Newsletter 9: Friday 28 July 2023
For the Calendar
Week 3 (31/7-4/8)
- Trial HSC Examination block starts
- Year 10 Retreat begins (Campion, Faber, McAuley)
- HSC Society & Culture PIPS due
- Festa Christi — Year 8 Boys beings
- Year 7C & 7I HSIE Excursion
- Year 10 Retreat begins (Ignatius, MacKillop, Nagle)
- Year 7M & 7F HSIE Excursion
- Festa Christi — Year 8 Girls begins
- Year 7N and 7K HSIE Excursion
Week 4 (7/8-11/8)
- HSC Dance Marking all week
- Dio Jnr & Intermediate Basketball
- Year 9A & 9B Geography Excursion
- HSC Industrial Technology Major Projects due
- Year 11 EES Excursion
- Parent Group Meeting TBC (6pm)
- Lady Tradie Day
- HSC Visual Arts Trial Artmaking Afternoon (optional)
- HSC Trial Examination block ends
Week 5 (14/8-18/8)
- HSC Textiles Major Projects due
- HSC Visual Arts Trial Artmaking Day
- HSC Music Performance (6pm)
- Year 9C & 9E Geography Excursion
- HSC Dance Practical Marking
- Whole School Athletics Carnival
- Year 9D & 9F Geography Excursion
- SS 7s Final
- HSC English Ext 2 Major Works due
- Dio Secondary Touch Football
- Year 11 PDHPE & EEC First Aid
Week 6 (21/8-25/8)
- Shine Gathering begins
To see all important dates each term, view our live term planners here.
XCC Newsletters will now be sent to families at the end of Week 2, Week 6, and Week 10.
If you have any feedback about this change, we'd love to hear it. Please email us to let us know what you'd like the XCC Newsletter to look like moving forward.
Principal's Message

Dear Parents, Students and Staff,
‘Above all, maintain constant love for one another.’ 1 Peter 4:8
Feast of St Ignatius - July 31
As a Jesuit Companion School, Xavier Catholic College is intrinsically linked to the charism of St Ignatius, his companions and the Society of Jesus worldwide. On Monday 31 July, we celebrate the Feast of St Ignatius, a man who made many mistakes, but who, by the will of God, through his conviction to serve and his steadfast determination, created a spirituality that seems tailor-made for the 21st century. Here are three of his core spiritual beliefs:
- God is intimately involved with creation and loves the world and ALL its people.
- God creates us, not in some isolated moment in the past but in every moment we live and breathe.
- God has hopes and dreams for each one of us and desires that we enter into a deep and fulfilling friendship with him.
The Examen (a prayer of gratitude developed by St Ignatius), which the College prays prior to lunch most days of the week, is a wonderful expression of gratitude and thanksgiving for all that we have each day. The act of gratitude is so closely linked to wellbeing that Harvard University, among others, has produced study after study describing how much people grow in positivity and good health as a simple reflection of deliberate gratitude.
Parent Voice Thanks
Last term, I issued a general invite to parents to join small focus groups to unpack and discern the Tell Them From Me data from surveys earlier in the year. I was so pleased to be able to sit with all the parents who volunteered their valuable time. It is so encouraging that we have so many wonderful parents willing to have input into the future directions of the College. Further details of the results of those focus groups will be forthcoming as the term unfolds.
Student Voice Process
A similar opportunity as offered above to parents will now be provided to students. In the coming week, you may find your child coming home with details to engage in the process. I ask you to support your child by approving this important addition to the student voice in the College.
School Fees Collection - External Support
Recently, we followed the guidance of the Catholic Schools Office and engaged a School Fee Credit Agent to help the College manage long-term outstanding school fees. With so many seeking support, we are unable to manage all requests in a timely manner in-house, so we have engaged external support.
As living costs increase, we have seen a significant decline in our school fee collection rates over the years. It is important to note that, although these school fees do not pay the salaries of our teaching staff, they are vital in making sure your children access quality education and keep the College running each day. These fees allow us to keep the utilities running, maintain communication with families, pay our administration and support staff, manage council rates, employ cleaners, and ensure we can take care of the overall maintenance of our College. Without school fees being paid, we are unable to meet our own financial obligations. Moving forward, any accounts in arrears over 90 days will be referred to our Credit Agent in line with the College’s School Fee Policy, which is signed as a condition of enrolment. As previously stated, school fee payment dates are:
- 31 March 2023: Term 1 fees due
- 30 May 2023: Term 2 fees due
- 29 August 2023: Term 3 fees due
- 15 November 2023: Term 4 fees due (and all other outstanding fees due)
The Credit Agent’s main goal is to provide support and understanding to families who are facing financial difficulties while working collaboratively with families to find a solution that suits their individual circumstances. I appreciate your support and understanding as we move through this process.
Trial HSC Examinations Next Week
We wish our whole Year 12 cohort all the best as they launch into the most important set of exams to date they will be sitting in their schooling life. They have been well-prepared by our expert teaching team, and I am certain their results will reflect the effort and preparation they have put in.
REMINDER - Forthcoming Staff Professional Learning and other normal school days
- Friday 22 September (final day Term 3): Staff Spirituality Day. Pupil-free for ALL students.
- Monday 9 October (first day of Term 4): a proposed new day for New Curriculum Implementation Day writing day (to be confirmed).
Other dates will be confirmed and communicated at a later date via Compass.
God Bless,
Mr Kevin Lewis

Have you downloaded Compass?
Compass is our new parent communication tool and one-stop shop for daily updates, upcoming events and notifications about your child's learning. Download the app below:
Can't find XCC? Search for Skennars Head, and we'll appear! Then, use your provided login details to access your parent portal.
If you have any questions, please email us at
St Francis Xavier Parish, Ballina
St Francis Xavier Catholic Church, Ballina
Vigil Mass: 5:30pm Saturday
Sunday Mass: 9:00am and 11:00am
Holy Family Catholic Church, Lennox Head
Sunday Mass: 7:30am
- Collections by way of passing the plate may recommence. Plates to be sanitised before and after use.
- Communal signs of peace may be exchanged physically. It is up to the individual. Bowing and waving are also commonly used.
- Administering the Eucharist on the tongue may recommence. As far as possible those who receive on the tongue should come after those who receive on the hand. This is for the safety of the person distributing Holy Communion and those later in the queue.
- Offertory procession to recommence. If you would like to be involved in this, please advise the Parish Office and a roster (if needed) will be prepared for our weekend Masses.
Assistant Principal: Learning & Teaching
I would like to extend a very warm welcome to all students and parents as we begin Term 3. It is a busy and exciting time, with a lot of hard work ahead, but also many opportunities for growth, fun and community celebrations. For our Year 12 students and their parents, it is a particularly exciting period as their secondary education draws towards a conclusion. I hope that each student in every year level enjoys school this term, and knows that despite the inevitable difficulties that occur in each person’s life, that they are a part of a loving community where they are valued, respected and supported.
Year 7-10 Reports: Assessment-Capable Learners
Research provides educators with extensive evidence of the importance of shaping assessment-capable learners. In summary, this body of research provides evidence that motivation, goal setting, self-regulation and feedback all play a vital role in learning outcomes. Students and parents have received important feedback via the Semester 1 Reports for Years 7, 8, 9 and 10, which were made available via Compass last Friday. We encourage parents and students to read the report together and to reflect on the commendations and recommendations provided by each teacher. Celebrate your child’s successes and discuss individual learning goals for Semester 2. This reflection and goal-setting process is highly valuable to support students’ learning and wellbeing.
Year 7-10 Parent/Teacher Conferences
The vital role of parents as the first educators of their children is central to our values at the College. Research shows that the more a parent is actively involved in school life, the greater the chance of success for their children; we thank our wonderful parent community for their participation in many elements of College life.
Parent/Teacher Conferences for Years 7 to 10 were held on Thursday 27 July. We thank parents for working in partnership with the teaching staff to support and nurture our students’ learning and wellbeing. If you require any further information on your child’s academic progress, please contact the classroom teacher via email, or make contact with the relevant Leader of Learning.
Subject Selection
Year 10 and Year 8 students submitted subject selections in Week 10, Term 2. Year 10 students are to be commended on the preparation and positive approach displayed toward the senior subject selection process. Thank you also to parents and guardians of our Year 10 students for supporting your child by attending the teacher/student parent conference last term, and for assisting with the subject selection discernment process. We are working hard to construct the 2024 timetable, using new software and working through processes that ensure suitable staffing and rooming arrangements are in place. This is a lengthy and complex process, and we thank students and parents for their patience as we work behind the scenes to create the new timetable with its many interrelated parts. Students will be notified of their pattern of study in the coming weeks, and support processes will be provided for further consultation as required.
Year 12: Trial HSC Examinations
Year 12 students will complete their final assessment tasks during the Trial HSC Examination period. Examinations commence on Monday 31 July and conclude on Friday 11 August. All Year 12 students are encouraged to consolidate all course material and to focus on a program of study in order to be well prepared for the forthcoming examination block.
Students are reminded to check the Trial HSC Examination timetable very carefully and ensure they attend all examinations at the scheduled time. Students are only required to be on-site when they have a scheduled examination and are encouraged to arrive at least 30 minutes prior to the commencement of an examination. If a student has two examinations scheduled on the same day, they must remain at school during the lunch break and may not leave the College between examinations. If they do not have an examination scheduled on a particular day within the examination timetable, students may study at home or access the College library. Any student who wishes to access the library to study is required to sign in at the front office and attend in uniform. All students are required to be attired in full school uniform for all scheduled examinations.
Please be mindful that some afternoon examinations will not conclude until late in the afternoon. Alternative transport may need to be arranged on these occasions.
If a student is unable to attend a Trial HSC examination due to illness or misadventure, please call the College office on the morning of the examination. Medical certificates and additional paperwork will be required and must be submitted with an Absence from Assessment form available on the College website/Learning tab/Assessment Information/Year 12/HSC Absence form Assessment/Request for Special Consideration.
A sense of balance is particularly important at this time, and students are reminded of the need to take time for relaxation and to nurture their wellbeing in the lead-up to, and during, the Trial HSC Examinations.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish the Year 12 students well for the examination block; the prayers of the College community will be with them during this time. Please do not hesitate to contact either Mrs Howard (Leader of Curriculum) or myself if you have any questions or concerns.
Year 11 Examinations
The Year 11 Examination block is scheduled for Weeks 8 and 9 (Monday 4 September to Friday 15 September). All students are encouraged to commence a program of study and regular revision of course content in preparation for the end-of-course examinations.
Study Tips
- Believe in yourself and your capacity to learn
- Set learning goals and seek feedback on your work
- Ensure you have a quiet space to study with a desk and appropriate lighting
- Make sure your phone is silenced and not in the same room
- Check notifications on your computer have been turned off to avoid any unnecessary distractions
- Set up a study timetable and consider the best time within each day to be blocked out for study. This may be before school, during scheduled study periods within the school day, after school or in the evening
- Set clear and achievable goals for each study session. Focus on selecting a specific area to consolidate (syllabus dot points, past paper multiple choice responses or extended responses)
- Access the material your teachers have placed within your subject Google Classrooms
- Know the syllabus and have dot-point summaries
- Complete past HSC papers
- Familiarise yourself with the layout and section of examination papers
- Use flashcards, quizzes and online resources (i.e. Edrolo and Atomi)
- It is important to have between 8 to 10 hours of sleep each night, and there should be no screen time for at least half an hour prior to bed
- Eat well, drink plenty of water and maintain a healthy exercise program
Ms Carmel Zuino
Assistant Principal: Mission

Welcome back to Term 3. I hope you all had a restful break.
Feast of St Ignatius: 31 July
As we eagerly approach the upcoming Feast of St Ignatius, it is a time of reflection and celebration of the life of this remarkable saint and a time to consider the enduring legacy of Ignatian Spirituality. St Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus, lived a life dedicated to service, compassion, and intellectual pursuit. His unwavering commitment to seeking God in all things and finding the divine in every aspect of life has been a guiding light for countless individuals throughout history.
The Ignatian spirituality, deeply rooted in prayer, discernment, and a profound sense of solidarity with the marginalised, continues to inspire and shape the hearts of our Xavier Catholic College community. If families are interested in finding out more about the life of Ignatius, you may consider undertaking a virtual pilgrimage with Ignatius via Jesuit and Ignatian Spirituality Australia.
Welcome to a virtual pilgrimage with Ignatius here.
Safe Driving
Following my newsletter article last term, I continue to encourage families to have ongoing conversations about safe driving and strategies to navigate hazardous driving situations, and to drive safely around the College grounds in particular. A number of residents have been phoning the College about our students driving dangerously before and after school. This is dangerous not only for our students but also for families of Holy Family and St Anne's, as well as those who live near the school.
Additionally, we invite our student drivers to revisit the Xavier Catholic College management plan available on our website.
Mr Peter Fear
Welcome back to Term 3! After two weeks, the student body is back into the rhythm of College life and working toward achieving their goals. There is great hope that this term will allow our students to begin the second semester of the 2023 schooling year with renewed energy, focus and gratitude to be shared within their daily interactions.
Friday PC Focus
Term 3 sees a slight shift under our College theme of “Better Together” to a specific focus on inclusivity. It is the desire of the College Welfare Team that this focus will foster a genuinely empathetic community of people who are both aware and respectful of each other’s unique abilities and gifts. Activities within our extended PC classes this term will look to provide opportunities for students to collaborate with one another in the pursuit of a more mindful, empathetic and inclusive community.
Antisocial Behaviour Surveys
During extended PC on Friday 21 July, all students were invited to participate in a survey focused on collecting data on the Xavier student experience regarding antisocial behaviour. There were 520 responses from 631 students who were present in that lesson, an incredibly pleasing number that is a real indicator of how important this issue is to our young people.
The College Welfare Team will spend the next fortnight completing a full analysis of the data from this survey. Some initial insights are recorded below:
- 64.8% of respondents indicated that they were not subjected to or witnessed antisocial behaviour
- 6.7% of respondents indicated that they did not have an adult inside or outside of school that they felt comfortable to report incidents of antisocial behaviour
- 81% of respondents who indicated that they had experienced antisocial behaviour were asked to discuss their responses with a staff member. A majority of respondents also named the teacher they would like to speak with.
In line with the correspondence sent in Week 1, I encourage parents/carers to be in regular communication with their children regarding respectful, prosocial behaviours. Having received this most recent data set I would particularly encourage the following questions for your children:
- Who would you report to if you experienced antisocial behaviour in or around school?
- Where do you and your friends feel most comfortable within the College?
- How would you respond if you were targeted with antisocial behaviour?
These conversations will hopefully lead to our young people feeling supported both at home and at school and lead to a more positive student experience at Xavier Catholic College.
Student and Family Support
There are a number of very exciting opportunities on the horizon for services that will be accessible to both students and families in Pastoral Care and Mental Health Services. These will be communicated when there is more pertinent and complete information to pass on to families. In the meantime, please don’t hesitate to be in touch with me if I can be of any assistance to you or your family.
Mr Nick Jones
Leader of Pastoral Care
Timor Leste Immersion

Over the holidays, 12 students and 3 staff members went to Timor Leste on our first immersion program since the Covid lockdowns. We spent time learning about the history and struggles of the Timorese nation in Dili, and then spending time out in the villages and communities around Timor. Our main focus was spending time in our sister school in Turiscai, sharing life, culture and English Conversations lessons with the students there.
We were able to see first-hand how our support of this school has helped build 3 classrooms, a toilet block and funded brand new computers for these students.
Students had many highlights including
- Spending time with the students of Turiscai, forming bonds and friendships with these students and teaching them some English
- A welcome into the Mosque in Dili for the Eid celebration by the local Imam
- Playing volleyball and soccer with children from local schools
- Staying in the homes of local Timorese people - nuns, religious communities and families, and getting a real understanding of the life of Timorese people
- Finding a new appreciation and gratitude for their own education and situation.
A big highlight was an invitation to an audience with the President of Timor Leste, His Excellency Dr Jose Ramos Horta, to hear his own story about the struggles and hopes of Timor. He was very grateful for our partnership with Turiscai and invited our team to lunch with him after the official audience for a more informal time of sharing with the President.

House News

MacKillop House Fundraiser
Last term, MacKillop House held its annual fundraiser. A huge thank you from MacKillop House to the staff and students of Xavier for supporting the MacKillop Fundraiser this year. This year the students decided to host a NAIDOC day Mufti Day where students were encouraged to wear colours of either the Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander flags. The Year 11 MacKillop students prepared Damper Scones with Rosella Jam and cream and cupcakes with soft drinks for recess and then they prepared Kangaroo and beef BBQ sandwiches and soft drinks for lunch. Our fundraiser was extremely well supported by our College community. With the support of our wonderful College community, we managed to raise $1880.37!!
All proceeds will be going to St Francis Xavier Catholic School, Nauiyu Community, Daly River, Northern Territory for the school to spend on educational resources. St Francis Xavier School is a Preschool to Year 10 Aboriginal Catholic Community School in the Nauiyu Community. The school sits on the banks of the Daly River, known locally as the Green River, 250 km south of Darwin. The Daly River has 450 residents with 10 different language groups; the traditional owners of the land are the Malak Malak people. The school's vision is to work closely with the community to unite the local Aboriginal way of life and Gospel values to build strong learners and future leaders. Saint Francis Xavier uses the Australian Curriculum, with a heavy focus on the General Capabilities, to drive social and emotional learning, academic as well as physical education for all students. Their guiding mission is to work in partnership with Elders, local staff, the community and the parish to educate all students on how to lead healthy active lives as responsible community members who are strong in faith, strong in culture and strong in learning. Thank you for helping to make a difference for young people in rural and remote Australia.
A massive thank you to the MacKillop Captains, Year 11 MacKillop helpers, staff who assisted on the day and in particular Fiona Spinks and Denise Barnard for your help with cooking and ordering. We recently contacted St Francis Xavier and they were delighted to hear of our support.
Mrs Rebecca Kennedy
Head of MacKillop House

Ignatius House - Caring for our Common Home
As the Green team, Ignatius House has taken on awareness raising among the student body around the Jesuit Apostolic Preference of Caring for our Common Home.
Last Term Ignatius House leaders prepared activities for all students to participate in during Pastoral Care. This coincided with World Environment Day which fell on Monday 5th June. The 2023 theme for World Environment Day was “Beat Plastic Pollution” and aimed to remind us that people’s actions on plastic pollution matters. The steps governments and businesses are taking to tackle plastic pollution (such as banning single-use plastic bags) are the consequence of this action. By focusing on this theme it is hoped that individuals, businesses and governments will accelerate this action and help us transition to a circular economy.
Ignatius House student leaders decided to remind students of the simple things we can do at XCC that can make a difference, such as keeping our immediate environment clean - some students were lucky enough to find canteen vouchers around the school as they picked up rubbish. Students also considered simple ways to reuse plastic items. Each Pastoral Care group planted a succulent in reused plastic drink bottles (taken from our Return and Earn bins). There are now 36 classrooms around the College that have a beautiful succulent brightening the space in these self-watering pots.
Ignatius House also launched our annual Fundraising Initiative during this Pastoral Care lesson and continued with our environmental theme by again reminding students of the Return and Earn program established by Ignatius House. We asked for a willingness to engage with the program and to continue to place all eligible drink containers in our Return and Earn bins. Every eligible container is a 10c donation to our friends in Turiscai. We also sold soft drink cans on Fridays for the remainder of the Term (Weeks 6-10) and encouraged students to place their empty, uncrushed cans in the Return and Earn Bins.
The Ignatius Leaders decided this year to split the funds raised from our soft drink sales. Whilst Ignatius House continues to support our sister school in Turiscai through the Return and Earn program, the leaders this year hoped to support local people who are still being impacted by the 2022 floods. It was decided that our first week of fundraising would go to support our friends in Turiscai, whilst the remaining weeks would go to the Bishop’s Flood Appeal. In the end, we raised $1450 with $250 going to Turiscai and $1200 to the Flood Appeal. This is a huge achievement and, on behalf of Ignatius House and the Ignatius Captains, we sincerely thank the College community for supporting our fundraising initiative by buying the soft drinks and, most importantly, using the bins correctly.
Mrs Janine Wallace
Head of Ignatius House

Sport News

Abigail Matthews
NSWCCC and NSW All Schools Cross Country
Apologies to Abigail Matthews who was left out of last term's report. Congratulations to Abigail who placed 8th at NSWCCC Cross Country in the Under 13 Girls. A fantastic achievement.
Congratulations to the following students who represented NSWCCC at the NSW All Schools Cross Country Championships and achieved the amazing results below.
- Tyler Dogan - 7th in NSW, U16 Boys
- Will Schmid - 11th in NSW, U13 Boys
- Abigail Matthews - 23rd in NSW, U13 Girls
- Skye Dogan - 36th in NSW U14 Girls
Bill Turner Cup
The Under-15 Boys Bill Turner Cup team has unfortunately been knocked out of the competition at Round 5, losing 3-2. Sadly they were one round away from being Far North Coast Regional winners three years in a row. However, with such a young team, next year should be even stronger. Congratulations to all the boys involved and their coach Mr Edmonds.
Open Boys Country Rugby League
Congratulations to the Open Boys Rugby League team who were the Tweed CRL Gala Day winners and then defeated Maclean High (Lismore CRL Gala Day winners) 30 - 0 to become the North Coast Champions.
The team then travelled to the Coffs Harbour International Stadium to face the winning teams from Newcastle, Western NSW and Port Macquarie. The boys had a strong start beating Newman College Port Macquarie 30 - 12. Unfortunately, the next two matches were much tougher and we were defeated by Glen Innes High 12 - 4 and St Francis Xavier College, Newcastle 20-12.
Congratulations to all of the players and their coach Mr Colman on advancing this far through the competition.

Boys Rugby
Len Diett Competition
Well done to both the Under 13 Boys and Under 15 Boys who had convincing wins over Evans River. Both teams then backed this up with strong wins over Woodlawn. Well done to the Under 13 Boys on being Runners Up in the Len Diett competition and their coach Mr Sullivan.
The Under 15 Boys defeated Woodlawn by 6 tries to 2. Significant efforts go to Jett Flatley scoring some stellar tries. The under 15 Boys were the winners of the Len Diett competition after defeating all schools they played, making them undefeated throughout the whole tournament!
Taylor Jermalojew (Coach)
Under 15 Boys vs St Paul’s Brisbane
A big thank you to St Paul's College Brisbane, who travelled down to Xavier on tour on 21 June (Week 8), and congratulations to the XCC boys who convincingly beat St Paul's by over 50 points. A BBQ was held after the game for players and coaches to meet and talk and plan for matches next year and beyond.

Under 15 Boys

Under 13 Boys

Jett Kubelka & Noah Horvath
Interschool Snowsport
Congratulations to Coco Gallagher and Banjo Gallagher, who have both been accepted into the Elite Performance Snowboarding Team based at Perisher, which is a fantastic achievement.
Congratulations also to the following students who competed at the Interschool Snowsport Championships recently:
- Coco Gallagher
- Banjo Gallagher
- Jett Kubelka
- Noah Horvath
All four students have qualified for the State Titles to be held at Perisher from 21-25 August.

Coco Gallagher

Banjo Gallagher

Far North Coast Hockey
Congratulations to Year 7 student Jye Miller who was selected to represent the Far North Coast Hockey U13 boys team for the State Championships in Tamworth over the recent school holidays.
Mr Pat Kennedy
Leader of Sport
Mr Russell Asser
Sport Assistant
College News

Sustainability News: Welcome to Green Corner!
This term, I have taken over the role of Sustainability Coordinator for the College. This space will be here to provide updates on projects, plans, and ideas that we have to keep ourselves and our College accountable to sustainability.
We have signed up to be part of the Earthcare Schools program through Catholic Earthcare and have received our first of 5 stars. You will see our certificate hung proudly in the office.
We have ordered battery recycling tubs that can be used to recycle e-waste. These are open for your use, so please send any items in to be recycled.
We also participated in Tree Day 2023 (July 28), and the Year 9 Program students in Group 3 helped plant native trees in one of our gardens (see the gallery below). A huge thank you to Matt Purcell for his ongoing support in this venture. Any suggestions, ideas or expertise you may have to offer are greatly appreciated. Please send to
Ms Emily Webster
Sustainability Coordinator
2024 Musical

Our last musical, Back to the 80s, was so successful that we're planning our next musical to be held in Week 9 of Term 1, 2024. This morning during extended PC, we released a short video featuring some very talented staff members promoting Popstars, our 2024 musical.
The musical is open to any student in Years 7 to 11, and they can be involved in the following ways:
- Lead character (must audition)
- Ensemble/chorus member (no audition necessary)
- Band
- Stage crew
- Art team
Join the following Google Classrooms to find out more details about how you can be involved in this exciting musical about pop stars in the 90s!
Auditions: 53ccxpt
Ensemble/Band/Crew/Art: Ssmkgqm
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Leanne Broadley, Mrs Allysha Hodges, or Ms Georgia Quinn.
Canteen News – Term 3 2023
Volunteering in the Canteen is a great opportunity to meet other parents and to be involved in your child/children's school life.
- Arrive at school by 8:45am and park on the street (or you will get locked in the bottom carpark!)
- Go to the Office to sign in and receive your Visitor Badge.
- Head to the Canteen where you can prepare for the day’s lunch orders.
- Volunteers receive lunch, and their children receive a $5 canteen voucher.
- Finish time is approximately 1:30-2:00pm, depending on how busy the day is.
- If you cannot make your rostered day, please email Denise at or phone the College beforehand on 6618 0180.
- Text message reminders are sent on Wednesdays the week before your rostered day.
- Reminder: All Canteen volunteers need a volunteer Working With Children Check before starting with us. This is free for volunteers, and you can apply via Service NSW.
Please note that, due to price increases at our suppliers, we will be increasing costs on some canteen items from Term 3.
From Monday 24 July 2023, our recess and lunch order cutoff time will be 8:45am.
Check our live Term 3 Canteen Roster here.
Mrs Denise Barnard
Canteen Supervisor

Community News

An Invitation to Grandcarers
If you are a grandcarer who looks after your grandchildren full-time, DAISI Services is here to support you in your important role of helping your grandchild or grandchildren reach their potential.
The Grandcarer Project, an established group, is ready to welcome you.
Frequency: The first Monday of every month (3/4/23, 1/5/23, 5/6/23, 7/8/23, 4/9/23, 6/11/23)
Time: 11:30am – 1:00pm, with lunch provided
Venue: Ballina Masonic Hall, 56 Cherry St, Ballina
Please contact Sue Hetherington on 0491 065 906 or for more information.