Newsletter 2: Monday 11 March 2024
For the Calendar
Week 7
- ALL WEEK: Year 12 Assessment Block
- Tuesday 12/03/24: Diocesan Tennis (Tweed Heads)
- Wednesday 13/03/24: NAPLAN (Year 7 and Year 9), Diocesan Opens Basketball (Coffs Harbour)
- Thursday 14/03/24: NAPLAN (Year 7 and Year 9), Diocesan Opens Basketball (Coffs Harbour)
- Thursday 14/03/24: Year 7 2025 College Tours
- Friday 15/03/24: Year 10 Minimum Standards, Community Access Term 1
Week 8
- ALL WEEK: Year 12 Assessment Block
- Monday 18/03/24: NAPLAN (Year 7 and Year 9), Timor Parent Partnership Meeting, Year 10 Child Studies Community Visits
- Tuesday 19/03/24: Harmony Day, NAPLAN (Year 7 and Year 9)
- Wednesday 20/03/24: NAPLAN Catch-Ups (Year 7 and Year 9)
- Thursday 21/03/24: Year 8 History Incursion, NAPLAN Catch-Ups (Year 7 and Year 9), LEAD Gathering 2024, Year 7 Parent/Teacher Conferences (3:45pm - 6:30pm)
- Friday 22/03/24: LEAD Gathering 2024, Australian Defence Force Talk, NAPLAN Catch-Ups (Year 7 and Year 9)
Week 9
- Wednesday 27/03/24: Diocesan Opens Football, Lismore (TBC), Community Access Term 1
- Thursday 28/03/24: Holy Thursday, Easter Raffle, Musical Rehearsal ALL DAY, Year 10 Ministry Class & Senior Ministry Team Visit to Holy Family
- Friday 29/03/24: Good Friday
Week 10
- Monday 01/04/24: Easter Monday
- Tuesday 02/04/24: Year 7 Vaccinations, Musical Technical Rehearsal ALL DAY, NSWCCC North Individual Rugby League Trials (TBC)
- Wednesday 03/04/24: Musical Final Dress Rehearsal ALL DAY, NSWCCC North Individual Rugby League Trials (TBC)
- Thursday 04/04/24: NSW Northern Rivers Interschool Chess Competition, Musical Matinee for Primary Schools, Musical Opening Performance (7pm)
- Friday 05/04/24: Diocesan Individual Netball Trials (TBC), Year 7 2025 Enrolment Applications Close, Musical Performance (7pm)
- Saturday 06/04/24: Musical Matinee Performance (2pm), Musical Closing Performance (7pm)
To see our full Term Planner, click here.
XCC Newsletters will now be sent to families at the end of Week 2, Week 6, and Week 10.
If you have any feedback about this change, we'd love to hear it. Please email us to let us know what you'd like the XCC Newsletter to look like moving forward.
Principal's Message

Dear Parents, Students and Staff,
The Season of Lent
The fast pace of your life may seem to leave little time and energy for the traditional Lenten practices. But you can weave moments of spiritual awareness and service into even the busiest of schedules. The trick is to see Lenten practice as part of, rather than in addition to, each activity of your ordinary hectic day. The three foundational practices of Lent are prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Here’s how to think about them in a new way:
Praying Daily: If you make a habit of saying a little prayer whenever someone irritates you, cuts you off in traffic, or makes life difficult; when someone does you a favour, you experience great and friendly service, or when something joyful happens to you — you will soon find yourself praying your way through the day. Try this simple practice and you will be observing the Catholic Church’s call for greater prayer during the Lenten season. You will also find that this habit makes your life flow smoother, your self more centred, and your Spirit more aware of God’s presence.
A Different Type of Fasting: There are many ways to fast. Why not fast from criticism, gossip, judging others, or passing on rumours? Why not abstain from unwarranted fear and anxiety? You can also tell that inner voice inside your head that criticises you to abstain from eroding your ability to be the confident, blessed person God calls you to be. These are beautiful ways to observe the Lenten call to fasting and abstinence. In the book, Praying Lent, the authors offer suggestions on different ways to fast during Lent.
Give of Yourself: Daily life also offers countless opportunities to give of yourself to others (alms), and most don’t involve dipping into your wallet. Give encouragement to the doubting, give a word of praise to the insecure, show kindness to someone who could use a friend, and offer a word of thanks to those whose service of others often goes unappreciated. Give the gift of your attention to someone who simply wants to be noticed. Tell your children stories about people whose values you admire when you gather at mealtime. Don’t be stingy with your smiles — give them freely to everyone you meet. And most important, give your love to those close to you. Hug them, hold them, and tell them what they mean to you. In this way you open your heart to God and others.
So no matter how busy you are in life, with some greater awareness and new perspectives you can consciously pray, fast, and give of yourself this Lent — and you will be ready to celebrate when a joyful dawn breaks upon you Easter morning.
International Women's Day
On Friday 8 March, Dr Madeline Beveridge provided a wonderful opportunity for our future and current young female leaders to engage with this through the Young Women's Leadership Seminar via an online forum hosted by the NSW Parliament. Recognising the immense talent of our young female leaders and nurturing their aspirations and capabilities is critical in ensuring we have a vibrant and inclusive community in which to live and work.
Parent Calendar
I encourage you to look over the parent calendar I sent home in recent weeks and to make time at least once every term to join us for an opportunity to strengthen our parent partnerships by coming along to one of the many parent opportunities. If you’d like to see a digital version of this calendar, it is available on our website under the ‘Term Planners’ tab:
Welcome Back, Mr Nick Jones
Over the last few weeks, Mr Jones has been absent and was very capably replaced by Mr Jukes in his leadership role. I want to express my thanks to Mr Jukes for the good work he did, and I also want to extend a welcome back on behalf of the entire community to Mr Jones, who has slipped seamlessly back into his role of supporting our young people and their wellbeing.
Prayers for Mrs Mary Howard
Many of you will now be aware that Mrs Howard is having some extended time away from the College to recover from some serious and challenging health issues. I ask you to continue to keep Mrs Howard in your prayers. I visited her only a couple of weeks ago, and she has been in high spirits and thankful for all the prayers and best wishes coming from all parts of our community.
Parent Partnerships
I thank the parents who joined us on Thursday Night for our regular ‘Parent Group Meeting’. Mr Fear and Ms Zuino presented to the gathered group about supporting your child at high school, and with a rundown on the Resilience Project, our parents went away feeling supported and confident in the direction of our College. During the meeting there was an opportunity to express a desire for new topics to be presented. As we collate these, I want to offer parents the opportunity to share their thoughts on topics and ideas you would find useful throughout the year. Please feel free to email the College at our general email address:
Year 7 Parent Welcome Picnic
During Week 5, we had a delightful evening of mixing with parents, families, and, of course, our wonderful new Year 7 cohort. Ending only by nature’s bouncers (the mozzies), the night was a fantastic way for families to feel welcome and included as part of the College community. I thank Ms Nichole Page for her work in ensuring the night ran so smoothly.
God Bless,
Mr Kevin Lewis
Assistant Principal: Learning & Teaching
International Women's Day
This week we celebrate International Women's Day, and I take this opportunity to thank and acknowledge the strength, compassion and expertise of our female staff. I am very grateful to work with these inspirational and supportive women. I am also grateful for the vast array of opportunities I have been afforded as a woman in this generation — to complete high school, attain a university degree, travel independently, and develop a career while also having the best job of all: being a mother. These opportunities have been made possible by the women, and indeed the men, who walked before me, paving the way for gender equality.
While significant progress has been made, women and girls still experience disadvantage and violence. International Women’s Day is not only a cause for celebration but a call to action to continue the work to reshape society and to stamp out prejudice, discrimination and injustice — in any form they manifest — in the relentless pursuit of a more inclusive and just society for all.
Thank you!
I would like to congratulate our students on the manner in which they have engaged in their learning over the previous weeks. I have led a number of Principal’s Tours, taking Year 6 students and parents on walking tours of the College during the school day. These visitors to our school have been very impressed by our focused, engaged and courteous students.
It has been inspiring to witness the professionalism and enthusiasm of our teaching staff; their commitment to your children’s wellbeing and learning is evident each and every day. The facilities on offer are impressive, but it is the people — both staff and students — who make this community the wonderful place that it is. I also wish to thank our parent community, with whom we work in partnership. Your support is very much appreciated as we work together to nurture our young people.
Students in Years 7 and 9 will sit Online NAPLAN tests in Weeks 7 and 8 this term. Please ensure all computers are charged and in working order. One of the main features of the NAPLAN Online format is that it is a tailored (or adaptive) test. The tailored test provides a more precise assessment of your child’s performance in the areas of reading, language conventions (grammar, spelling and punctuation) and numeracy by adapting to responses. As your child progresses through the test, questions may be easier or more difficult, to better assess his or her ability. Your child should not be concerned if he or she finds the questions more difficult than expected – the pathway may be more challenging. Not every student doing the online test will be answering the same questions in the same order. Your child’s NAPLAN results and scores are based on the number and complexity of questions he or she has answered correctly.
NAPLAN tests will be conducted on the following dates for Years 7 and 9:
Week 7
- Wednesday 13 March - Writing
- Thursday 14 March - Reading
Week 8
- Monday 18 March - Language Conventions
- Tuesday 19 March - Numeracy
Students who are absent on test days will be required to sit catch-up tests.
For more information:
- How to support your child during NAPLAN
- NAPLAN Public demonstration site
- Year 7 & 9 NAPLAN Readiness
- NAPLAN Information Brochure for Parents & Carers
Minimum Standards
Students need reading, writing and maths skills to be successful in everyday life after school. To check students have the basics right, NESA requires students to sit short online tests of reading, writing and maths. Students get up to four chances a year to pass each of the tests from Years 10 and 11 and six chances a year in Year 12 until up to five years after successfully completing their first HSC course. If students pass the online tests of basic reading, writing and numeracy skills they meet the HSC minimum standard.
Minimum Standards tests for Reading and Numeracy will be conducted for Year 10 students on Friday 15 March. For more information, please see the factsheet below.
DIBELS Testing
During this term, students in Years 7 and 8 have been engaging in DIBELS testing, which helps teachers and schools determine how students are performing on important reading skills. DIBELS stands for Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills. These measures are designed for students in Years K-8 following extensive research done by the University of Oregon. The College will use this information to support us in ensuring that all students are on track to become accurate and fluent readers. This aligns with the College's goal to improve students’ reading outcomes.
Encouraging regular and varied reading at home is one very valuable way that families can support their child’s reading development.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Year 7 Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Thursday 21 March (Week 8). Students are encouraged to attend the interviews with their parents as a way to receive valuable feedback on their learning.
Bookings will open on Monday 11 March at 9am. Bookings for Parent/Teacher Conferences can be made via Compass. If you have any difficulties, please contact the Helpdesk on 6618 0123. This video may support you in making bookings via Compass, or you can view this flyer: Booking Parent/Teacher Conferences in the Compass App
Year 11 and 12 Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Week 3 of Term 2 to allow for discussions around Year 12 Mid-Course Reports.
Assessment Tasks
As we approach the end of the term, assessment tasks typically fall due and it is important that students keep an eye on their assessment calendar (linked below). All tasks are clearly outlined on Assessment Task Notification sheets, available on Google Classroom. Discussing the nature of the task with your child is an excellent way for parents to engage with their child’s learning.
Assessment Calendars may be viewed via the College website under Assessment Information.
For students in Years 10, 11 and 12: If your child is unable to complete upcoming assessment tasks or requires special consideration, please encourage them to speak with their classroom teacher or the relevant Leader of Learning. They must also submit an Absence from Assessment/Request For Special Consideration form, which will be used to consider individual circumstances whereby extensions, alternate tasks, or, in exceptional circumstances, estimates may be deemed most appropriate for a particular student. The Assessment Booklets, also available on the College website, provide additional information.
Please note that your child must submit the form using their school login details. Parents are unable to submit on behalf of their children.
Ms Carmel Zuino
Before & After School Optional Study Classes
Study classes for Year 12 students have recommenced. These are optional classes before and after school to help students as they prepare for their HSC. Please encourage your children to attend. Over the years, these lessons have proved to be very valuable.
The Maths faculty also provides Maths Help on Friday mornings. This is open to all students and particularly targets the younger members of our community.
Ms Tracy Wade
Leader of Curriculum
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Art (Year 12) | Biology (Year 12) Art (Year 12) | Chemistry (Year 12) Standard Maths (Year 12) Drama (Year 12) | Physics (Year 12) Ms Wade S4 3:20pm - 4:30pm | Maths Help (All Years) Design & Tech (Year 12) French (Year 12) |
Assistant Principal: Mission
The Resilience Project Homework Ideas: Gratitude
At the end of Week 6, we have had several TRP sessions facilitated during community time. Students were excited to be reunited in their former Year 7 base class groups and have been adjusting to the new learning and concepts we are exploring. In each session, the school will be providing families with direct insights regarding what concepts are covered. We encourage families to nurture a culture of gratitude at home.
Working on gratitude helps us to be thankful and appreciate what we have in our lives, rather than focusing on what we don’t have or what we want. When we practise being grateful, we start to scan the world to look for positives – this only takes 21 days! Practising gratitude every day increases our levels of energy, and helps us to feel happier and more focused, determined and optimistic. It even helps us have better sleep, lowers levels of anxiety and depression, and we are less likely to get sick. So many benefits – let’s all try to be grateful for the things and people in our lives every day!
Whole Family Activity — Gratitude Scavenger Hunt: As a family, create a scavenger hunt list of things that make you happy or you are grateful for. You can make your own list or use the examples below:
- Something that makes you happy
- Something you love to smell
- Something you enjoy looking at
- Something that is your favourite colour
- Something you like in nature
- Something that is useful for you
Each member of the family uses the list and has to find as many things as they can.
You can hunt for things inside, outside, or both. You can hunt for real things, or you can also use magazines or pictures from the internet.
After a set amount of time hunting, come back together, have a look at what each person collected and let them explain why they are grateful for each item.
Family Habit Builder: Every night at dinner, have each person talk about their favourite thing about that day.
Where can I find out more? If families are interested, there are some great resources available via The Resilience Project: Parent & Carer Hub
Sunsmart Ambassadors
During our whole school assembly this week, our two Sunsmart Ambassadors, Jayden Matthews and Marli Francis, addressed the entire school community on a topic that is not only important but crucial for our sunny lifestyle here in Northern NSW: sun safety. I wanted to share some key points from their insightful speech and emphasise the significance of sun safety for our students and families.
Our region is blessed with beautiful weather, perfect for outdoor adventures. However, this also means we need to be extra vigilant about protecting our skin from the harmful effects of the sun. Melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, is a serious concern in Australia. Shockingly, Ballina is consistently named as one of the hotspots for melanoma in NSW. This underscores the urgency of taking sun safety seriously.
Early detection is paramount. If caught early, 90% of melanomas can be cured with surgery. It's crucial to be familiar with your skin and seek medical advice if you notice any new or changing spots.
To make sun safety information readily accessible, we have initiated measures to display the daily UV rating in the PE common area at school. This way, students and staff can always stay informed and take necessary precautions.
We encourage all families to take five easy steps to help keep their skin safe:
- Seek shade when possible.
- Cover up with sun-protective clothing.
- Wear a hat, especially during outdoor activities.
- Apply SPF 50+ sunscreen every two hours.
- Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes.
Additionally, I would like to draw your attention to an important local event: the Melanoma March in Ballina. This event provides an opportunity for our community to come together, raise awareness, and support those affected by melanoma. We had a successful turnout last year, and we hope to see even more participation this year on the 16th of March at Missingham Park. You can register online at
NSW School Vaccination Program: The Next Important Date Is...
Mark your calendars for the NSW Health Schools Vaccinations Program at Xavier Catholic College:
Year 7: Tuesday 2 April 2024
The below has been provided by NSW Health.
If your child is in Year 7 this year, you can now provide online consent for their routine school vaccinations.
In 2024, the following vaccines will be offered:
- In Year 7, students are offered free vaccines for diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (dTpa) and human papillomavirus (HPV).
Vaccination will only be provided at school if consent has been received. How to provide consent:
- To complete online consent for your child's school vaccinations, visit:
- Follow the steps to log in to your existing ServiceNSW account. This is the same account you may already use to renew your driver's licence. If you don't have a Service NSW account, refer to ServiceNSW to create one.
- Update or confirm your personal details in ServiceNSW as required.
- Complete the School Vaccination Consent Form for your child/ren. You will need to:
- Enter your child's personal details
- Provide the Medicare card details for you and your child
- Read the linked Parent Information Sheet and privacy statement. Translations available in 27 languages
- Provide consent
If you or your child do not have a Medicare card, consent can still be provided by requesting a paper- based consent form directly from your child's school. The benefits of providing consent online:
- easily update your child's details
- receive SMS and/or email notifications when vaccinations are given
- faster upload of vaccination records to the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR).
For more information on routine school vaccinations, please visit
Mr Peter Fear
Pastoral Care
Having hit the halfway point in our first term of 2024, it is worth taking a moment of reflection to consider some of the many successes we have seen within our community to date this year:
- Our Year 7 cohort continues to shine, having made the transition to ‘big school’ so courageously
- Our Senior Students continue to impress, with 15 Year 11 and 12 students volunteering to lead College tours after school this week for our 2025 Year 7 cohort
- Our Amazing Staff and entire student body continue to seek positive interactions, leading to 5092 merits awarded in just 26 school days
- And our families continue to support the many great aspects of the College, be it through daily attendance of students, musical rehearsals, sports training…the list could go on.
On a personal note, I’d like to express my gratitude in many ways for the recent support I have received after a late-career code change led to a blown ACL and a bruised ego. Mr Joel Jukes, who acted in the Leader of Pastoral Care space in my absence, is particularly worthy of high praise. His generosity in stepping in at such a busy time of year is incredible, and I deeply appreciate his support. I have been blown away by the support of this great community in my recovery. Thank you.
Year 7 Belonging Day and Picnic
These two special events took place in the first half of this term and were thoroughly enjoyed by the students and many parents who attended. They were also really great nights for the staff who attended, walking with our students and families and getting to know our newest community members better.
These events take a great deal of work to make them happen. Ms Nichole Page and each of the Heads of House put in a tremendous amount of energy to ensure they were enjoyable for all involved. I am always grateful to work with a team of such dedicated educators. A massive debt of gratitude is also owed to Ms Katie Elliott, our Business Manager, who was pivotal in organising the Belonging Picnic; thank you, Katie.
Assembly — Week 6
This week saw another great celebration of our community and its many moving parts. All bar one of the listed items were led by students — a truly impressive achievement. The agenda is listed below simply to show the incredible feats of our young people:
- Assistant Principal’s Address: Ms Carmel Zuino
- College Captains’ Address
- Ministry Team: Easter Egg Raffle, Project Compassion, Senior Ministry Team, LEAD Conference advertisement, Lunchtime Prayer
- Sunsmart Ambassadors: Sun Safety and the Ballina Melanoma March
- Mackillop House Awareness Campaign: Anti-bullying - MacKillop House Leaders
- McAuley House Fundraising Campaign: International Women’s Day - McAuley House Leaders
I would like to express my gratitude to each of the people/groups who presented. It was a wonderful celebration of all that is happening at Xavier. Of particular note, we thank Ms Zuino, who gave an inspiring address celebrating the women in our community and sharing her own story so generously in light of International Women’s Day.
School Attendance
We have commenced the process of checking in on students with increased absenteeism. This is a critical part of our obligation to ensure that all young people access education in line with the NSW Education Act 1990. This is a great reminder that attendance counts for all learners. Below is a graphic representation highlighting the importance of attending school for our young people. If you have concerns about your child/ren’s pattern of attendance, please don’t hesitate to contact their Head of House or me directly to discuss how we can support you and your family.

ANZAC Challenge Program
Families are invited to view the following flyer for the ANZAC Challenge Program. It is run by the Coffs Coast Adventure Centre and offers an opportunity to develop skills in resilience, teamwork and mateship. View the flyer below for more details.
I’ll leave you with the following reflection from former Irish Rugby Player Brian O’Driscoll… whilst not necessarily an intellectually stimulating piece of thought, it might be an insight for our young people on the importance of thought before action:
“The difference between Knowledge and Wisdom…
Well, Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit,
And Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad”
As always, if there is anything that you would like to discuss, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me (
Mr Nick Jones
Leader of Pastoral Care
Catechesis & Evangelisation

A longstanding tradition exists at Xavier Catholic College of raffling Easter eggs and other chocolate treats on Holy Thursday. The Easter Egg raffle is a major component of our fundraising for Project Compassion. All proceeds go to assisting communities in dire need.
Families are asked to assist by donating a chocolate egg (or bunnies, etc) for the prize pool. Donations can be left with Mr Eyles or Brendon Clarke (the CYM) at any time.
The raffle will be drawn on Thursday 28 March.
Tickets will go on sale in Week 8 for $2 each or 3 for $5.00.
Please donate a prize or buy a ticket to assist Project Compassion.

Project Compassion
During Week 7, all Xavier students will be encouraged to make a donation to Project Compassion. Collection boxes will be in all PC Classes and at the Canteen during recess and lunch. Our donations to Project Compassion will help vulnerable communities face their challenges today and build a better tomorrow for all future generations.
At our assembly this week, we learned about Memory, who is 26 years old and lives in rural Malawi. As the eldest child in a low-income farming family, Memory had to take on many household chores and farming activities to support her parents. They struggled to pay for Memory’s school fees and school supplies, and Memory often had to walk to school barefooted.
With the support of Caritas Australia and its partner, the Catholic Development Commission in Malawi (CADECOM), Memory was able to enrol at a technical college where she learnt technical skills in carpentry. She undertook a three-year carpentry course, with CADECOM supporting part of her tuition and boarding fees.
Memory became the first female carpenter from her village. Today, she works as a carpenter at one of Malawi’s largest hydroelectric power stations. With the income from her job, she can provide financial support to her family and inspire other young women in her community so that they may have the opportunity to succeed in a male-dominated industry.
Watch Memory’s Story.

All Year 7 students were recently invited to apply for a place at their Annual Intentional Discipleship Gathering: Transitus.
Transitus is an overnight retreat experience for Year 7 students held on Monday night 8 April at Camp Drewe. Transitus aims to foster discipleship of Jesus Christ, membership of His Church and to strengthen the transition of Year 7s into Catholic Secondary School.
Xavier Catholic College can send up to fourteen representatives to Transitus. There is no cost to families for those students selected. Accommodation, transport and the activities are all paid for by the diocese. We encourage you to have a discussion with your child about attending Transitus.
To learn more about Transitus, watch our Transitus Promo Video.
To apply for one of the fully sponsored places at Transitus, students should complete this online 2024 Transitus Application Form before Monday 11 March.
Students selected to attend the Transitus Retreat will receive further information and online permission and medical forms through the events module in their Compass portal.

Catholic Faith in Action Excursion
Earlier in the term, our Year 12 Catholic Faith in Action students travelled to Brisbane to learn more about the Emmanuel City Mission and to live out the Catholic Social Teachings of Participation, Solidarity, and Care for Our Common Home. Our students have written about their experiences below.
For our Catholic Faith assessment task, we travelled to Brisbane to volunteer and reflect upon our experience at the Emmanuel City Mission. We were warmly welcomed by their team and we were given a short brief on the services they provide, resonating teachings derived from Christian morality.
Emmanuel City Mission is all about providing a safe space where the homeless and vulnerable of Brisbane City are cared for. They provide numerous facilities to help aid their current situation, hopefully encouraging healing and hope for those who need it the most.
The team then divided us into small groups, all assigned to different areas within the centre, assisting with any jobs that needed to be done. Not only did this experience support the volunteers by completing tasks around the centre, but it also provided an extremely cathartic experience. Being so immersed in the reality of people’s lives was an extremely confronting experience and allowed deep reflection on our lives and the privileges we take for granted.
At the beginning of the excursion, we were asked to reflect upon the question, ‘How does the catholic faith guide us to live our lives to foster human dignity for everyone?’ It was through introspection that we could align Catholic morality with the teachings and attitudes displayed by the supervisors and their powerful drive to foster human dignity.
By Georgia Sponder

At Emmanuel City Mission, we participated in excellently arranged activities that allowed us to gain insight into what they did at ECM and just how much effort is put in to ensure that all valued people who come through the door have a great experience to help them wherever they are in their lives.
As a group, we assisted in organising clothes to allow for those who are less fortunate to have easier access to the basic necessities we all take for granted. Jack Groves and I helped Max, the Communications Manager in the toiletries department, creating a concisely organised storage unit that allows for the less fortunate people of West End Brisbane to clean themselves and restore their inner spirit with a nice hot shower and clean clothes. We even helped Lawrence, a man who has been homeless for 14 years, acquire some toiletries to allow him to clean himself up ready for his first job interview in 5 years.
This trip was very insightful and allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of just how grateful I should be of the simple things I have ready access everyday which these people that enter ECM do not, and it also guided me to understand my faith and the centre values that I should take into every part of my life. So thank you so very much to Mrs Webster, Mrs Schreenan and Mr Asser on arranging and taking us on this trip.
By Jake Sayer

Mr David Eyles & Dr Madeline Beveridge
College News

Creative Arts Sydney Excursion
In Week 3, 26 students from Year 11 and 12 Art, Dance and Drama travelled to Sydney to participate in a variety of different workshops and view showcases of the ‘best of the best’ works from 2023 HSC students. All students were able to experience each ‘creative world’ by attending the different showcases as a group of 26; ArtExpress, Callback and Onstage as well as splitting up to be involved in individualised workshops.
Dance students went to two workshops at Sydney Dance Company. The first was a JFH class taught by Michel Beirouthy. JFH is a hybrid dance style combining Jazz, Funk and Hip Hop and is often used in commercial dance. The second class was a Level 3 contemporary dance class designed for participants with extended experience, professional artists, full-time students and ex-professional dancers. The students were very nervous heading into the class, however did not look one bit out of place. They took on the challenge of this advanced level contemporary class which focused on developing highly detailed movement ability, freedom of movement and refined physical efficacy. We also did a Reformer Pilates class and stretched our bodies to the absolute limit. The HSC Callback Workshop was a 6-hour course that opened the students' eyes to new avenues and inspired them on how to develop their own works further. Watching the Callback Showcase also allowed for an insight into the high standard of the state and gave them the push they needed to come back to school and use all of the wonderful knowledge we gained.
Drama students attended a dynamic physical theatre workshop run by ATYP (Australian Theatre for Young People), where they learnt how to create movement with meaning, soundscapes and partner lifts. After the workshop, we saw both the matinee and night show of “Onstage”. “Onstage” is a showcase of exemplary work from the Drama HSC, and the students were left inspired as they embarked on their Individual Projects and Group Performances. The next day, we visited Sydney Theatre Company, where we witnessed professional actors performing scenes from Australian plays, participated in a character development workshop and got a ‘behind the scenes’ tour of all the departments, rehearsal studios and theatres of Sydney Theatre Company. The backstage tour was engaging and educational, and provided a glimpse into how an internationally renowned theatre company operates. A visit to the Museum of Sydney to see the Opera House exhibition was a highlight, and we also watched “Madame Web” at Darling Harbour IMAX.
Art students commenced with a visit to the Art Gallery of New South Wales to view ARTEXPRESS, an annual exhibition showcasing exemplary artworks by New South Wales visual arts students. Students viewed a diverse range of artworks, each reflecting the unique perspectives and talents of young artists. This exhibition served as a source of inspiration, igniting creativity among our students.
Our next stop led us to the National Art School. Students had the opportunity to engage in a whole-day painting workshop. "From realism to abstraction”, focusing on the creative process. Through practical exercises and experimentation, students honed their observational skills and explored the transformation of tangible objects into abstract expressions of art. This encouraged students to push the boundaries of their creativity. Students gained valuable insights into university life and the diverse career pathways available in the arts industry.
At the Museum of Contemporary Art, students viewed the current exhibition featuring Tacita Dean and engaged in a workshop that unpacked unseen images. This opportunity directly prepares students for the HSC by building a toolkit of strategies and starting points for critical writing about contemporary art.
Students visited the studio of iconic Australian artist Brett Whiteley. Surrounded by Whiteley's paintings, art equipment, and personal memorabilia, they gained valuable insights into his life and work and experienced firsthand the atmosphere of creativity.
Visual Arts students explored the beauty of Sydney's landscape and iconic landmarks by ferry and responded creatively in drawing and watercolour. As we reflect on our excursion, we are reminded of the transformative power of the arts to inspire, provoke thought, and foster creativity, and we look forward to continuing our exploration of art and culture in the future.
Mrs Sarah Ward, Mrs Allysha Hodges, and Ms Donna Albany
Creative Arts Teachers

Child Studies Visit St Anne's Long Daycare Centre
Year 9 Child Studies students recently embarked on a journey to St. Anne's Day Care Centre. This visit marked their first immersion into the practical world of child care, offering them a glimpse into the daily operations of this vibrant care facility.
Their tour began with centre director Narelle Dewhurst walking them through the facility, where they observed various rooms specially designed to cater to different age groups. From the nursery and infants rooms called Pippies and Pebbles, to the lively playrooms for toddlers called Shells and Rockpools, each space was thoughtfully organised to foster growth, learning, and fun. The students were introduced to staff and students in the Seabirds room, an area designed for learning, growth and preparation for the next stage in students’ educational journey: Kindergarten!
Narelle's passion for early childhood education was evident in every word she spoke. She shared insights into the centre's philosophy, emphasising the importance of creating a nurturing environment where children feel safe, valued, and encouraged to explore their potential.
Throughout the visit, our students could engage with educators and children in their respective rooms. They eagerly interacted with the little ones, participating in activities ranging from storytime sessions to creative arts and crafts. It was great to witness the genuine connections formed between our students and the children, as they embraced this new experience.
I look forward to witnessing the continued growth of my Child Studies students as they visit St Anne’s Long Day Care Centre, which will provide this invaluable learning experience for them.
Mrs Naomi Byrnes
PDHPE & Child Studies Teacher

Wellbeing News
Year 7 Transition News
The first 5 weeks for our graduating class of 2029 (aka Year 7 2024) have been a very busy but successful start for our young superstars! Not only have they navigated a timetable of busyness and new teachers, but they have also learned of new room names and numbers, bell times and the computer ins and outs. On top of all of this, they have had the energy and enthusiasm to meet new friends and connect with their Year 12 buddies. Overall, I have been proud of their transition to high school life. It has no doubt been without its inherent challenges but the senior students have to be commended on providing great support to the year 7 team. We have enjoyed two special events amongst this, Belonging Day and the Welcome Picnic Evening. I will leave it to the Year 7 students to report on these events…
Kundai Chenhamo:
On the 22nd February, the fabulous Year Seven gang celebrated their very first Belonging Day! We kicked things off with stacking the Tower Challenge - hooray! But hold onto your swimming caps because the best part was about to splash in - the pool party, woohoo! All aboard the bus to aquatic fun, where the air buzzed with excitement as students dived into the water and zipped down the slides. Huge shoutout to the awesome staff who this day a splash-tastic reality. Oh, and a special shoutout for the delicious finger buns and juice boxes!
Quinn Campbell:
Belonging day was an amazing opportunity the Year Seven Students of Xavier Catholic College were lucky enough to be a part of. It started with games in the Magis to build a sense of belonging and teamwork challenges. We then took a bus to the Ballina pool and Water slides where we enjoyed some delicious food and heaps of fun in the pool and slides. It was a great chance to meet new people and get to know the other houses.
The Welcome Picnic was also a great experience where parents and guardians were welcome to come and enjoy a picnic with their Year Seven Students and the staff at Xavier Catholic College. The night consisted of meetings with each house, heaps of fun and games, and delicious food from the food trucks. My parents thought it was a great opportunity to meet teachers and other students' parents.
Isla Cleary:
Last week we celebrated Belonging Week, the welcoming of Year 7 and a reminder to everyone that they are welcome and that everyone belongs. Our week was full of fun activities and lots of laughter. We started our week with an exciting day at Ballina waterslides, followed by a welcoming picnic the next day, plus some exciting extra activities along the way. It was an awesome way to meet new people and spend a day with all our friends. The day was full of overjoyed faces thanks to all the staff and teachers planning and putting the day together.
We had a delicious morning tea with finger buns and juice, then topped with endless fun on the waterslides.
Following the theme of belonging, we also had a welcoming picnic, which was a chance to play games and have a wonderful dinner with the choice of mouthwatering pulled pork burgers, potato twisters, and perfect pizza.
The evening was more than just a picnic since there was a chance for our parents to meet teachers, staff, heads of houses and house captains. There was plenty of work displayed around the classrooms for parents to see what learning we have been doing over the past couple of weeks.
Overall, the experience was worthwhile and will be a fantastic memory throughout our high school journey at Xavier Catholic College.
Below are some photos from Belonging Day and our Welcome Picnic.
Ms Nichole Page
Year 7 Transition Coordinator

Campion House Fundraiser
Campion House recently hosted a heartwarming Valentine's Day fundraiser, raising $580 in support of Jesuit Mission. This charity helps those less fortunate through education and community-based programs.
The students of Campion House sold a selection of sweets delivered in Pastoral Care on Valentine's Day.
Thank you to everyone who contributed, proving that small gestures of kindness can create significant change.
Mrs Kate Kilby
Head of Campion House

Sport News
Championship Swimming
On Friday 16 February, 52 swimmers competed at the 2024 Championship Swimming Carnival held at the Ballina Memorial Pool. Congratulations to all of our swimmers on your effort, conduct and sportsmanship shown throughout the day. The top two placegetters in events will now be eligible to represent the College at the 2024 Lismore Diocesan Swimming Carnival on Thursday 7 March, at the Port Macquarie Pool.
2024 Swimming Age Champions
- U12 Boys - N/A
- U12 Girls - Isla Cleary
- U13 Boys - Billy Stewart
- U13 Girls - Ruby Clift
- U14 Boys - Jack Solman
- U14 Girls - Abigail Matthews
- U15 Boys - James Kirby
- U15 Girls - Skye Dogan
- U16 Boys - Jayden Matthews
- U16 Girls - Marli Francis
- U17 Boys - Cooper Winney
- U17 Girls - Jasmin Poptie
- U18 Boys - Ethan Bayly
- U18 Girls - Niamh Sharpe

2024 Swimming Records
Congratulations to the following students who set new College swimming records this year:
U14 Boys:
- Jack Solman
- 100m Backstroke (1:19:35)
- Finnigan Spinks
- 100m Breastroke (1:34:97)
U14 Girls:
- Abigail Matthews
- 200m Freestyle (2:36:40)
U17 Boys:
- Cooper Winney
- 50m Freestyle (25:00)
U18 Girls:
- Niamh Sharpe
- 100m Freestyle (1:05:90)
- 200m Medley (2:53:40)

Diocesan Individual Touch Football Trials
The Diocesan Touch Football Trials for under 15 and Open Girls and Boys were held at Coffs Harbour Tuesday 27 February. Well done to the following students who were selected to trial:
- U15 Girls: Isla Walker, Zali Raudonikis, Alicia Ross, Harper Walsh, Ellie McLoughlin, Keira McCowan, Coco Grew-Jones, Eva Donovan
- U15 Boys: Harry Ranyard, Harley Murphy, Max Cribb
- Open Girls: Hayley Patterson, Madeleine Alexander
- Open Boys: Koby Threlfall, Zane Close
Diocesan Individual Touch Football Selections
Congratulations to the following players who were selected in the Diocesan representative teams and now travel to Central Coast for possible selection in the NSWCCC teams.
- U15 Girls: Isla Walker, Zali Raudonikis, Alicia Ross, Ellie McLoughlin and Eva Donovan
- U15 Boys: Harry Ranyard
- Open Girls: Hayley Patterson and Madeleine Alexander
- Open Boys: Koby Threlfall (Shadow)

Sport Uniform
Students are required to wear the correct sports uniform when representing the College in sport or when participating in Integrated Sport. This includes the College hat/cap, predominantly white or black sports shoes with jogger sole, navy striped socks, correct shorts (not rolled up at the top) and red polo shirt.
Years 7/8 and 9/10 Integrated Sport
The Term 1 Integrated Sport Calendars can be found on the College website under the Co-Curricular link. Students will be informed of expectations by their Integrated Sport teacher.
College Website — Sport Link
When visiting the College Website, please use the Co-Curricular Link then the Sport Link to find:
- Integrated Sport Calendars
- 2024 NRCC Draw
- Contact Sport Permission
- Swimwear Policy
- Sports Shoe Policy
- Lismore Diocesan Sport website
- NSWCCC (CSNSW) website
- School Sport NSW website
Mouthguards are compulsory for all contact training/sports including Rugby League, Rugby Union, AFL and Hockey. The 2024 Contact Sport Google Form will be emailed to all parents.
NSWCCC (CSNSW) Representative Sporting Links
NOTE: These are not XCC Teams!
Students who are interested in nominating to trial for ‘Individual’ NSWCCC Representative Sports should use the link below and read all of the associated information carefully with their parent/guardian:
Mr Pat Kennedy (Leader of Sport) and Miss Emily Keys (Sport Trainee)
Co-Curricular News

Musical Update!
Less than 4 weeks until opening night! Tickets are currently on sale - please find them at
This weekend we had our first Sunday rehearsal with the opportunity to finally put Act 1 and Act 2 together. We were looking forward to seeing the cast immerse themselves into their roles, coming dressed with hair, makeup and costuming. We have been impressed with the commitment of cast members learning their lines over the Christmas break and being able to get up on stage and work solely on blocking movement. The choreography is always challenging to do while acting and singing. However, all students are working diligently to give it their all!
The Art Team have worked hard to bring the stage and set pieces to life, with assistance form Year 12 Entertainment students. Year 9 art students began their unit on Pop Art with group work sculptures of 90’s gadgets, which have been promoting the musical on display in the Retail Window.
The band has now learned all 26 songs in the show, and have even begun learning a mash-up mega mix which may be a feature. They will spend time now polishing all the pieces, making sure things flow smoothly for the rehearsals with the actors and dancers.
A huge thank you to the entertainment and back stage crew who have been turning up each week. They have been busy creating the posters, program and ensuring our show will run smoothly.
We are sourcing the following props if anyone has these hidden 90’s gems at home;
- a 90's mobile phone or telephone
- 90's CD player
- 90's TV remote control
- School bags
- Sunglasses
- Roller blades
- Discman
- 90's game console
- 90's clothes
Please bring anything you have into the front office with your name on it so we can return it to you after the show.
Make sure you get your tickets ASAP! We are only running limited shows and you don’t want to miss out!

Canteen News
Volunteering in the Canteen is a great opportunity to meet other parents and to be involved in your child/children's school life.
- Arrive at school by 8:45am and park on the street (or you will get locked in the bottom carpark!).
- Go to the Office to sign in and receive your Visitor Badge.
- Head to the Canteen where you can prepare for the day’s lunch orders.
- Volunteers receive lunch, and their children receive a $5 canteen voucher.
- Finish time is approximately 1:30-2:00pm, depending on how busy the day is.
- If you cannot make your rostered day, please email Denise at or phone the College beforehand on 6618 0180.
- Text message reminders are sent on Wednesdays the week before your rostered day.
- Reminder: All Canteen volunteers need a volunteer Working With Children Check before starting with us. This is free for volunteers, and you can apply via Service NSW.
Our recess and lunch order cutoff time is 8:45am.
To see the Term 1 2024 Canteen Roster, click here.
Mrs Denise Barnard
Canteen Supervisor
Flexischools Update
In 2024, the College will no longer be using Flexischools and instead will be using Compass Canteen for all recess and lunch orders. Please see this link for how to close/cancel your Flexischools account and receive a full refund for any credit balances remaining on your account.
Community News