Newsletter 14: Friday 15 December 2023
Office Hours During School Holidays
Please be advised that, during the school holiday break, the College's office will be operating with reduced staff. If you have any questions during the holidays, please email one of the addresses below:
- General enquiries
- Finance enquiries
These email addresses will be regularly monitored during the school holidays.
We look forward to seeing you again next year!
For the Calendar
Week 1, Term 1 2024
- Tuesday 30/1/2024 and Wednesday 31/01/24: Staff Development Days (pupil-free days)
- Thursday 01/02/24: Students in Years 7, 11 and 12 return
- Friday 02/02/24: All students return
XCC Newsletters will now be sent to families at the end of Week 2, Week 6, and Week 10.
If you have any feedback about this change, we'd love to hear it. Please email us to let us know what you'd like the XCC Newsletter to look like moving forward.
Principal's Message

Dear Parents, Students and Staff,
Advent and Christmas: My Presentation Day speech this year focused on Joy, which is also the focus for the third week of Advent. As we conclude our year, which at many times has tested us, we also take time to acknowledge, with joyous and grateful hearts, the many blessings we have received. I truly feel blessed to attend work each day. It is a place of excellence, a place of love, and a place of joy, and I do not take for granted for a moment how blessed I am to work here. This is due largely to the amazing community we have. So thank you, to the entire Xavier Community, for creating the College that we have. Best wishes for a safe and joyous holiday.
Outstanding HSC results: Having worked so hard through their HSC trial examinations and pushing through diligently with all their assessments, our HSC candidates have been rewarded with some wonderful results this year. They were challenged all the way and could easily have settled for less than best. But under the guidance of our wonderful teaching staff, they held strong. And so, far from lowering their expectations and that of their teachers, our outstanding Year 12 cohort has far exceeded any results they could have imagined. I am pleased and proud to announce the following results as just a brief example of their outstanding achievements:
- Grace Kennedy: Top Achiever in Course, English Extension 1 (Ms Natalie Sinclair). Grace placed 6th in NSW
- Zoe Lucas: Top Achiever Indonesian Continuers (studied via Southern Cross School of Distance Education). Zoe placed 4th in NSW
- HSC All-Rounders: the below students earned Band 6 results in at least 5 courses:
- Landon Broadley
- Mia Viel
- Sienna Moore
Overall, the College had 89 entries on the Distinguished Achievers list, celebrating those students who earned Band 6 in one or more courses. In addition, over 60% of ALL results were either Band 5 or Band 6, which is simply outstanding.
2024 School Annual Improvement Plan (SAIP): The process for developing the next Annual Improvement Plan has been going well. It is our intention to send a mail-out — yes, old-fashioned snail mail — to all families with some important documents that you can place on the fridge for ready-reckoning. One of those will be our School Annual Improvement Plan in parent-friendly language. This will be a short summary for you all to think about over the coming holidays:
- Mission of Jesus Christ: We aim for both staff and students to embrace and embody our Ignatian values through teaching methods, staff development, prayer, and community service.
- Catholic Leadership: We're committed to fostering open communication and partnerships among everyone in our school community, including parents and the wider community, to support students' learning and well-being.
- Pastoral Care: We’re committed to working with parents, students, and staff to create a thoughtful program focused on boosting student resilience and well-being. The Resilience Project will form a large part of this.
- Learning & Teaching: We’re committed to introducing clear teaching methods throughout the school to help Year 7, 8, and 9 students improve their reading and writing abilities, ensuring visible growth in these skills.
- Family, School & Community Partnerships: We will develop a school calendar that involves parents from every grade in community discussions and activities to strengthen our partnership with families.
Staff Farewells: As is the case at the end of most years, we will say goodbye and thank you to some short-term contract staff as well as, sadly, some longer-serving staff for a variety of reasons. This year is no different, and we wish all the best to the following staff leaving us at the end of this year.
- Ms Louise Weir: taking 2024 off from teaching
- Ms Taiya Crosse: end of traineeship
- Ms Maya Parker and Ms Kirra Harris: end of contract for Mission Assistants
- Mr Joe Knott: end of contract appointment
- Mr Russell Asser: end of contract appointment
- Mrs Kathleen McLennan: end of contract appointment
- Mr James Gordon: moving to employment in Department Of Education
- Mr Graham Black: taking a year away on temporary transfer to St John’s College Woodlawn
- Mrs Mary Briggs: retiring after a period of illness
- Ms Jess Fouliard: end of contract appointment
- Mrs Sandra Conomos: end of contract appointment, returning to Department of Education
Another 2 staff members will be taking a short period of leave during Term 1 next year and are expected to return in Term 2. We wish Mrs Karen Brown and Mr Mark Lee all the best during Term 1 2024 and look forward to welcoming them back to the College on their return.
And, finally, I wish you all a wonderful happy and holy Christmas break and look forward to seeing you all again in 2024.
God Bless,
Mr Kevin Lewis
Assistant Principal: Learning & Teaching
As the school year draws to a close, I would like to express my sincere thanks to the many stakeholders in our community.
- To our students. You are at the centre of everything we do at the College and the reason staff attend work each day. Thank you for your thinking and questioning, your creativity and enthusiasm, and your good manners and kindness.
- To our parents and guardians. Thank you for working in partnership with the school to provide positive outcomes for the young people that we care so much about. We cannot do our work effectively without your support.
- To our staff. I am very proud and grateful to work with hard-working and skilled colleagues. Teaching is a very demanding profession, requiring a broad skill set and specific expertise. Thank you for your dedication and giving of yourself so generously.
- To the local community. Jesuit education asks us to begin with understanding our context. Our students are drawn from a variety of local communities, and we value this rich and diverse network.
The 2023 College theme has been ‘better together’. I truly believe that when we live and work in community, we are vastly strengthened and enriched through respectful collaboration and diversity. Students, parents, staff and the community are inextricably linked, and one area cannot thrive without the support of the others. While we have inevitably had our ups and downs this year, I can state with confidence that we have worked together and diligently to provide the best care and education possible for our students. We believe in the work we do. We believe in our students.
I wish you the peace, joy, and blessings of the festive season.
HSC Results
I am proud to share the HSC achievements of the Class of 2023.
As we celebrate the accomplishments of our students today, we also want to acknowledge the individual behind the results. Every result you see below is a testament to the diligence, commitment, and dedication each student has shown since they first became a student at Xavier Catholic College. Throughout their time at the College, our students have discovered their unique talents, pursued their passions, and taken the first steps on their life journey. We are so proud of our students, and we pray for each of them as they embrace their post-school life — whether that’s pursuing further study, joining the workforce, or forging their own path with any number of adventures. We know they will change the world for the better in all they do.
Our thanks to the teaching and support staff who have guided our students in their learning, and our special thanks to our College families for their support, both at school and at home.
College Dux: Our congratulations to Mira Michels, College Dux, for her ATAR of 97.65!

2023 HSC Ranking: We are excited to announce that Xavier Catholic College ranked 107th in NSW in the 2023 HSC results.
Top Achievers in Course: The Top Achievers In Course List represents student ranking across NSW, recognising students who place in the top 20 students amongst their subject cohort. Congratulations to Grace Kennedy, who placed 6th in NSW in English Extension 1, and Zoe Lucas, who placed 4th in NSW in Indonesian Continuers (studied via Southern Cross School of Distance Education).

HSC All-Rounders List: The HSC All Rounders Honour List recognises students who achieved an overall HSC result of 90 or above in their 10 best units. Congratulations to Mia Viel, who attained Band 6 in 6 subjects, and to Landon Broadley and Sienna Moore, who both attained Band 6 in 5 subjects.

HSC Distinguished Achievers: The HSC Distinguished Achievers List celebrates those students who achieved a result in the highest band for one or more courses. Our students have attained 89 entries on the HSC Distinguished Achievers list in 2023.
VET Qualifications: Students at Xavier Catholic College can choose to study Vocational Education and Training courses as part of their pattern of study. We are proud to announce that 21 students have graduated with VET qualifications across Hospitality (Food & Beverage), Construction Pathways, Live Production Services, and Fitness.
HSC Showcases and Exhibitions: Our students received nominations and selections for inclusion in a variety of HSC showcase and exhibition opportunities, designed to highlight exemplary major works and projects across the state.
ArtExpress: HSC Visual Arts Showcase
- Hendrix Mills: Selected for inclusion
- Izaiah Tipene-Royal: Selected for inclusion
OnSTAGE: HSC Drama Showcase
- Daniel Freeman: Nominated (Individual Performance)
- Ellie Griffith: Nominated (Individual Performance)
- Mikayla Alexander: Nominated (Group Performance)
- Landon Broadley: Nominated (Group Performance)
- Hanna Waters: Nominated (Group Performance)
- Yasmine Wentzel: Nominated (Group Performance)
Shape: HSC Industrial Technology, Design & Technology, and Textiles & Design Showcase
- Lauren Evans: Nominated
- Joshua Thick: Nominated
- Sam Thomas: Nominated
- Simon Dwyer: Nominated
- Landon Broadley: Nominated (studied via Southern Cross School of Distance Education)
Callback: HSC Dance Showcase
- Josie Crethar: Nominated (Core Composition)
Encore: HSC Music Showcase
- Landon Broadley: Nominated (Composition)
Course Results:
Our students demonstrated their outstanding talent across a range of subjects — results in 73% of courses placed above the state average in 2023!
100% of students in the following courses received results in the highest two bands, achieving results of 80% or higher:
- Construction Examination
- Dance
- English Extension 2
- Mathematics Extension 2
- Music 1
- Visual Arts
Over 80% of students in the following courses received results in the highest two bands, achieving results of 80% or higher:
- English Advanced
- English Extension 1
- Mathematics Extension 1
- Studies of Religion II
Over 50% of the students in the following courses received results in the highest two bands, achieving results of 80% or higher:
- Biology
- Business Studies
- Community & Family Studies
- Construction Examination
- Dance
- Design & Technology
- Drama
- Earth & Environmental Science
- Engineering Studies
- English Advanced
- English Extension 1
- English Extension 2
- Entertainment Examination
- Hospitality Examination
- Mathematics Extension 1
- Mathematics Extension 2
- Mathematics Standard 2
- Music 1
- Society & Culture
- Studies of Religion II
- Textiles & Design
- Visual Arts
Further results have been published on our website.
Ms Carmel Zuino
Assistant Principal: Mission
The Triumphant Return of Parish Schools Day
This year saw the revival of several beloved Xavier Catholic College events, and one that stood out was the return of Parish Schools Day. Absent from our school calendar since 2019, this important community event brought together Saint Francis Xavier Primary, Holy Family Primary, and Xavier Catholic College. The festive atmosphere created a carnival-like experience that was enjoyed by all. Mother Nature played her part, surprising us with a morning of wet weather threats, only to transform into scorching heat by the afternoon. The Parish Schools Day Committee has already convened to refine certain aspects for next year's Parish Schools Day in late 2024.
Heartfelt thanks are extended to the dedicated teachers who worked tirelessly throughout the day, facilitating various events and activities. A special mention goes to our Year 11 Cohort, who demonstrated impressive enthusiasm in their fancy dress attire while running numerous activities.
Splashing Success at the Swimming Carnival
The Ballina pool set the stage for a highly successful Swimming Carnival, not focused on competitive swimming, but rather a day of fun where community spirit emerged as the true victor. From waterslides and novelty events to music, a whole-school Nutbush, and a dominating performance by the teachers in the final relays, it was an unforgettable day. Our sincere appreciation goes to Mr. Kennedy, Russell, and all the teachers who dedicated their efforts to make this day enjoyable for everyone. As we conclude this year, we emphasise the importance of students actively participating in such community events as outlined in their enrolment agreement.
Empowering Launch of The Resilience Project
The presentations by Martin Heppell from The Resilience Project were nothing short of a resounding success. While acknowledging that he may not be everyone's cup of tea, his energy and message resonated well with our staff, parents, and students. This marked a significant step as we commit to making The Resilience Project a focal point for our Social and Emotional Learning in the upcoming 2024 School Year. Regular updates will be sent home to guide conversations and foster parent partnership in this vital space.
Mr Peter Fear
Student Support Report
This year seems like it has gone in the blink of an eye. What a fantastic year I have experienced with varying initiatives with students. Student support grew in leaps and bounds this year, and so many students took advantage of the support offered. The Positive Peer Program had over 50 students complete the program and it was my privilege to deliver this program and see how our students support each other and are there to help with each other's needs.
Thank you to all the staff and students who have supported me in the last 18 months. I have thoroughly enjoyed this experience at Xavier Catholic College, and I will continue to support the students in whichever way I am needed in 2024.
Ms Rennae Reilly
Student Support Officer
Catechesis & Evangelisation
Community Service Program
It was wonderful to see so many of our students receiving awards for the Men and Women for Others Community Service Program at the various presentation assemblies this week. The program gives students the opportunity to be acknowledged for the good works they are already doing and encourages them to undertake service to others in the community.
Students are encouraged to start recording their hours now for inclusion in the 2024 program. Many students volunteer at Surf Life Saving, Parkrun, and other community organisations, particularly over the school holidays, and these can count towards students' accrued hours for 2024.
Below is a reminder about the program details.
How it works
Students undertake deeds in the service of others and keep a log of their hours in their planner on pages 28-29. Their hours must be signed off by a supervisor (such as a parent, teacher, or community supervisor). In Week 6 of Term 4 2024, their Pastoral Care teacher will record their hours, and they could be awarded a Gold, Silver, or Bronze Community Service Award.
- 20 hours of community service = Bronze Award
- 50 hours of community service = Silver Award
- 100+ hours of community service = Gold Award
What is community service?
Community service is an unpaid activity that serves the community. It could include work that is: volunteering, community work, sports coaching, Parish-based, tutoring (unpaid), or for the Xavier Catholic College community (e.g. Leos club, ministry activities, environment club, Year 9 program). If they assisted during the floods, either at Xavier or in their local community, this also counts as community service. The range of activities that ‘count’ as community service is broad — if students have any questions, they can talk to their PC teacher, RE teacher, or Dr Beveridge.
Mr David Eyles & Dr Madeline Beveridge
Sport News
Australian Schools Basketball Championships
During Week 8 of Term 4, eight amazing girls represented the College at the 2023 Australian Schools Basketball Championships, held at Carrara on the Gold Coast. The team was coached by Martin Smith, the BCHS Targeted Sports Program's Head Coach Basketball, and included three equally amazing girls from BCHS.
- Lilian Beadham, Year 10
- Madeleine Alexander, Year 10
- Neeve Alexander, Year 10
- Leura Allen, Year 10
- Pippa Bailey, Year 10
- Coco Gallagher, Year 10
- Lilly Short, Year 10
- Madison Smith, Year 11
- Nina Aboitiz, BCHS
- Sally Crethar BCHS
- Sasha Oxland BCHS
As 16 and 17-year-olds, the girls showed great courage to compete in the Under 20 Women's Division 1. Match results:
Day 1
- Defeated John Septimus Roe (Western Australia)
- Defeated by Scotch College (Victoria)
Day 2
- Defeated by Pymble Ladies College (New South Wales)
- Defeated by Moreton Bay College (Queensland)
Day 3
- Defeated by Ballarat High School (Victoria)
- Defeated Varsity College (Queensland)
Day 4
- Defeated Glenmore Park High School (New South Wales)
Congratulations to the girls on winning three from seven matches at Nationals Level in Division 1. These results placed them 8th in the Under 20 Women's Division 1, 4th in NSW and 18th overall in Australian Schools! An amazing achievement, girls. Thank you to the girls' parents and XCC staff who travelled to the tournament.
Mr Pat Kennedy

Open Boys Football vs The Southport School
It was a very close, competitive game, with the final score of 2-1 to The Southport School (TSS). Our goal was scored by Harry Groves. We had the chance to level right at the end - Joey Anderson one-on-one with the keeper, who pulled off an outstanding save to keep it at 2-1. Standout players for XCC were Caiden Manley in goal, Aidan Martorana at centre-back, and Jacob Miletic at left-back. Our midfield work rate was impressive — Archie Power and Tyler Dogan covered every blade of grass. It's great to know that we are not too far behind a school with an elite football development program. Special thanks to TSS for their warm welcome and generous hospitality.
Mr Steve Edmonds

NRCC Cricket
Boys Team
On Wednesday 22 November, a group of boys travelled to Les Cave Oval, Murwillumbah, to compete against Mt St Patrick College and Lindisfarne Anglican College in two 20-over cricket matches. The boys had a convincing victory over Mt St Patrick College in the first game, scoring 154 runs to 41. Lennox Broadley scored a solid 75 runs not out. However, the boys fell short in Game Two vs Lindisfarne. Congratulations to Kai Dalli, who scored 70 runs, and for his captaincy throughout the day.
Mr Russell Asser

Girls Team
Congratulations to all the girls for the day; great participation and resilience were shown. The true Xavier Spirit was on show, having fun, being supportive of the opposition and a true fighting spirit.
Game 1: Xavier 58, defeated by Mount St Patrick College 3/59
- Isabelle Saunders – 24
- Lillian Beadham – 15
- Callie Gollan – 2/12
- Pippa Bailey – 1/17
Game 2: Xavier 3/40 Defeated St Josephs 38
- Callie Gollan – 13
- Extras – 25
- Raia Carey – 2/8
- Leura Allen – 2/12
Player of the day – Grace Quinn: 6 Stumpings/run outs and 10 Not Out

Opens Diocesan Water Polo
The Open Water Polo competition was held at Alstonville Pool on 16 November. The girls' team played well, improving rapidly after each game. Some incredible goals were scored by Niamh Sharpe and Callie Gollan. The girls worked well together and displayed great sportsmanship. The boys' team played consistently throughout the day, making the semi-final round. Unfortunately, they went down while their spirits were high. A notable mention goes to Lewis Trim, who scored a large number of goals throughout the day. Congratulations on a wonderful carnival!
Ms Georgia Quinn

Under 15s Diocesan Water Polo
The Under 15 Girls' Water Polo team had a great tournament, coming away with the silver medal. They played well together as a team, supporting each other in defence and offering strong passes in attack. Notable goal scorers were Abi Matthews and Dusty Emanuel. Mya Poptie also did well in goalkeeping for the day. The competition was fierce, but our determined girls showed resilience in the water and great sportsmanship. Well done to all involved.
Mrs Naomi Byrnes

2024 Swimming Carnival
The 2024 Swimming Carnival was held on Friday 8 December at the Ballina Pool. Although student attendance was disappointing, congratulations to the students who did attend and participated with colour, enthusiasm and pride in their House.
- Nagle 1084 points
- McAuley 1047 points
- Faber 1028 points
- Ignatius 1007 points
- Campion 976 points
- MacKillop 920 points
Congratulations to the 2024 Swimming Carnival Shield Winners: Nagle

Individual Achievements
Congratulations to Billie Cook-Slevin, who attended the Woolworths Australian Junior Surf Titles held at Phillip Island in Victoria, which is a week-long event with 180 competitors from across Australia competing in U14, U16, and U18 age groups. Surfers are selected to compete in this event based on state results, and it is the biggest and final event of the year. Across the week, competitors surfed at Woolamai Beach, where the conditions varied from 2-4 feet and were mostly windy, making the waves tricky to surf. Each age group surfs 3 heats where only the top two competitors progress through to the next round before moving on to the finals (quarter, semi, and grand).
Billie competed for Victoria in U16 girls and came equal 7th in Australia! Congratulations Billie.

Rugby League
Congratulations to Jett Flatley on his Rugby League achievements. He is a member of the Ballina Seagulls Under 15s team who were runners up in the Group 1 competition. He is a member of the Titans Representative Rugby League Under 15 Academy and also a member of the Titans Andrew Johns Under 16 Representative Squad. Jett was also selected for the NSWCCC North Under 15 Boys team. Well done, Jett.
Congratulations to Chaise Windle, who has been selected in the Lisa Fiola Under 17’s Women's Titan’s Rugby League squad.
Congratulations to Kai Saric, who has been selected for the Northern Rivers Titans Under 18’s team and plays in the Laurie Daley Cup.

Jett Flatley

Jett Flatley
Sport Information
Diocesan Touch Football - Individual Trials
The Lismore Diocese will be holding trials for 15 Boys, 15 Girls, Open Boys & Open Girls Touch Teams on Tuesday 27 February in Sawtell. The start time of these trials is 9:00am. To nominate for these teams, please use the link below:
2024 Diocesan Individual Touch Football Selection Trials - Nomination Form
Students will then be selected to trial for each squad, and a team will be chosen at the trials.
The closing date for nominations is Friday 9 February 2024. Students selected to trial will be published on the Lismore Diocesan Sport Website.
Diocesan Teams will compete at the NSWCCC Touch Football Selection Trials at Tuggerah, Central Coast, on 9 and 10 April (the tournament also doubles as the NSWCCC Diocesan Championships).
Note: The cost of the trial will be $12 plus any applicable travel costs to be paid to your school's coordinator upon selection to trial. Your school's sports coordinator will provide information to you regarding the total cost of the excursion if you are selected to trial.
Please note: In nominating for these trials, you are committing to travel to Tuggerah (Central Coast) if selected. This will require private transport to the venue at the athlete's expense.
AFL Information from the CSO
The Diocese has been asked to do an expression of interest form for the 2024 Northern 15-Years Boys AFL Trial on 26 March 2024 at Warners Bay, to gain information for them to make their selection of who is invited to attend the trials.
The link to this form has been placed on the Dio Sport Website under registrations. It is also linked here.
Expressions of interest will close on 16 February 2024. No late entries will be accepted.
We do not have any further details regarding the trials at this point other than the date and location.
2024 NSW All-Schools Triathlon Championships from CSNSW
Registrations are now open! Entries close 7 February 2024 - no late entries will be accepted.
- Wednesday 21 February 2024 - Individuals Event - $45 for each registration. This is the school's pathway to School Sport Australia
- Thursday 22 February 2024 - school-based team relay event - $60 per team
- Sydney International Regatta Centre
Other information:
- 4 divisions - Junior (12-14), Intermediate (15 & 16), Senior (17-19), Multi Class (12-19)
- Individual registrations are through the CSNSW.SPORT portal - requires a parent account and student registration.
- Schools may also register a team.
For more information, visit
The Lismore Samson Fitness Challenge and Teen Sprint
At Our Kids, we are getting organised for the Lismore Samson Fitness Challenge on Saturday 2 March. This event also includes the Samson Junior Challenge (16 to 18-year-olds) and the Samson Teen Sprint (12 to 15-year-olds).
Samson Junior Challenge
The Samson Junior Challenge is part of the main Samson. The challenge is a 4-person team event, where each team is put through nine gruelling challenges including:
- Farmers walk with jerry cans
- Prowler push
- 130kg truck tyre flip
- Burpee challenge
- 2 x 2km run
- 1km swim
- Sled pull; and
- Crazy obstacle course
The Junior Challenge is for 16-18 year olds. It will be held at Hepburn Park, Goonellabah.
Junior Team at $320 per team, registrations close February 20 2024.
Samson Teen Sprint
The Samson Teen Sprint is a 3km sprint from Hepburn Park, down Oliver Avenue to a turnaround point near GSAC and returning to the oval. This is not a timed event, although medals will be awarded in each age category. The Teen Sprint is for 12-15 year olds.
Pre-registration is $10. Registration on the day is $15 – to register, head to
All up-to-date information for the Samson can be found on the Lismore Samson Facebook page
The Samson is a major fundraiser for Our Kids, the charity that raises money to purchase paediatric equipment for the Children's Ward and Special Care Nursery at Lismore Base Hospital.
College News
Creative Arts News
Year 10 Visual Arts students completed oil paint portraits of people significant to them. This is a beautiful way to honour a loved one whilst learning new skills and techniques. After marking, the artworks went on display for our annual People’s Choice Award.
Here are the results from the votes:
- First Place: Miah Bradley
- Second Place (equal): Brianna Walsh, Lillielle Hudson, Bree Reeves
- Third Place: Isabella Osses-Santander.
Congratulations to all the students on their achievement! Winning portraits are pictured below. Other portraits are also featured here by Hayley Patterson, Leelu Welsby and Tyler-Rose Ekert.
Ms Jasmin Rogers
Visual Arts Teacher

Sports & Co-Curricular Photos
To order sports and co-curricular photos, visit and use the online order code below:
Photo prices:
- $18 each, 2 for $34, 3 for $46, 4 for $58, or 5 for $70
- Any additional photographs are $10 each. This discount is only available per family order
- The photos will be available to view and purchase ONLINE ONLY.
Available photos
- Campion Year 12
- Ignatius Year 12
- Faber Year 12
- MacKillop Year 12
- McAuley Year 12
- Nagle Year 12
- Book Club
- Choir
- Chess Club
- Concert Band
- French Club
- Junior Dance Troupe
- Open Girls Soccer
- Open Rugby League
- Photography Club
- Senior Ministry Team
- Campion House Captains
- Faber House Captains
- Ignatius House Captains
- MacKillop House Captains
- McAuley House Captains
- Nagle House Captains
- Year 12 Leadership
- School Leaders
- Year 7
Co-Curricular News
Popstars! The Musical Update
Rehearsals for Popstars! The Musical have been full of energy, dedication and commitment. Our vision for Act One has come to life, and we can’t wait to come back next year and put Act Two alongside it.
The cast and crew have been busy learning lines, dancing up a storm and singing their little hearts out. Musicians have been practising tirelessly and have just about learned all twenty-six songs in the show.
We have spent most of Week 10 working with all departments, seeing various parts of the show come together. It’s so nice to see, hear and feel how various elements interact after working separately for some time.
With our set being constructed over the holidays, the art crew will then work on painting each section, which will help add vibrance to the show. The art crew have spent time creating props and painting other elements of the set this term, and they are looking forward to working on the physical set starting in 2024.
Thank you to all the students involved. Your hard work and determination are a credit to the performers, musicians and artists you are.

Canteen News
Volunteering in the Canteen is a great opportunity to meet other parents and to be involved in your child/children's school life.
- Arrive at school by 8:45am and park on the street (or you will get locked in the bottom carpark!).
- Go to the Office to sign in and receive your Visitor Badge.
- Head to the Canteen where you can prepare for the day’s lunch orders.
- Volunteers receive lunch, and their children receive a $5 canteen voucher.
- Finish time is approximately 1:30-2:00pm, depending on how busy the day is.
- If you cannot make your rostered day, please email Denise at or phone the College beforehand on 6618 0180.
- Text message reminders are sent on Wednesdays the week before your rostered day.
- Reminder: All Canteen volunteers need a volunteer Working With Children Check before starting with us. This is free for volunteers, and you can apply via Service NSW.
Our recess and lunch order cutoff time is 8:45am.
Our Term 1 2024 Canteen Roster will be live soon.
Mrs Denise Barnard
Canteen Supervisor
Flexischools Update
In 2024, the College will no longer be using Flexischools and instead will be using Compass Canteen for all recess and lunch orders. Please see this link for how to close/cancel your Flexischools account and receive a full refund for any credit balances remaining on your account.
More information will follow regarding the Compass Canteen ordering module prior to the commencement of Term 1 2024.
Community News