Newsletter 19 - 2 December 2022
Principal's Message
Dear Parents, Students and Staff,
2 CORINTHIANS 5:17 "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new”

Advent comes from the Latin word meaning "coming." Jesus is coming, and Advent is intended to be a season of preparation for His arrival. While we typically regard Advent as a joyous season, it is also intended to be a period of preparation, much like Lent. Prayer, penance and fasting are appropriate during this season.
Advent is not as strict as Lent, and there are no rules for fasting, but it is meant to be a period of self-preparation. The purple colour associated with Advent is also the colour of penance. The colour of the Third Sunday of Advent is rose. This colour symbolises joy and represents the happiness we will experience when Jesus comes again. The Third Sunday is a day of anticipatory celebration. It is formerly called "Gaudete Sunday''; Gaudete means "rejoice" in Latin.
Finally, Sundays during Advent, just as during Lent, should not be given to fasting, but instead to celebration because we celebrate the resurrection of Our Lord every Sunday.

A Tribute to Two Outstanding Educators
Mrs Amanda Falvey
Most will by now be aware that Mrs Falvey has been appointed to the position of Lead - Learning and Teaching (Secondary) at the Catholic Schools Office. She has been recognised for outstanding and committed work in advancing secondary education here at Xavier Catholic College, having done so now for 20 years. That dedication and experience will make her valuable to ALL secondary schools across the Diocese. Selfishly we may have hoped to keep that all to ourselves, but in reality, such talent should be shared with as many young people as possible. Amanda leaves behind a great legacy of dedication, work ethic, academic care and communal engagement that will be very difficult to replace. She has been a great support to me and a loyal member of the College Executive. I make this tribute now rather than the final newsletter in 2 weeks, knowing that many may wish to send messages of congratulations and best wishes, and may not be able to at the end of the year. I encourage you all, along with Mr Condon below, to send those messages in their hundreds when you have a moment.

Mr Anthony Condon
As with Mrs Falvey, many will also be aware that Mr Condon has decided that retirement (following a period of leave in 2023) is beckoning, and that now is the perfect time for he and his wife to see the world (or at least our beautiful part of it here in Australia). Over the last few years, it has been very clear that the work of educators has been growing ever more challenging. None more so than those whose role it is to work in Pastoral Care. Mr Condon has led the Pastoral team for all of my 2 years at the College and for a number prior to that, and in that time, he has gained a reputation as a committed and faith-filled man, who believes fervently that every child is worth the extra effort. He genuinely embodies the Cura Personalis motto of Jesuit Schools. I could not think of a better person to hold the Leader of Pastoral Care position from all my experiences in 5 secondary Catholic schools across this Diocese. He is simply a cut above and will be sorely missed. Similarly, as we may have selfishly hoped to keep Mrs Falvey to ourselves, we too would have hoped that Mr Condon may have stayed with us for another year or two. But a love of family and his wife and a yearning to travel have led him to this decision, and we applaud and acknowledge him for it.
Assistant Principal Learning & Teaching 2023
The challenge of replacing such a talent as Mrs Falvey was always going to be difficult. Added to that was the late timing of the appointment to the Catholic Schools Office, which left us little time to draw a top field. But try we did, and advertisements went out Australia-wide. Sadly, during November, it can be safely assumed that Executive Leaders in schools have made their commitment for 2023. This was indeed the case for us here at Xavier Catholic College. However, I am very pleased to say that Ms Carmel Zuino will lead Learning and Teaching in 2023 as the Acting Assistant Principal. As she moves out of the Leader of a Curriculum role to undertake this new challenge, Mrs Mary Howard will move into this important support role for Ms Zuino. I ask you to join me in congratulating and thanking Ms Zuino and Mrs Howard in acknowledgement of this tremendous gesture of dedication and commitment to the College and our young people.
School Review Overview
In the last newsletter, I provided an overview of parental feedback from the ACER-NSIT tool and the TTFM surveys. Below I provide a fuller overview of the work staff did across the 5 Domains of School Improvement. The votes represent the final priorities for 2023. From these, we will set our goals and aspirations for our 3-Year Strategic Plan and School Annual Plan.
- Mission of Jesus Christ
- Catholic Leadership
- Pastoral Care
- Learning & Teaching
- Family, School & Community Partnerships

Ongoing Support For Your Child’s Wellbeing
No doubt this has been a most difficult year. None of us is able to cope for long periods by ourselves. So it is vitally important that each of us has access to resources and support to ensure our mental health and well-being are being attended to effectively. None of us is more aware of this than me. As the Principal of our College supported by the College Executive as well as our pastoral, teaching & learning and support teams, we work very hard each and every day to focus strongly on the wellbeing of every student.
Please be assured that the College community, supported by the Parish of St Francis Xavier and the Catholic Schools Office, continue to implement and refine our pastoral care support model, which operates both explicitly in our pastoral program, and implicitly in the co-curricular activities we provide for our young people.
Whilst some will be aware of some of the activities and events, as well as the formal Pastoral Care program we have implemented this year, I thought I would take a moment to highlight each of these for you, especially those that may not impact your child’s class or year group.
- The Catholic Schools Office has provided additional counselling this year
- RU OK Day - in Year groups in PC classes and lunchtime activities. R U OK? is a suicide prevention charity that inspires Australian communities to look after each other by encouraging people to ask, “Are you OK?”
- Year 7 Belonging Day - supporting each other and belonging to our school community
- Year 8 Camp Week plus pastoral activities on consent, relationships, inclusion, anti-bullying, being an upstander, not a bystander, how to be a supportive friend, mental health support, how to fill your bucket
- Year Group Pastoral Days - focusing on body image, relationship support, mentors and role models, support seeking, positive support mechanisms, inclusion
- Year 9 Friday Program - Faith in action, relationships, supporting your dimensions of health - physical, social, spiritual, mental and emotional, community service,
- Year 9 Pastoral Day with Chris Doyle - unity amongst the year group, developing your faith, supporting each other, acting with kindness
- Year 10 Your Choices - navigating healthy relationships, using social media in a positive way, pornography, sexting, body image
- Year 10 Retreat - community, forming supportive relationships, developing your faith, unity amongst the Year group, leadership
- Year 11 Retreat - faith development
- Year 11/12 Leadership retreat - leadership development
- Ongoing everyday support from Rodriguez Centre, counsellors, Seasons program, Chapel and YMO'S, sporting opportunities, the Learning Centre
- Each house organises and facilitates a wellbeing activity, sport to get kids active at lunch, liturgy and school community fundraising activity
- And many more each day in an informal sense. We care about your children.
God Bless,
Mr Kevin Lewis
College Principal
St Francis Xavier Parish, Ballina
St Francis Xavier Catholic Church, Ballina
Vigil 6:00pm Saturday
9:00am and 11:00am Sunday
Weekday Mass – Tuesday to Friday at 12:00 noon
Holy Family Catholic Church, Lennox Head
Vigil 5:00pm Saturday
7:30am Sunday
- Collections by way of passing the plate may recommence. Plates to be sanitised before and after use.
- Communal sign of Peace may be exchanged physically. It is up to the individual. Bowing and waving are also commonly being used.
- Administering the Eucharist on the tongue may recommence. As far as possible those who receive on the tongue should come after those who receive on the hand. This is for the safety of the person distributing Holy Communion and those later in the queue.
- Offertory procession to recommence. If you would like to be involved in this, please advise the Parish Office and a roster (if needed) will be prepared for our weekend Masses.
Assistant Principal - Learning and Teaching
Congratulations to Ben Masterson and Zach Sullivan who received nominations for In Tech. In Tech is an annual showcase of outstanding works from the HSC for students in Industrial Technology. Congratulations to Mr Pat Kennedy for his work with the Industrial Tech students

Benjamin Masterson

Zach Sullivan
Congratulations to Carmen Stock whose major HSC artwork has been selected for inclusion in ARTEXPRESS. Her work, Pelt, Crack, Burn, will be on exhibition at the Western Plains Cultural Centre, Hawkesbury Regional Art Gallery.
Congratulations to Jasmine Jones whose HSC artwork Mercy has been selected and will be exhibited at The Armory, Sydney Olympic Park. Congratulations to their teacher Ms Donna Albany.

Carmen Stock

Jasmine Jones

Congratulations to Taya Kelly, whose submitted project was nominated for OnSTAGE- an annual showcase of exemplary Drama works from the HSC examination. Taya submitted a Costume Design project for the play The Taming of the Shrew. This now makes 9 nominations for OnSTAGE, including Lirra Eady’s selection to perform at OnSTAGE. This is truly an extraordinary achievement for the HSC Drama class of 2022 and their teacher Ms Allysha Hodges.
Taya Kelly - Submitted Project

Semester 2 School Reports – Years 7, 8, 9 and 10
Semester 2 school reports for students in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 will be available via the Parent Portal for viewing on 16 December. An email will be sent to families when the reports are available. Please ensure you have created a Parent Portal account. If you require assistance, contact the Helpdesk on 6618 0123.
Book Requirements for 2023
Attached to this edition of the Newsletter is a stationery requirements list for students entering into Years 9, 10 and 11 in 2023. Please ensure all items for the pattern of subjects your child will be studying in 2023 are purchased prior to the commencement of the school year.
2023 Classes
A reminder that all classes, including base classes and streamed classes for English, Mathematics and Science, will be reallocated for the commencement of the 2023 academic year.
Mrs Amanda Falvey
Travel outside of the school vacation period is counted as an absence for statistical purposes. Please complete a Form A4 Notification Extended Leave Travel. An absence in this case will be recorded using the Code ‘A’ (Unjustified Leave).
In exceptional circumstances parents may complete a Form A1 Application for Extended Leave-Travel for consideration, explaining why an absence for extended leave is in the best educational interest of the student. The Principal may accept or decline this application.
Please note relevant travel documentation such as an e-ticket or itinerary (in the case of non-flight bound travel within Australia only) must be attached to these applications.
These forms are available at the College Office or click FormA4 – Notification Extended Leave Travel or FormA1 – Application for Extended Leave – Travel to download a copy.
Assistant Principal Mission - Staff and Students
Advent Family Prayer
God of Love,
Your son, Jesus, is your greatest gift to us.
He is a sign of your love.
Help us walk in that love during the weeks of Advent,
As we wait and prepare for his coming.
We pray in the name of Jesus, our Saviour.
Start of Advent
It was fantastic to celebrate the start of Advent at the St Francis Xavier Church last Saturday and witness the blessing of each family’s ‘Bambinelli’ (infant baby Jesus figurines) from their nativity scenes. This tradition is a marvellous way for a parish to bring family and parish together. Advent begins the Church's liturgical year and encompasses the four Sundays and weekdays leading up to the celebration of Christmas. It is a time of preparation for our hearts and minds for the anniversary of the Lord's birth on Christmas.
Year 8 Pastoral Week
I would like to thank the staff (especially Mrs Wallace) who dedicated their time to the Year 8 Pastoral Week in Week 7. Our Year 8 Camp (Monday to Wednesday) program helps our young people build confidence, ignite creativity and problem-solving, stimulate a sense of adventure, encourage social interaction and team-building, and promote independence. It was great to hear they experienced more favourable weather this year. Even though they were tired, the students engaged in a two-day program aimed at shaping “The Men and Women we Want” — growing as young people to face adversity and rise to responsibility as they move towards the senior end of schooling.
Wellbeing Week
This week has had a specific wellbeing and positive mental health focus. A variety of our students from Years 7 - 11 have participated in workshops and presentations from Headspace, Batyr@schools, and You Choose. The purpose of these programs is to give students a positive experience talking about mental health. Students learn where to reach out for help and are given practical tips on how to look after their own wellbeing so that they have actionable takeaways. Students walk away from this program knowing they are not alone in their experiences and can reach out for help if they need it.
Head Space Workshops
Year 7 workshops focused on:
- Looking out for your friends: Notice, Ask, Connect
- Strategies for looking after your own wellbeing

Year 10 workshops focused on:
- Self-Care: Looking after your Mental Health
- Understand mental health and the importance of looking after ourselves
- Understand what self-care is and ways to do it
- Build a healthy headspace action plan
- Identify where, when, and how to seek additional support

ST. FRANCIS XAVIER (1506-1552) FEAST DAY: December 3
St Francis Xavier was one of the first companions and founders of the Society of Jesus. He became a close friend of Ignatius Loyola at the University of Paris. Xavier came to share Ignatius' vision through making the Spiritual Exercises and realised that vision through missionary labours in India, the Indonesian archipelago and Japan. He was the first Jesuit to go out to people of non-European culture.
St. Francis Xavier and the Crab
One of the miracle stories attributed to St Francis Xavier is how he got his cross back after losing it at sea. It was said that Francis Xavier was caught up in a storm as he was travelling to Malacca in 1546. With much faith, he threw his cross into the sea, asking God to make it an instrument to pacify the turbulent sea. God indeed came to his aid. The storm halted, and the sea calmed down. But he lost his cross. According to the story, St Francis Xavier, upon reaching the shores of Malacca, found a crab crawling towards him, holding the missing cross in one of its claws.
Mr Peter Fear

Catechesis And Evangelisation
If you would like to donate to Jesuit Mission, you can do so via their website
Programs run by Jesuit Mission break the cycle of poverty through teaching and education, protect the well being of communities by providing medical care and programs that improve access to clean water and toilets, develop independent, strong communities through livelihood training and income-generating projects, and provide vulnerable individuals with pastoral care, social inclusion and advocacy.
Year 7 Christmas Hampers for Vinnies
Year 7 have been completing a unit about the importance of Human Dignity and acting as a Good Samaritan to those in need. As a result of studying this unit, students have proposed that we support our local communities through Christmas Hampers. Year 7 are encouraged to bring in non-perishable, in-date, good quality food items, which will be distributed by Vinnies to families in need in the local area (particularly families that continued to be devastated by the on-going affect of the floods). Items should not contain nuts. Food items could include: pasta, sauces, tea and coffee, treats, cereal, rice, and Christmas food items. For more information, see your Year 7 RE teacher or Dr Beveridge.
One Foot Raised - Jesuit Mission Walkathon
As part of the Year 10 Activities Week in Week 8, students participated in a 4km walk-a-thon to Flat Rock and back in support of Jesuit Mission. We completed this walk as an act of solidarity, braving hot and humid conditions, after hearing about the work of Jesuit Mission in a visit by Meg Morrison earlier this term.
A story that Meg shared that particularly resonated with students was of a 20 kg, nine-year old boy who was walking four hours a day to retrieve drinking water, dragging a cart of 100 L of water back to his village (that’s 100kg+). The boy was so exhausted from this daily struggle that he spent most of his school day sleeping. At nine he was still illiterate and innumerate. Due to the work of Jesuit Mission his village is now supplied with safe drinking water and he is able to focus on his studies without the stress of daily multi-hour walks.
Mr David Eyles & Dr Madeline Beveridge

Empathy and Compassion
[Character Strength and Jesuit Value]
This week’s Character Strengths in the Student Planner are Relationships and Empathy and it dovetails with the Jesuit values of Compassionate Commitment.
Mental Health Education
This week the students have had an opportunity to listen to some excellent speakers about their mental health and they were given some practical suggestions to support their own mental health and that of their friends. One of the guest speakers was a former student of Xavier Catholic College who did a fine job of presenting the message from the Batyr organisation.
As we come into the holidays, it is good for students to understand that they should have plans to enhance their own wellbeing if they are feeling uneasy. Positive activity, family and friends are going to be their main supports during the Christmas break. Please find the links below to some wellbeing plans from these organisations.
I'm a young person - In category Wellbeing

It is with both deep sadness and joyful anticipation that I say goodbye to the Xavier community at the end of 2022. I have been a staff member in this community for twenty years and our two children did their secondary education under the guidance of my fine colleagues. I will miss the daily interaction with our magnificent staff and the wonderful students who have been my reason for being for such a long time. I would like to thank the parent community for their support of the College, the work of the Welfare team and all of the staff in the education of their most precious children. It has been a privilege. Adieu.
Mr Anthony Condon
Faculty News
Creative Arts
Entertainment News
This term in Entertainment we have been looking at lighting and vision. Students have been working to complete competencies in lighting rigs and projections. Last week, students created a mood based atmosphere in the music rooms that can be used behind the Year 10 Music performance evening in Week 9. Students thoroughly enjoyed setting up and creating lighting and projection based on song mood, and it was great to see their ideas come together to create some really exciting atmospheres.
Miss Georgia Quinn
Class Teacher

Students in the band and choir have been playing Christmas Carols early, with a performance for the Crowley Village Auxiliary on 28 November, and an upcoming performance for St Annes Pre School on Monday, 5 December. A huge congratulations and thanks go to all these students who have given their time and talents to perform for others in our community. It is wonderful that performance opportunities are opening up again.
Mrs Leanne Broadley
Leader of Learning - Creative Arts

Year 9 Visual Arts
Year 9 Visual Arts students have completed a unit of work in Surreal symbolic self portraits. Inspired by their studies of Frida Kahlo and Del Kathryn Barton, the students explored the theme of identity to create a Body of Work in mixed media drawing and ceramic sculpture. The artworks are highly individual and experimental. Well done!
Some students are having their work exhibited at the Catholic Schools Office in Coffs Harbour.
Congratulations to all Year 9 Visual Art students on their successful and creative achievement in Visual Arts in 2022.
Miss Rogers, Ms Albany and Mrs Fear
Class Teachers

Year 10 Visual Arts - Portraits
Year 10 Visual Arts students have completed a portrait painting using oil paints on linen canvas as part of their studies on Portraiture and the Archibald Prize. They were encouraged to explore and experiment with various styles from expressive to hyperrealist. The artworks are currently on display at the College and voting is taking place for the annual People's Choice Award. Congratulations to all Year 10 Visual Art students for rising to the challenge to create such a high standard of work.
Note: The Archibald Prize regional touring exhibition is on at Grafton Regional Gallery from 19 December 2022 until 22 January 2023. We encourage all Visual Art students to attend.
Miss Rogers, Ms Albany and Mrs Fear
Class Teachers

House News
Nagle House News
It has been a busy couple of weeks for Nagle House! Last Friday morning, we celebrated our Nagle family and House patron with a special House liturgy. The theme of the liturgy was ‘the lantern’ and each student received a lantern pin, reminding them of our House motto, Deeds not Words, and the importance of bringing light to others in need. These pins were presented to the House with a special visit from Sister Anne from the Presentation Sisters in Lismore earlier in the year. Sister Anne shared her story and that of the Presentation sisters and reminded them of the need to go forth with Nano Nagle’s message.
This week Nagle House organised our annual fundraiser to raise funds for our sister school in Turiscai. We successfully sold $400 worth of pizzas and Zooper Doopers., making this a very successful fundraiser. Thanks to our Year 11 leaders and team of helpers for their support in setting up and manning the pop up Domino’s shop! It was a great success and a lot of fun!
Mrs Sarina McPherson

Ignatius House News - Caring for our Common Home
As the Green team, Ignatius House continues to raise awareness among the student body around the Jesuit Apostolic Preference of Caring for Our Common Home.
In Week 6 Ignatius House prepared activities for all students to participate in during Pastoral Care. This coincided with National Recycling Week. National Recycling Week, established by Planet Ark in 1996, is held every year during the second week of November. The campaign aims to educate and empower people to do the right thing when they’re at the bin.
This year the theme was Waste isn’t Waste Until it’s Wasted. There are many products that end up in landfill as waste that we can reuse, repurpose, resell, repair or upcycle instead of seeing them wasted.
Students were reminded about the Waste Hierarchy — Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Reuse is near the top of the waste hierarchy, under ‘reduce’ but higher up than ‘recycle’. Generally, the higher up the waste hierarchy, the bigger the positive impact on our environment. During the Pastoral Care lesson, students REUSED old CDs and DVDs to make some House Mascot Mosaic artworks.
Check out the images of some of the fantastic works that were created.
Mrs Janine Wallace

Sport News
Opens Diocesan Water Polo
On Thursday 17 November, Mrs Byrnes and Miss Quinn took the Opens boys and girls Water Polo teams to Alstonville Pool for the Senior Diocesan Water Polo Carnival. Both teams played exceptionally well, demonstrating sportsmanship, enthusiasm and skill. The boys placed second overall, losing their final 2 - 1 to St John Paul College, Coffs Harbour. The girls had a number of younger players including Dusty Emanuel in Year7 and placed fourth overall. Both teams were a wonderful representation of the Xavier Catholic College spirit.
Special mention to Mr Pat Kennedy who organised and convened the day, and to Russell, Joe, Macy and Joel who assisted on the day.

Open Girls Diocesan Water Polo Team
Diocesan Golf
Congratulations to Year 9 boys, Jed Lyon and Tom Rutledge who travelled to the Coffs Harbour Golf Course on 22 November to compete in the 2022 Diocesan Golf competition. Feedback from the boys was that the standard of the competition was high and the course was very challenging with plenty of water combined with windy conditions. Well done boys.

Jed Lyon

Thomas Rutledge

Individual Achievement
Congratulations to Year 9 student Bodhi Smith who represented the College at Diocesan Tennis earlier this year. Outside of school he has achieved the following:
- Selected for the Davis Cup Bluewall Regional Camp to represent his region in Sydney
- Winner of the Tweed Heads Spring Series – Junior Boys Singles – Tier 1
- Runner-Up in the Tweed Heads Spring Series – Junior Boys Doubles – Tier 1
- Ballina Club Champion Junior Boys
- Selected to play in the Under 15 Boys North East Tennis Team to compete in the Queensland State Teams Event to be held in Brisbane on Saturday 10 to Wednesday 14 December 2022.
Mr Pat Kennedy & Mr Russell Asser
2023 Whole School Participation Swimming Carnival
Friday 9 December 2022
Details of the annual Xavier Catholic College Swimming Carnival are listed below.
Activity: Annual Swimming Carnival – Attendance is compulsory
Venue: Alstonville Aquatic Centre
Date: Friday 9 December 2022
Travel: ALL students will travel by bus to and from the pool
Departure: Buses depart College at 9:00am (no house cheers this year)
Return: Return to College by 3:00pm
Needs: Canteen facilities will be available to purchase recess/lunch
See below; hats and sunscreen, swimwear policy
Cost: Nil
House Spirit: Students may come to school in bold House colours/fancy dress/costumes etc. The Winning houses will be announced at the completion of the carnival.
Hats and Sunscreen: All students will be required to wear a hat and sunscreen during the day.
Events: Students will have the opportunity to swim in year group freestyle races, as well as House freestyle relays and year group novelty events.
NAGLE - Blue
McAULEY - Pink
MACKILLOP - Gold/Yellow
FABER - White

Canteen News – Term 4 2022
Mrs Denise Barnard – Canteen Supervisor
Canteen is a great opportunity to meet other parents and to be involved in your child/childrens school life
- Arrive at school by 8:45am and park on the street (or you will get locked in the bottom carpark!)
- Go to the Office to sign in and receive your Visitor Badge.
- Head over to the Canteen where you can start preparing for the day’s lunch orders.
- Volunteers receive lunch and their children receive a $5 canteen voucher.
- Finish time is approximately 1:30-2:00pm, depending how busy the day is.
- If you are unable to make your rostered day please email Denise at or phone the College beforehand on 6618 0180.
- Text message reminders are sent on Wednesdays the week before your rostered day.
Canteen Thank you
Denise, Michelle and Shar would like to send a BIG thank you to Shirley Crethar for the amazing assistance she has contributed to in the canteen over the years. Your friendship and great humour will be missed, Shirley.

Dear Parents/Guardians,
Due to short-staffing in our Canteen, there will be no lunch specials during the final two weeks of this term. Flexischools will also have a limited menu.
Thank you for your understanding!
Kind regards,
Xavier Catholic College Canteen Staff
College News
Year 7 and 8 Book Packs
The College's Book Packs for Years 7 and 8 can be purchased via the Winc Portal. Specific pack details are linked below, including the access code to complete book pack orders:
- Year 7 Book Pack (Technologies: Navy apron will be issued during class)
- Year 8 Book Pack (Technologies: White apron and cap will be issued during class)
Deadlines and delivery information.
Free Delivery: for orders placed on or before 20 December 2022;
$14.95 delivery: for orders placed after 20 December 2022.
Year 12 Graduation Formal - Saturday 12 November 2022

Library News
Exciting events continue in our Library! On Monday of Week 10 (December 12) we have two Australian authors, Annie Seaton and Fiona McArthur, giving a presentation to our Year 12 English students in the College Library. These two authors recently launched their latest books at Ballina Regional Library and their talks were educational, entertaining and inspirational. They will be presenting to our students as part of the Year 12 English unit of work, “Crafted Writing”.
It has been pleasing to see so many teachers and students this term borrowing books and using the Library space to read and relax in. And remember, books make excellent Christmas presents!
Mrs Kathleen McLennan

Community News

Creative Youth Dance Intensive
Join Sydney Dance Company for our Creative Youth Dance Intensive in January 2023!
In partnership with NORPA as part of their Summer Workshop Series, this intensive program is open to dancers aged 14–18 with some experience in dance.
Working with Sydney Dance Company's Teaching Artists, young dancers will have the opportunity to explore their own creativity through contemporary dance techniques, creative tasks and development.
Participants will experience the choreographic process and repertoire of Sydney Dance Company, culminating in an informal performance opportunity at the end of the week for family, friends and the broader community.
When: Monday 16 January – Friday 20 January 2023
Where: Southern Cross University, Lismore
Cost: Free!
Application are open: Apply Now
For more information please contact Sydney Dance Company’s Learning Manager Justine Turner at or (02) 9258 4843.
Sydney Dance Company’s Creative Youth Dance Intensive is part of the Holiday Break program supported by the Office for Regional Youth in partnership with Create NSW. This workshop is also supported by Southern Cross University

Griffin Theatre Company
‘Unlocking The Local’ Young Playwrights Workshop
Join Griffin Theatre Company for our ‘Unlocking the Local’ Young Playwrights Workshop in January 2023!
In partnership with NORPA as part of their Summer Workshop Series, this introduction to playwriting from Australia’s leading new writing theatre is open to 15 young writers in Years 10 – 12 in 2023.
Learn the basics of playwriting craft and storytelling from some of Australia’s most exciting young working writers. Workshop attendees will write a five-minute scene drawing from their own experiences as young people living regionally, and will build a dramatic landscape together to create an exciting living world.
When: Monday 9 January – Friday 13 January 2023
Where: Northern Rivers Conservatorium, Lismore
Cost: Free!
Applications are open: Apply Now
For more information please contact Griffin Theatre Company’s
Programs Producer Janine Lau at or (02) 9332 1052.
Griffin Theatre Company’s Unlocking the Local Writers Workshop is part of the Holiday Break program supported by the Office for Regional Youth in partnership with Create NSW.