Sharpes Beach to the Headlands Reserve.
2024 House Shield Results:
- 6th Place: MacKillop House (92 points)
- 5th Place: McAuley House (99 points)
- 4th Place: Ignatius House (107 points)
- 3rd Place: Nagle House (108 points)
- 2nd Place: Campion House (119 points)
- 1st Place: Faber House (138 points)
Championship Cross Country
Forty-five runners competed for Age Champion and a top 6 place to be eligible for Diocesan Cross Country at Grafton on Friday 17 May. Championship runners also had to deal with ‘heartbreak hill’ after running the beaches. Congratulations to the following Age Champions:
- U12 Girls: Isla Cleary
- U13 Girls: Alexandra Dogan
- U13 Boys: Tommy Behan
- U14 Girls: Aurora O'Donoghue
- U14 Boys: Isaac Mulligan
- U15 Girls: Skye Dogan
- U15 Boys: James Kirby
- U16 Girls: Matilda Rossmanith-Jones
- U16 Boys: Keanu Cosgrove
- U17 Girls: Hayley Patterson
- U17 Boys: Zac Thick
- U18 Girls: Niamh Sharpe
- U18 Boys: Sunny Seberry
2024 Cross Country Age Champions

Diocesan Opens Football
After our win at the Northern Gala day at Lennox Head late last term, we now played at the start of the knockout competition against Mackillop from Port Macquarie. The team were down six players before kick-off as we lost 5 to the HSIE excursion and another to a school swap. We did, however, welcome Hayley Patterson back after the College Musical and were lucky to have Molly Bartholomew, Leila Klein-Coleman and Coco Grew-Jones from the Bill Turner Trophy team step up to take the missing players' places.
It was a very even game. MacKillop's team was a physical, skilful and well-structured one that created around 3 or 4 chances on goal throughout the game. Our girls stood up to the challenge well, holding possession and creating chances to attack on several occasions. Considering how many students we had representing the seniors from the junior years bodes well for the future of football at XCC. Overall, we were beaten by the better team on the day, who were able to take their chance in a very competitive match-up.
Thank you for the service provided by all of our Year 12 students — Schapelle Mannix-Farrell, Niamh Sharpe, Ivy Claridge, Charlotte Elphick, Lauren Tyler, Callie Gollan and Sophie Maiden — who have officially played their last game of football for XCC.
Mr Michael Raeburn - Coach

AFL Queensland Schools Cup Years 7-9
On Wednesday 1 May, the Years 7-9 girls attended an AFL Gala Day at the Cavanbah Centre. They had a blistering start winning with a goal difference of more than 32 points. The girls fought hard in the next two games, losing by less than a goal each game. Their final match against Maclean, in torrential rain and gale-force winds, saw them come out with a tie. The team's enthusiasm in difficult conditions was inspirational. They had by far the loudest cheer of all the schools.
Ms Erin Buie - Coach
Individual Achievements
Felix Clarke has been selected for the CCC Volleyball Team (Girls 18 years and under). Congratulations, Felix!
Jye Miller has made the Far North Coast U14 Boys Representative Team for Hockey. He will participate in the NSW Field State Championships which is held at Taree this week. Congratulations, Jye!

Ten Pin Bowling Championships
During the school holidays, a few Xavier Catholic College students participated in and excelled at their chosen sport at the Australian Junior National Tenpin Championships on the Sunshine Coast. As a proud parent and Bowling Centre proprietor, I would like to take the opportunity to congratulate them on their outstanding achievements. Not only did they represent their home centre (Ballina Tenpin) but they also represented Northern NSW at an elite level.
Jake Sayer (Year 12 — College Captain): Jake was the Northern NSW boys team Captain this year. He led his boy's team to contribute to the overall 4th place of the whole Northern NSW Team in the prestigious President Shield Competition, which is a teams event held over 3 x days of head-to-head matches against the best juniors and State Teams around the country. He was also nominated by his bowling peers as the recipient of the Jason Belmonte Male Sportsperson Award for the tournament.
Luca McPherson (Year 8): This was Luca’s first Australian National Competition. Not only did he represent Northern NSW alongside Jake in the boys team and contribute to the overall 4th place of the team in the President Shield Competition, but he also finished 4th in the U14 Masters, which at his first National Championships – a fantastic achievement.
Brianna Walsh (Year 11): Brianna made the final of the National Masters (individual competition for girls under 18 years of age across the country) and finished 8th. She was also part of the Northern NSW girls’ squad, and they finished 2nd in the President Shield Competition in the girls division and were part of the 4th place in the overall placing alongside Jake and Luca. Brianna was also nominated by her bowling peers as the recipient of the Jason Belmonte Female Sportsperson Award for the tournament. Furthermore, Brianna placed in the top 5 as an ‘All-Star’ in the girls division for the President Shield Competition, meaning she averaged in the top 5 of all U18 girls competing across the event over the 3 x day tournament. She has also been selected as part of the Australian U18 National Training Squad this year and could be selected to represent Australia in overseas competitions.
An impressive week of competition from these 3 young athletes, of whom I am very proud. Not only did they represent their Home Centre and State with pride, but they should also be commended for their attitudes both on and off the lanes.
Emma Walsh (Ballina Tenpin Bowl Proprietor)

Mr Pat Kennedy (Leader of Sport) and Miss Emily Keys (Sport Trainee)
Canteen News
Volunteering in the Canteen is a great opportunity to meet other parents and to be involved in your child/children's school life.
- Arrive at school by 8:45am and park on the street (or you will get locked in the bottom carpark!).
- Go to the Office to sign in and receive your Visitor Badge.
- Head to the Canteen where you can prepare for the day’s lunch orders.
- Volunteers receive lunch, and their children receive a $5 canteen voucher.
- Finish time is approximately 1:30-2:00pm, depending on how busy the day is.
- If you cannot make your rostered day, please email Denise at or phone the College beforehand on 6618 0180.
- Text message reminders are sent on Wednesdays the week before your rostered day.
- Reminder: All Canteen volunteers need a volunteer Working With Children Check before starting with us. This is free for volunteers, and you can apply via Service NSW.
Our recess and lunch order cutoff time is 8:45am.
Please visit our website for the 2024 Canteen Roster.
Mrs Denise Barnard
Canteen Supervisor
Community News